


\caption{\label{tab:IPF1} The observed number of counts of the infant survival data}
\begin{tabular}{@{} llcc @{}}
& & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Survival}\\ 
Clinic & Care & No & Yes  \\
A & Less & 3& 176  \\ 
&More & 4 & 293  \\ \addlinespace
B & Less & 17 & 197 \\ 
& More & 2 & 23 \\ 


Tables \ref{marginalcountcs1} and \ref{marginalcountca1} are the marginal counts of the cliques $[CS]$ and $[CA]$ respectively.

            \caption{Marginal count of clique $[CS]$}
            \begin{tabular}{@{} lcc @{}}
                & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Survival}\\ 
                Clinic  & No & Yes  \\
                A & 7& 469  \\ 
                B & 19 & 220 \\

        \caption{Marginal count of clique $[CA]$} 
        \begin{tabular}{@{} lcc @{}}
                & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Care}\\ 
                Clinic  & Less & More \\
                A & 179 & 297  \\ 
                B & 214 & 25 \\


Now, the first step of the algorithm is setting the ML estimates to 1 for all the cells in the contingency table. This can be seen in Table \ref{tab:IPF1}.enter code here

然而,表格最终像这样分组。 在此处输入图片描述

我尝试在 \begin{table} 后使用多个字母,例如 [h]、[ht]、[b],但是这些都没有起作用。
