包 amsmath 错误:方程结构嵌套错误

包 amsmath 错误:方程结构嵌套错误

当我运行的时候pandoc periodic.md -o example.pdf --pdf-engine=xelatex --template eisvogel --listings -VCJKmainfont="Microsoft YaHei",pandoc 报错:

! Package amsmath Error: Erroneous nesting of equation structures;
(amsmath)                trying to recover with `aligned'.

See the amsmath package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.430 \end{align}

顺便说一句,我用pandoc-latex-模板--template eisvogel因此在命令中有。

-VCJKmainfont="Microsoft YaHei"这是我的 markdown 源文件。实际上,这个文档是用另一种语言编写的,这就是我执行的命令中出现的原因。为了方便理解,我将其翻译成英文。

title: "Cyclical phenomena in life"
author: [andylizf]
date: "2019.3.23"
keywords: [Markdown]

## Definition of periodicity

In general, for the function $f(x)$, if there is a non-zero constant $T$, such that for every $x$ in the domain,
f(x + T) = f(x)
For a periodic function $f(x)$, if there is a smallest positive number in all its cycles, then this smallest positive number is called the smallest positive period of $f(x)$.

## Periodic phenomena in mathematics

### Trigonometric function

According to the induction formula,
    \sin x&= \sin(x + 2\pi) \label{eq1}\\
    \cos x&= \cos(x + 2\pi) \label{eq2}\\
    \tan x&= \tan(x + \pi) \label{eq3}\\




您可能希望探索的其他环境是{multline}{multline*}将第一个方程式左对齐,将最后一个方程式右对齐,{gather}{gather*}编写连续方程式而不进行对齐,{flalign}{flalign*}{align}但右对齐“与”号后面的内容,以及{alignat}{alignat*}允许对齐几列方程式而不仅仅是 2 列。
