在 beamer 中的每个部分幻灯片中添加不同的图像

在 beamer 中的每个部分幻灯片中添加不同的图像

我在 Beamer 中使用 Metropolis 主题,需要在每个部分添加不同的图像。当然,我也想保持进度条原样。我正在使用此代码,但不幸的是,它不起作用。


\definecolor{darkmidnightblue}{rgb}{0.0, 0.2, 0.4}


    \begin{frame}{\textbf{1st frame example}} %several frames (slides) like this one
    In this lecture we will:
        \item Introduce...
        \item Define ...
        \item Explore ...

%section 1 with image 1 I also need the image to be transparent
     \section{\textcolor{darkmidnightblue}{\textbf{Measuring Inequality}}}

    \begin{frame}{\textbf{2nd frame example}} %several frames (slides) like this one
    In this lecture we will:
        \item a
        \item b
        \item c

%section 2 with image 2 I also need the image to be transparent
     \section{\textcolor{darkmidnightblue}{\textbf{Measuring Poverty}}}

  \begin{frame}{\textbf{3rd frame example}} %several frames (slides) like this one
    In this lecture we will:
        \item d
        \item e
        \item f

%section 3 with image 3 I also need the image to be transparent
     \section{\textcolor{darkmidnightblue}{\textbf{the summary}}}

    Today, we have:
        \item Introduced...
        \item Defined ...
        \item Explored ...






% graphicx and xcolor are load by beamer
\usepackage{pgfplots}% it loads tikz too

\definecolor{darkmidnightblue}{rgb}{0.0, 0.2, 0.4}


\section{\textcolor{darkmidnightblue}{\textbf{Measuring Inequality}}}

\begin{frame}{\textbf{1st frame example}} %several frames (slides) like this one
    In this lecture we will:
        \item Introduce...
        \item Define ...
        \item Explore ...

\begin{frame}{\textbf{2nd frame example}} %several frames (slides) like this one
    In this lecture we will:
        \item a
        \item b
        \item c

\section{\textcolor{darkmidnightblue}{\textbf{Measuring Poverty}}}

\begin{frame}{\textbf{3rd frame example}} %several frames (slides) like this one
    In this lecture we will:
        \item d
        \item e
        \item f

\section{\textcolor{darkmidnightblue}{\textbf{the summary}}}

    Today, we have:
        \item Introduced...
        \item Defined ...
        \item Explored ...


