

我正在使用unsrt书目样式,但我发现书目格式存在不一致。例如,以下示例生成的书目中,书名采用斜体,其余部分采用正常格式,但文章出版详情采用斜体,其余部分采用正常格式。例如,PDF 书目可能看起来像这样:

[1] 作者1,作者2,...

[2] 作者 3,作者 4,...

以下示例的文档是使用 创建的pdflatex


\graphicspath{ {images/} }

\title{Inconsistant bibliography formatting example}

\noindent Citation one \cite{Darwin2010}.
\noindent Citation two \cite{ReesChalkley2019}.




abstract = {In the future, entire genomes tailored to specific functions and environments could be designed using computational tools. However, computational tools for genome design are currently scarce. Here we present algorithms that enable the use of design-simulate-test cycles for genome design, using genome minimisation as a proof-of-concept. Minimal genomes are ideal for this purpose as they have a simple functional assay, the cell either replicates or not. We used the first (and currently only published) whole-cell model, for the bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium . Our computational design-simulate-test cycles discovered novel in-silico minimal genomes smaller than JCVI-Syn3.0 , a bacteria with, currently, the smallest genome that can be grown in pure culture. In the process, we identified 10 low essentiality genes, 18 high essentiality genes, and produced evidence for at least two Mycoplasma genitalium in-silico minimal genomes. This work brings combined computational and laboratory genome engineering a step closer.},
author = {Rees, Joshua and Chalkley, Oliver and Landon, Sophie and Purcell, Oliver and Marucci, Lucia and Grierson, Claire},
doi = {10.1101/344564},
file = {:home/oli/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Rees et al. - 2019 - Designing Minimal Genomes Using Whole-Cell Models.pdf:pdf}, 
journal = {bioRxiv},
month = {mar},
pages = {344564},
publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
title = {{Designing Minimal Genomes Using Whole-Cell Models}},
url = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/344564v3},
year = {2019}
abstract = {Title from publishers bibliographic system (viewed on 11 Apr 2014). Charles Darwin (1809–1882) first published this work in 1868 in two volumes. The book began as an expansion of the first two chapters of On the Origin of Species: 'Variation under Domestication' and 'Variation under Nature' and it developed into one of his largest works; Darwin referred to it as his 'big book'. In volume 2, concerned with how species inherit particular characteristics, Darwin first published his 'provisional hypothesis' of pangenesis. This theory of 'gemmules' was not met with much acceptance and today is not valuable as scientific explanation, but it was important in laying down the key questions that needed to be answered regarding the processes of genetic inheritance. Darwin also used volume 2 to challenge the theories of evolution by design, expounded by the botanist Asa Gray. Darwin's arguments were some of the very first in a long debate that remains hot today.},
author = {Darwin, Charles},
isbn = {1108014232},
pages = {500},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
title = {{The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication Volume 2}},
url = {https://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en{\&}lr={\&}id={\_}uON0AO7qwYC{\&}oi=fnd{\&}pg=PA1{\&}dq=Variation+of+Animals+and+Plants+under+Domestication{\&}ots=hqeZySDFfI{\&}sig=YY5rjn06wS5HccnZ8kvVEMC7bpU{\#}v=onepage{\&}q=Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication{\&}f=false},
year = {2010}

我想象 latex 是故意这样做的,因为一个是一本书,一个是一篇文章,但我的论文审查员不喜欢这种不一致,所以有没有办法使固定这个?我尝试过将文件中的@bookto改为,但它会显示不同的信息,这些信息更适合文章,而不太适合书籍。此外,如果能有更简洁、更少曼陀罗式的东西,而不是手动浏览大型文件进行大量更改,那就太好了。@article.bib.bib




如果你的导师坚持要对不同格式的书目条目类型进行比较,那么他们应该关注条目类型@article@incollection。毕竟,一期期刊包含由不同作者撰写的大量文章,而选集或会议论文集则由不同作者撰写的章节组成。而且——松了一口气——unsrt书目确实适用成对article title -- chapter title和成对的格式一致journal name -- title of anthology


我不得不说,你的顾问们不应该太关心外貌你的论文书目以及更多内容内容: 有哪些重要出版物是你不知道的?作者姓名、文章名称、期刊名称、书名等正确的,或者有错别字?

  author   = "Anne Author and Brenda Branson", 
  title    = "Thoughts",
  journal  = "Circularity Today",
  year     = 3001,
  volume   = 1,
  number   = 2, 
  pages    = "3--4",
  author   = "Carla Carlson and Daniela Daniels",
  title    = "Further Thoughts",
  year     = 3002,
  pages    = "1001--1002",
  booktitle= "Circularity Forever",

附录:为了安抚你的导师,请考虑使用elsarticle-num书目样式:像 一样unsrt,它不会按作者姓氏的字母顺序对条目进行排序。可以说,它的主要优点是它完全是品牌:没有斜体,也没有引号。换句话说,它的绝对平淡无奇保证能满足你的导师对一致性的渴望。太棒了!附言:如果你决定使用elsarticle-num而不是unsrt,请确保还使用natbib选项加载引文管理包numbers
