

我正在用 Rmarkdown 写一篇论文。我创建了一个表格,我想在表格下方放置一个注释。问题是,当我尝试这样做时,由于注释很长,它超出了表格的尺寸,导致表格无法阅读。


\caption{"Save The Euro" Factor} 
\label{tab: fig2} 
\begin{tabular}{@{\extracolsep{5pt}} cc} 
\hline \\[-1.8ex] 
 & Factor 2 \\ 
\hline \\[-1.8ex] 
$Variance Share$ (\%) & 13.7\\
OIS 1M & $-$0.030 \\ 
OIS 1Y & 0.060 \\ 
OIS 2Y & 0.065 \\ 
Germany 2Y yield & 0.048 \\ 
Germany 5Y yield & 0.079  \\ 
Germany 10Y yield  & 0.115 \\
France 2Y yield & 0.061 \\
France 5Y yield & 0.019 \\
France 10Y yield & 0.003 \\
Italy 2Y yield & $-$0.286 \\ 
Italy 5Y yield & $-$0.340 \\
Italy 10Y yield & $-$0.336 \\ 
Spain 2Y yield & $-$0.236 \\ 
Spain 5Y yield & $-$0.305 \\ 
Spain 10Y yield & $-$0.330 \\ 
STOXX50E Index & 0.348 \\ 
SX7E (Bank) Index  & 0.384  \\ 
Euro-Dollar & 0.032  \\ 
EUR-Pound & 0.018  \\ 
EUR-Yen & 0.107  \\ 
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
\footnotesize{\textit{Note}: The figure shows the estimated DFPA. The frequency has been increased to quarterly observation to improve readability. The vertical blue lines correspond to intervention in the secondary market, while the vertical light-blue line indicates the ruling of the ECJ. Above 0 indicates a *dovish* score, while below 0 a *hawkish* one.}





一种方法是使用 threeparttable



    \caption{Sample ANOVA table}
        Stubhead & \( df \) & \( f \) & \( \eta \) & \( p \) \\
                 &     \multicolumn{4}{c}{Spanning text}     \\
        Row 1    & 1        & 0.67    & 0.55       & 0.41    \\
        Row 2    & 2        & 0.02    & 0.01       & 0.39    \\
        Row 3    & 3        & 0.15    & 0.33       & 0.34    \\
        Row 4    & 4        & 1.00    & 0.76       & 0.54    \\
      \item This is where authors provide additional information about
      the data, including whatever notes are needed.


感谢@JosephWright 提供此解决方案
