

在此处输入图片描述我的 bibliography.bib 没有按字母顺序排序,我不明白为什么。我希望它按字母顺序排列,我甚至使用 IEEEtran 样式。这是我的代码,


\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em



这是我的 .bib 文件,

CTLdash_repeated_names = "no"

author = {C. J. Neil},
title = {The Lagrange Points},
journal = {National Aeronautics and Space Administration},
note = {{\url{https://wmap.gsfc.nasa.gov/mission/observatory_l2.html}} {[Hämtad: 2020-03-09]}},
year = {2012},

author = {P. Katie},
title = {How our solar system was born},
journal = {Nationalencyklopedin},
note = {{https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/how-our-solar-system-was-born.html} {[Hämtad: 2020-03-09]}},
year = {u.å},
} nuuuuu GICK DEEET

author = {{Solar System Exploration}},
title = {Vårt solsystem},
journal = {Solar System Exploration},
note = {{https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/solar-system/our-solar-system/in-depth/} {[Hämtad: 2020-03-05]}},
year = {2019},

author = {W. Flint},
title = {What is Pluto},
journal = {NASA},
note = {{https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/5-8/features/nasa-knows/what-is-pluto-58.html} {[Hämtad: 2020-03-07]}},
year = {2015},

author = {{European Space Agency}},
title = {L1, the first Lagrangian Point},
journal = {European Space Agency},
note = {{\url{https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/L1_the_first_Lagrangian_Point}} {[Hämtad: 2020-04-26]}},
year = {u.å},

author = {Wikipedia},
title = {A-type main-sequence star},
journal = {Wikipedia},
note = {{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-type_main-sequence_star}} {[Hämtad: 2020-03-10]}},
year = {2020},

author = {Wikipedia},
title = {Stellar classification},
journal = {Wikipedia},
note = {{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellar_classification}} {[Hämtad: 2020-03-19]}},
year = {2020},

title = {Fysik 2 Avståndsmätning i rymden},
date = {2015},
organization = {Youtube},
author = {S.R. Tomas},
url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpbWQbkl8_g#t=20m15s},

author = {{Universe guide}},
title = {Altair (Alpha Aquilae, 53 Aquilae) Star Facts},
journal = {Universe guide},
note = {{\url{https://www.universeguide.com/star/97649/altair}} {[Hämtad: 2020-03-17]}},
year = {2020},
