![设置 4 张相邻的桌子,每张桌子都有不同的标题,并为小组指定一个全局名称](https://linux22.com/image/413115/%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE%204%20%E5%BC%A0%E7%9B%B8%E9%82%BB%E7%9A%84%E6%A1%8C%E5%AD%90%EF%BC%8C%E6%AF%8F%E5%BC%A0%E6%A1%8C%E5%AD%90%E9%83%BD%E6%9C%89%E4%B8%8D%E5%90%8C%E7%9A%84%E6%A0%87%E9%A2%98%EF%BC%8C%E5%B9%B6%E4%B8%BA%E5%B0%8F%E7%BB%84%E6%8C%87%E5%AE%9A%E4%B8%80%E4%B8%AA%E5%85%A8%E5%B1%80%E5%90%8D%E7%A7%B0.png)
我正在尝试整理我的表格。我有 4 个表格,想将它们并排摆放,每个表格都有不同的标题,整个组都有一个名称。我尝试使用 \minipage 和 subcaption,但没有成功。我想分别为它们使用这些标题。
Maximum value of $y_{2} $
Mean value of $y_{2}$
Median value of $y_{2} $
Equilibrium value of $y_{2}$
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\usepackage{etoolbox} % To add symbol at end of examples
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{} & $S_{1}$ \\
$x_{0}$ & 0.999098 \\
$\omega_{11}$ & 0.000131 \\
$\omega_{22}$ & 0.000091 \\
$\phi_{12}$ & 0.000022 \\
$\beta_{2}$ & 0.000015 \\
${y_{1}}_{0}$ & -0.000019 \\
$\epsilon_{1}$ & -0.000075 \\
${y_{2}}_{0}$ & -0.000094 \\
$f_{1}$ & -0.000113 \\
$r$ & -0.000150 \\
$f_{2}$ & -0.000154 \\
$\beta_{1}$ & -0.000157 \\
$\epsilon_{2}$ & -0.000161 \\
$\psi_{12}$ & -0.000218 \\
$k$ & -0.000295 \\
{} & $S_{1}$ \\
$f_{2}$ & 0.032545 \\
$f_{1}$ & 0.006636 \\
$\beta_{1}$ & 0.003933 \\
$r$ & 0.000856 \\
$\beta_{2}$ & 0.000193 \\
$\omega_{22}$ & 0.000160 \\
$\psi_{12}$ & 0.000151 \\
$x_{0}$ & 0.000126 \\
$\epsilon_{1}$ & 0.000117 \\
$\omega_{11}$ & 0.000025 \\
${y_{1}}_{0}$ & -0.000004 \\
${y_{2}}_{0}$ & -0.000096 \\
$\phi_{12}$ & -0.000140 \\
$\epsilon_{2}$ & -0.000157 \\
$k$ & -0.000176 \\
{} & $S_{1}$ \\
$f_{2}$ & 0.028406 \\
$f_{1}$ & 0.006187 \\
$\beta_{1}$ & 0.003582 \\
$r$ & 0.000620 \\
$\omega_{22}$ & 0.000150 \\
$\epsilon_{1}$ & 0.000113 \\
$\psi_{12}$ & 0.000108 \\
$\beta_{2}$ & 0.000031 \\
$\omega_{11}$ & 0.000024 \\
$x_{0}$ & 0.000011 \\
${y_{1}}_{0}$ & -0.000001 \\
${y_{2}}_{0}$ & -0.000114 \\
$\phi_{12}$ & -0.000135 \\
$\epsilon_{2}$ & -0.000163 \\
$k$ & -0.000168 \\
{} & $S_{1}$ \\
$f_{2}$ & 0.007005 \\
$f_{1}$ & 0.001013 \\
$\beta_{1}$ & 0.000588 \\
$r$ & 0.000264 \\
$\psi_{12}$ & 0.000079 \\
$\omega_{11}$ & 0.000073 \\
$\epsilon_{1}$ & 0.000062 \\
$\epsilon_{2}$ & 0.000015 \\
${y_{2}}_{0}$ & 0.000009 \\
$x_{0}$ & 0.000005 \\
$\omega_{22}$ & 0.000003 \\
$k$ & -0.000021 \\
$\beta_{2}$ & -0.000063 \\
$\phi_{12}$ & -0.000086 \\
${y_{1}}_{0}$ & -0.000090 \\
{} & $S_{1}$ \\
$x_{0}$ & 0.999098 \\
$\omega_{11}$ & 0.000131 \\
$\omega_{22}$ & 0.000091 \\
$\phi_{12}$ & 0.000022 \\
$\beta_{2}$ & 0.000015 \\
${y_{1}}_{0}$ & -0.000019 \\
$\epsilon_{1}$ & -0.000075 \\
${y_{2}}_{0}$ & -0.000094 \\
$f_{1}$ & -0.000113 \\
$r$ & -0.000150 \\
$f_{2}$ & -0.000154 \\
$\beta_{1}$ & -0.000157 \\
$\epsilon_{2}$ & -0.000161 \\
$\psi_{12}$ & -0.000218 \\
$k$ & -0.000295 \\
\caption{Maximum value of $y_{2}$.}
{} & $S_{1}$ \\
$f_{2}$ & 0.032545 \\
$f_{1}$ & 0.006636 \\
$\beta_{1}$ & 0.003933 \\
$r$ & 0.000856 \\
$\beta_{2}$ & 0.000193 \\
$\omega_{22}$ & 0.000160 \\
$\psi_{12}$ & 0.000151 \\
$x_{0}$ & 0.000126 \\
$\epsilon_{1}$ & 0.000117 \\
$\omega_{11}$ & 0.000025 \\
${y_{1}}_{0}$ & -0.000004 \\
${y_{2}}_{0}$ & -0.000096 \\
$\phi_{12}$ & -0.000140 \\
$\epsilon_{2}$ & -0.000157 \\
$k$ & -0.000176 \\
\caption{Mean value of $y_{2}$.}
{} & $S_{1}$ \\
$f_{2}$ & 0.028406 \\
$f_{1}$ & 0.006187 \\
$\beta_{1}$ & 0.003582 \\
$r$ & 0.000620 \\
$\omega_{22}$ & 0.000150 \\
$\epsilon_{1}$ & 0.000113 \\
$\psi_{12}$ & 0.000108 \\
$\beta_{2}$ & 0.000031 \\
$\omega_{11}$ & 0.000024 \\
$x_{0}$ & 0.000011 \\
${y_{1}}_{0}$ & -0.000001 \\
${y_{2}}_{0}$ & -0.000114 \\
$\phi_{12}$ & -0.000135 \\
$\epsilon_{2}$ & -0.000163 \\
$k$ & -0.000168 \\
\caption{Median value of $y_{2}$.}
{} & $S_{1}$ \\
$f_{2}$ & 0.007005 \\
$f_{1}$ & 0.001013 \\
$\beta_{1}$ & 0.000588 \\
$r$ & 0.000264 \\
$\psi_{12}$ & 0.000079 \\
$\omega_{11}$ & 0.000073 \\
$\epsilon_{1}$ & 0.000062 \\
$\epsilon_{2}$ & 0.000015 \\
${y_{2}}_{0}$ & 0.000009 \\
$x_{0}$ & 0.000005 \\
$\omega_{22}$ & 0.000003 \\
$k$ & -0.000021 \\
$\beta_{2}$ & -0.000063 \\
$\phi_{12}$ & -0.000086 \\
${y_{1}}_{0}$ & -0.000090 \\
\caption{Equilibrium value of $y_{2}$.}
{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$S_{1}$} \\
$x_{0}$ & $ 0.999098$\\
$\omega_{11}$ & $ 0.000131$\\
$\omega_{22}$ & $ 0.000091$\\
$\phi_{12}$ & $ 0.000022$\\
$\beta_{2}$ & $ 0.000015$\\
${y_{1}}_{0}$ & $-0.000019$\\
$\epsilon_{1}$ & $-0.000075$\\
${y_{2}}_{0}$ & $-0.000094$\\
$f_{1}$ & $-0.000113$\\
$r$ & $-0.000150$\\
$f_{2}$ & $-0.000154$\\
$\beta_{1}$ & $-0.000157$\\
$\epsilon_{2}$ & $-0.000161$\\
$\psi_{12}$ & $-0.000218$\\
$k$ & $-0.000295$\\
\caption{Maximum value of $y_{2}$.}
{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$S_{1}$} \\
$f_{2}$ & $ 0.032545$\\
$f_{1}$ & $ 0.006636$\\
$\beta_{1}$ & $ 0.003933$\\
$r$ & $ 0.000856$\\
$\beta_{2}$ & $ 0.000193$\\
$\omega_{22}$ & $ 0.000160$\\
$\psi_{12}$ & $ 0.000151$\\
$x_{0}$ & $ 0.000126$\\
$\epsilon_{1}$ & $ 0.000117$\\
$\omega_{11}$ & $ 0.000025$\\
${y_{1}}_{0}$ & $-0.000004$\\
${y_{2}}_{0}$ & $-0.000096$\\
$\phi_{12}$ & $-0.000140$\\
$\epsilon_{2}$ & $-0.000157$\\
$k$ & $-0.000176$\\
\caption{Mean value of $y_{2}$.}
{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$S_{1}$} \\
$f_{2}$ & $ 0.028406$\\
$f_{1}$ & $ 0.006187$\\
$\beta_{1}$ & $ 0.003582$\\
$r$ & $ 0.000620$\\
$\omega_{22}$ & $ 0.000150$\\
$\epsilon_{1}$ & $ 0.000113$\\
$\psi_{12}$ & $ 0.000108$\\
$\beta_{2}$ & $ 0.000031$\\
$\omega_{11}$ & $ 0.000024$\\
$x_{0}$ & $ 0.000011$\\
${y_{1}}_{0}$ & $-0.000001$\\
${y_{2}}_{0}$ & $-0.000114$\\
$\phi_{12}$ & $-0.000135$\\
$\epsilon_{2}$ & $-0.000163$\\
$k$ & $-0.000168$\\
\caption{Median value of $y_{2}$.}
{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$S_{1}$} \\
$f_{2}$ & $ 0.007005$\\
$f_{1}$ & $ 0.001013$\\
$\beta_{1}$ & $ 0.000588$\\
$r$ & $ 0.000264$\\
$\psi_{12}$ & $ 0.000079$\\
$\omega_{11}$ & $ 0.000073$\\
$\epsilon_{1}$ & $ 0.000062$\\
$\epsilon_{2}$ & $ 0.000015$\\
${y_{2}}_{0}$ & $ 0.000009$\\
$x_{0}$ & $ 0.000005$\\
$\omega_{22}$ & $ 0.000003$\\
$k$ & $-0.000021$\\
$\beta_{2}$ & $-0.000063$\\
$\phi_{12}$ & $-0.000086$\\
${y_{1}}_{0}$ & $-0.000090$\\
\caption{Equilibrium value of $y_{2}$.}
\caption{Maximum value of $y_{2}$.}
{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$S_{1}$} \\
x_{0} & 0.999098\\
\omega_{11} & 0.000131\\
\omega_{22} & 0.000091\\
\phi_{12} & 0.000022\\
\beta_{2} & 0.000015\\
{y_{1}}_{0} & -0.000019\\
\epsilon_{1} & -0.000075\\
{y_{2}}_{0} & -0.000094\\
f_{1} & -0.000113\\
r & -0.000150\\
f_{2} & -0.000154\\
\beta_{1} & -0.000157\\
\epsilon_{2} & -0.000161\\
\psi_{12} & -0.000218\\
k & -0.000295\\
\caption{Mean value of $y_{2}$.}
{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$S_{1}$} \\
f_{2} & 0.032545\\
f_{1} & 0.006636\\
\beta_{1} & 0.003933\\
r & 0.000856\\
\beta_{2} & 0.000193\\
\omega_{22} & 0.000160\\
\psi_{12} & 0.000151\\
x_{0} & 0.000126\\
\epsilon_{1} & 0.000117\\
\omega_{11} & 0.000025\\
{y_{1}}_{0} & -0.000004\\
{y_{2}}_{0} & -0.000096\\
\phi_{12} & -0.000140\\
\epsilon_{2} & -0.000157\\
k & -0.000176\\
\caption{Median value of $y_{2}$.}
{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$S_{1}$} \\
f_{2} & 0.028406\\
f_{1} & 0.006187\\
\beta_{1} & 0.003582\\
r & 0.000620\\
\omega_{22} & 0.000150\\
\epsilon_{1} & 0.000113\\
\psi_{12} & 0.000108\\
\beta_{2} & 0.000031\\
\omega_{11} & 0.000024\\
x_{0} & 0.000011\\
{y_{1}}_{0} & -0.000001\\
{y_{2}}_{0} & -0.000114\\
\phi_{12} & -0.000135\\
\epsilon_{2} & -0.000163\\
k & -0.000168\\
\caption{Equilibrium value of $y_{2}$.}
{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$S_{1}$} \\
f_{2} & 0.007005\\
f_{1} & 0.001013\\
\beta_{1} & 0.000588\\
r & 0.000264\\
\psi_{12} & 0.000079\\
\omega_{11} & 0.000073\\
\epsilon_{1} & 0.000062\\
\epsilon_{2} & 0.000015\\
{y_{2}}_{0} & 0.000009\\
x_{0} & 0.000005\\
\omega_{22} & 0.000003\\
k & -0.000021\\
\beta_{2} & -0.000063\\
\phi_{12} & -0.000086\\
{y_{1}}_{0} & -0.000090\\