


    \caption{British Open 2012 (round 2): Hole score frequencies and estimated values for $p$, $q$ and $r$ for round 2 (N = 156, 2: two strokes needed, 3: three strokes needed, etc.).}
\begin{tabular}   {p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}}
   &   &   & \multicolumn{9}{c}{hole score} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{parameter}\\
Hole &  length & par & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & $\hat{p}$ & $\hat{q}$ & $\hat{r}$\\
 1 & 205 & 3 & 21 & 117 & 17 & 1 &   &   &      &   &   &        .076 & .049 & -.005 \\
 2 & 481 & 4 & 1 & 20 & 104 & 30 & 1 &   &     &   &   &        .065 & .074 & -.021 \\
 3 & 478 & 4 &   & 11 & 79 & 51 & 14 & 1 &     &   &   &        .072 & .168 & -.062 \\
 4 & 392 & 4 &   & 18 & 115 & 20 & 2 & 1 &     &   &   &        .044 & .044 & .001 \\
 5 & 219 & 3 & 22 & 114 & 18 & 2 &   &   &     &   &   &        .078 & .053 & -.001 \\






    \caption{British Open 2012 (round 2): Hole score frequencies and estimated values for $p$, $q$ and $r$ for round 2 (N = 156, 2: two strokes needed, 3: three strokes needed, etc.).}
\begin{tabular}{lS[table-format=3] c *{9}{S[table-format=3]} *{3}{S[table-format=-.3]}}
   &   &   & \multicolumn{9}{c}{hole score} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{parameter}\\
\cmidrule(r){4-12} \cmidrule(l){13-15}
{Hole} &  {length} & {par} & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & {$\hat{p}$} & {$\hat{q}$} & {$\hat{r}$}\\
 1 & 205 & 3 & 21 & 117 & 17 & 1 &   &   &      &   &   &        .076 & .049 & -.005 \\
 2 & 481 & 4 & 1 & 20 & 104 & 30 & 1 &   &     &   &   &        .065 & .074 & -.021 \\
 3 & 478 & 4 &   & 11 & 79 & 51 & 14 & 1 &     &   &   &        .072 & .168 & -.062 \\
 4 & 392 & 4 &   & 18 & 115 & 20 & 2 & 1 &     &   &   &        .044 & .044 & .001 \\
 5 & 219 & 3 & 22 & 114 & 18 & 2 &   &   &     &   &   &        .078 & .053 & -.001 \\

    \caption{British Open 2012 (round 2): Hole score frequencies and estimated values for $p$, $q$ and $r$ for round 2 (N = 156, 2: two strokes needed, 3: three strokes needed, etc.).}
   &   &   & \multicolumn{9}{c}{hole score} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{parameter}\\
\cmidrule(r){4-12} \cmidrule(l){13-15}
{Hole} &  {length} & {par} & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & \hat{p} & \hat{q} & \hat{r}\\
 1 & 205 & 3 & 21 & 117 & 17 & 1 &   &   &      &   &   &        .076 & .049 & -.005 \\
 2 & 481 & 4 & 1 & 20 & 104 & 30 & 1 &   &     &   &   &        .065 & .074 & -.021 \\
 3 & 478 & 4 &   & 11 & 79 & 51 & 14 & 1 &     &   &   &        .072 & .168 & -.062 \\
 4 & 392 & 4 &   & 18 & 115 & 20 & 2 & 1 &     &   &   &        .044 & .044 & .001 \\
 5 & 219 & 3 & 22 & 114 & 18 & 2 &   &   &     &   &   &        .078 & .053 & -.001 \\


修改了几项内容后——scriptsize 因为表格太宽——captio 被删除了,表格标签必须通过修改宏来制作成 scriptsize——Hole 缩写为 Ho 和 length 缩写为 lth——可以根据 OP 的喜好再次更改——captio 可以作为一行放在表格的上面或下面



    { Table1: British Open 2012 (round 2): Hole score frequencies and estimated values for $p$, $q$ and $r$ for round 2 (N = 156, 2: two strokes needed, 3: three strokes needed, etc.).}
\begin{tabular}   {RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR}
%   {p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}}
   &   &   & \multicolumn{9}{c}{hole score} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{parameter}\\
Ho &  lth & par & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & $\hat{p}$ & $\hat{q}$ & $\hat{r}$\\
 1 & 205 & 3 & 21 & 117 & 17 & 1 &   &   &      &   &   &        .076 & .049 & -.005 \\
 2 & 481 & 4 & 1 & 20 & 104 & 30 & 1 &   &     &   &   &        .065 & .074 & -.021 \\
 3 & 478 & 4 &   & 11 & 79 & 51 & 14 & 1 &     &   &   &        .072 & .168 & -.062 \\
 4 & 392 & 4 &   & 18 & 115 & 20 & 2 & 1 &     &   &   &        .044 & .044 & .001 \\
 5 & 219 & 3 & 22 & 114 & 18 & 2 &   &   &     &   &   &        .078 & .053 & -.001 \\



%    { Table1: British Open 2012 (round 2): Hole score frequencies and estimated values for $p$, $q$ and $r$ for round 2 (N = 156, 2: two strokes needed, 3: three strokes needed, etc.).}
\begin{tabular}   {RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR}
%   {p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}p{0.8cm}}
   &   &   & \multicolumn{9}{c}{hole score} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{parameter}\\
Ho &  lth & par & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & $\hat{p}$ & $\hat{q}$ & $\hat{r}$\\
 1 & 205 & 3 & 21 & 117 & 17 & 1 &   &   &      &   &   &        .076 & .049 & -.005 \\
 2 & 481 & 4 & 1 & 20 & 104 & 30 & 1 &   &     &   &   &        .065 & .074 & -.021 \\
 3 & 478 & 4 &   & 11 & 79 & 51 & 14 & 1 &     &   &   &        .072 & .168 & -.062 \\
 4 & 392 & 4 &   & 18 & 115 & 20 & 2 & 1 &     &   &   &        .044 & .044 & .001 \\
 5 & 219 & 3 & 22 & 114 & 18 & 2 &   &   &     &   &   &        .078 & .053 & -.001 \\ \hline
 \multicolumn{16}{l}{Table1: British Open 2012 (round 2): Hole score frequencies and estimated}\\
 \multicolumn{16}{l}{ values for $p$, $q$ and $r$ for round 2 (N = 156, 2: two strokes needed, }\\
 \multicolumn{16}{l}{3: three strokes needed, etc.).}
