如何调整单个 \captionof 标题的字体大小?

如何调整单个 \captionof 标题的字体大小?





这是我最近做的一个例子。其中 \usepackage{caption}包括一个命令\captionof,用于将标题添加到非浮点数中;例如:\captionsetup{font=footnotesize}允许您设置整个标题的大小,包括标题文本前面的“图 1”文本。

    % Includes a command \captionof for putting a caption to something that?s not a float; for example: minipage
\usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{color}
    % Let's you override the placement of figures and lets you specify if you want to figure in a particular place.







    \begin{tcolorbox}[every float=\centering, drop shadow, title={\strut \bf Historical Note: Gauss as a Student}]
        {There is a great story of Gauss as a student.  When he was in elementary school in the late 1700s, he was a bit of a troublemaker.  As a punishment one day, his teacher asked him to add all the integers from 1 to 100 before he could join his friends outside to play.  Gauss amazed his teacher by how fast he calculated the number: 5050.  While he may not have used the formula in Eqn.(), he did a calculation that was similar to what we saw in Method 2.  He knew that you could write the sequence 1 .. 100 and also 100 .. 1.  Adding the numbers pairwise, you always got 101.  The total would be one half of the sums of these sequences.  So $101 \times 100 / 2 = 5050$.}
            \captionof{figure}{Portrait of Carl Friedrich Gauss (1792 - 1870) taken in 1840. {\it Source: Wikipedia}}


