我在文档中找到的唯一相关选项是descriptive items y sep
uniform color list=blue!10 for all items,
% descriptive items y sep=2.5 -> only a factor, no absolute value :(
\smartdiagram[priority descriptive diagram]{
\textbf{Small node},
\textbf{Small node},
\textbf{Big node}\\Here\\are\\multiple\\lines,
\textbf{Small node}
是的,看起来这些节点的 y 坐标只是设置为某个给定长度的倍数,因此没有设置可以自动执行此操作。不过,手动创建类似的图表并不是一项艰巨的工作。在下面的代码中,我重用了 中的一些样式smartdiagram
\usetikzlibrary{chains, backgrounds}
% \col is used in the description style so needs to be defined
% when naming the chain "c", the nodes in the chain are named c-1, c-2 etc.
start chain=c going above,
% set distance between nodes
node distance=2mm,
local bounding box=a
\foreach \t in {
\textbf{Small node},
\textbf{Small node},
\textbf{Big node}\\Here\\are\\multiple\\lines,
\textbf{Small node}}
\node [description, drop shadow, on chain, align=center] {\t};
% \distancemodules is used in the priority arrow style, so needs to be defined
% sets length of big arrow
% draw big arrow on side
\node [priority arrow, left=7mm, anchor=before tail] (f) at (a.south west) {};
% draw ticks on big arrow
\foreach \i in {1,...,4}
\draw [\col, line width=5pt] (c-\i -| f.south) -- (c-\i -| f.north);