表格中 \chemfig 定位的控制

表格中 \chemfig 定位的控制




% chemfigdo

% chemfiginput
\CatchFileDef{\chemfiginputtemp}{#2}{\csname CF_sanitizecatcode\endcsname}%

% create new command for tikzpicture call
inner sep=0pt,%
outer sep=0pt,%
baseline=(current bounding box.center)]%
atom style={scale=\chemfigscale},%
atom sep=\chemfigatomsep,%
chemfig style={color=\chemfigcolor,line width=\chemfiglinewidth}%

% define the atom sep

% define the line width

% define the scale

% define the color

% define separation length


           H% 2
     -[:270]C% 1
        -[:200]H% 4
         <[:310]H% 5
    <:[:350]H% 3

           F% 1
     -[:90]S% 2
        <[:337.5]F% 3
        <[:202.5]F% 4
         <:[:22.5]F% 5
         -[:90]F% 7
    <:[:157.5]F% 6

F% 2
    -[:300]C% 1
        -[:240]F% 3
        -[:180]F% 4
          -S% 5
        <[:240]F% 6
        <[:120]F% 7
        <:[:300]F% 8
              -F% 10
     <:[:60]F% 9

\textbf{Compound name} & \textbf{Structure} \\%
Methane & \callchemfigsymbol{methane_pseudo_3D_stereo.tex} \\%
Sulfurhexafluoride & \callchemfigsymbol{sulfurhexafluoride_pseudo_3D_stereo.tex} \\%
Trifluoromethyl-sulfurpentafluoride & \callchemfigsymbol{trifluoromethylsulfurpentafluoride_pseudo_3D_stereo.tex} \\%



首先,额外的空间主要来自于\\中使用的额外空间tabular和 设置的较大值\defaultaddspace,其用法与\\[\defaultaddspace]中一样tabular

其次,\chemfiginput已经创建了一个tikzpicture环境,不建议(通常也不支持)嵌套tikzpicture。您可以将所需的tikzpicture环境选项传递给chemfig style={...}


  • 额外的\\被删除,并\defaultaddspace设置为适当的值,并且
  • 嵌套tikzpicture被删除(在 的定义中\callchemfigsymbol

% chemfigdo

% chemfiginput
\CatchFileDef{\chemfiginputtemp}{#2}{\csname CF_sanitizecatcode\endcsname}%

% create new command for tikzpicture call
      atom style={scale=\chemfigscale},
      atom sep=\chemfigatomsep,
      chemfig style={
        baseline=(current bounding box.center),
        line width=\chemfiglinewidth

% define the atom sep

% define the line width

% define the scale

% define the color

% define separation length


           H% 2
     -[:270]C% 1
        -[:200]H% 4
         <[:310]H% 5
    <:[:350]H% 3

           F% 1
     -[:90]S% 2
        <[:337.5]F% 3
        <[:202.5]F% 4
         <:[:22.5]F% 5
         -[:90]F% 7
    <:[:157.5]F% 6

F% 2
    -[:300]C% 1
        -[:240]F% 3
        -[:180]F% 4
          -S% 5
        <[:240]F% 6
        <[:120]F% 7
        <:[:300]F% 8
              -F% 10
     <:[:60]F% 9

  \textbf{Compound name} & \textbf{Structure} \\
  Methane & \callchemfigsymbol{methane_pseudo_3D_stereo.tex} \\[\defaultaddspace]
  Sulfurhexafluoride & \callchemfigsymbol{sulfurhexafluoride_pseudo_3D_stereo.tex} \\[\defaultaddspace]
  Trifluoromethyl-sulfurpentafluoride & \callchemfigsymbol{trifluoromethylsulfurpentafluoride_pseudo_3D_stereo.tex} \\[\defaultaddspace]




将每个都对齐\chemfiginput到其中心还不够好。默认情况下,chemfig使用第一个原子的碱基作为整个分子的碱基。由于 OP 的分子代码是某个程序的输出,可能很难控制哪个原子是第一个,因此可以@{<node name>}在任何原子之前使用并使用chemfig style={baseline=(<node name>.base)}标记原子的碱基作为整个分子的碱基。

此外,在下面的增强示例中,提供了一个新tikz选项enlarge bounding box by,以禁止\\[\defaultaddspace]并提供更一致的垂直空间。

这对于垂直对齐和垂直空间来说都更好,不是吗? 在此处输入图片描述


% chemfigdo

% chemfiginput
  \CatchFileDef{\chemfiginputtemp}{#2}{\csname CF_sanitizecatcode\endcsname}%

  % #1 = left, #2 = lower, #3 = right, #4 = upper
  enlarge bounding box by/.style n args={4}{
    execute at end picture={
      \path ([shift={(-#1, -#2)}]current bounding box.south west) --
            ([shift={(#3, #4)}]current bounding box.north east);

% create new command for tikzpicture call
\newcommand\callchemfigsymbol[2][current bounding box.center]{%
      atom style={scale=\chemfigscale},
      atom sep=\chemfigatomsep,
      chemfig style={
        enlarge bounding box by={0pt}{3pt}{0pt}{3pt},
        line width=\chemfiglinewidth

% define the atom sep

% define the line width

% define the scale

% define the color

% define separation length


           H% 2
     -[:270]@{base}C% 1
        -[:200]H% 4
         <[:310]H% 5
    <:[:350]H% 3

           F% 1
     -[:90]@{base}S% 2
        <[:337.5]F% 3
        <[:202.5]F% 4
         <:[:22.5]F% 5
         -[:90]F% 7
    <:[:157.5]F% 6

F% 2
    -[:300]C% 1
        -[:240]F% 3
        -[:180]@{base}F% 4
          -S% 5
        <[:240]F% 6
        <[:120]F% 7
        <:[:300]F% 8
              -F% 10
     <:[:60]F% 9

  \textbf{Compound name} & \textbf{Structure} \\
  Methane & \callchemfigsymbol[base.base]{methane_pseudo_3D_stereo.tex} \\
  Sulfurhexafluoride & \callchemfigsymbol[base.base]{sulfurhexafluoride_pseudo_3D_stereo.tex} \\
  Trifluoromethyl-sulfurpentafluoride & \callchemfigsymbol[base.base]{trifluoromethylsulfurpentafluoride_pseudo_3D_stereo.tex} \\



主要变化: - 新tikz选项enlarge bounding box by -\defaultaddspace用于指定每个周围的额外垂直空间\callchemfigsymbol - 使用\\而不是\\[\defaultaddspace]内部tabular


  % #1 = left, #2 = lower, #3 = right, #4 = upper
  enlarge bounding box by/.style n args={4}{
    execute at end picture={
      \path ([shift={(-#1, -#2)}]current bounding box.south west) --
            ([shift={(#3, #4)}]current bounding box.north east);

% chemfigdo

% chemfiginput
  \CatchFileDef{\chemfiginputtemp}{#2}{\csname CF_sanitizecatcode\endcsname}%

% create new command for tikzpicture call
      atom style={scale=\chemfigscale},
      atom sep=\chemfigatomsep,
      chemfig style={
        enlarge bounding box by={0pt}{\defaultaddspace}{0pt}{\defaultaddspace},
        baseline=(current bounding box.center),
        line width=\chemfiglinewidth

% define the atom sep

% define the line width

% define the scale

% define the color

% define separation length


%% To save space, three filecontents environments are ignored

  \textbf{Compound name} & \textbf{Structure} \\
  Methane & \callchemfigsymbol{methane_pseudo_3D_stereo.tex} \\
  Sulfurhexafluoride & \callchemfigsymbol{sulfurhexafluoride_pseudo_3D_stereo.tex} \\
  Trifluoromethyl-sulfurpentafluoride & \callchemfigsymbol{trifluoromethylsulfurpentafluoride_pseudo_3D_stereo.tex} \\




自 LaTeX2e 版本 2019-10-01 起,包的实用程序filecontents已合并到 LaTeX2e 格式中,因此无需加载filecontents包。
