



我的长表下部与表格下方的内容重叠。第二个问题是标题没有放在中间。我使用了长表包,表格有 6 页长在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述


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        Currently, JPEG and JPEG2000 [28] are the international
       standards for image compression, and h. 265/HEVC [29]
        is the latest video compression standards, which can also
       implement the intra-frame coding as image compression.
      JPEG is the earliest proposed image compression standard
        based on discrete cosine transform (DCT) [30]. After the
        image is decomposed by DCT, the high-frequency coefficients are 
          dramatically quantized and compressed to realize
    data compression. However, each coefficient after DCT is
     related to all the pixels of the whole image; thus, it requires a
        large amount of computation. Therefore, block segmentation
      is carried out before implementing the subsequent compression, which leads 
       to some block artifacts [31] under low bit
            rate. Compared with JPEG, JPEG2000 is based on DWT.
        Because the length of the base function of the DWT is variable, the 
     coefficients after DWT only reflect some local features of the input image, 
      showing good local characteristics.
       Currently, JPEG and JPEG2000 [28] are the international
        standards for image compression, and h. 265/HEVC [29]
     is the latest video compression standards, which can also
    implement the intra-frame coding as image compression.
       JPEG is the earliest proposed image compression standard
        based on discrete cosine transform (DCT) [30]. After the
     image is decomposed by DCT, the high-frequency coefficients are dramatically 
       quantized and compressed to realize
       data compression. However, each coefficient after DCT is
        related to all the pixels of the whole image; thus, it requires a
     large amount of computation. Therefore, block segmentation
      is carried out before implementing the subsequent compression, which leads 
       to some block artifacts [31] under low bit
       rate. Compared with JPEG, JPEG2000 is based on DWT.
           Because the length of the base function of the DWT is variable, the 
       coefficients after DWT only reflect some local features of the input 
         image, showing good local characteristics


          & \thead{\textbf{ABC}}     
            & \thead{\textbf{ABCD}} 

            % &  \thead{\specialcell{\textbf{Loss}} \\\ 
          & \thead{\specialcell{\textbf{ABCD} \\\ \specialcell{\textbf{ABCD}}} }   
        & \thead{\specialcell{\textbf{ABCD} \\\ \& \specialcell{\textbf{ABCD}}} }  
           & \thead{\textbf{ABCD}}     \\
           % \textbf{First entryFirst entry} & \textbf{Second entryFirst entry} & 
        \textbf{Third entryFirst entry} & \textbf{Fourth entryFirst entry} \\
           {\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continued from previous page}} \\
       & \thead{\textbf{DNN}}     
      & \thead{\textbf{Train/Test}} 

        % &  \thead{\specialcell{\textbf{Loss}} \\\ 
             & \thead{\specialcell{\textbf{Performance} \\\ 
        \specialcell{\textbf{Measures}}} }   
        & \thead{\specialcell{\textbf{Complexity} \\\ \& 
          \specialcell{\textbf{Runtime}}} }  
           & \thead{\textbf{Critical Findings/Remarks}}     \\
          % \textbf{First entry} & \textbf{Second entry} & \textbf{Third entry} & 
           \textbf{Fourth entry} \\
           \multicolumn{6}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}} \\

        \textbf{vvvv}  2016 & A  & a & a &  
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         \item a
            \item a
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      \item a
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              \item a
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           \item a
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         \item a
           \item a
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         \textbf{vvvv}  2016 & A  & a & a &  
               \item a
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        \item a
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    Currently, JPEG and JPEG2000 [28] are the international
                        standards for image compression, and h. 265/HEVC [29]
      is the latest video compression standards, which can also
   implement the intra-frame coding as image compression.
     JPEG is the earliest proposed image compression standard
         based on discrete cosine transform (DCT) [30]. After the
       image is decomposed by DCT, the high-frequency coefficients are 
        dramatically quantized and compressed to realize
          data compression. However, each coefficient after DCT is
        related to all the pixels of the whole image; thus, it requires a
      large amount of computation. Therefore, block segmentation
      is carried out before implementing the subsequent compression, which leads 
            to some block artifacts [31] under low bit
     rate. Compared with JPEG, JPEG2000 is based on DWT.
    Because the length of the base function of the DWT is variable, the 
         coefficients after DWT only reflect some local features of the input 
    image, showing good local characteristics.
      Currently, JPEG and JPEG2000 [28] are the international
      standards for image compression, and h. 265/HEVC [29]
      is the latest video compression standards, which can also
      implement the intra-frame coding as image compression.
     JPEG is the earliest proposed image compression standard
         based on discrete cosine transform (DCT) [30]. After the
        image is decomposed by DCT, the high-frequency coefficients are 
     dramatically quantized and compressed to realize
         data compression. However, each coefficient after DCT is
         related to all the pixels of the whole image; thus, it requires a
      large amount of computation. Therefore, block segmentation
       is carried out before implementing the subsequent compression, which leads 
         to some block artifacts [31] under low bit
      rate. Compared with JPEG, JPEG2000 is based on DWT.
       Because the length of the base function of the DWT is variable, the 
         coefficients after DWT only reflect some local features of the input image, 
            showing good local characteristics.



你的 MWE 非常不清楚,所以只是一个基于我的答案@leandriis 的评论中提到,您可以执行以下操作:

  • 手动将表格拆分为两部分。第一部分必须有[b]放置选项,第二部分[t]。它们之间不能有任何空格。此操作利用`
  • 将表格插入到靠近页面开始的位置,以便表格的第一部分在页面上有足够的空间,或者使表格的第一部分足够小以便出现在插入的同一页面上。
  • 使用tabularx表格
  • 对于表格内的列表,可以itemize通过以下方式设置etoolbox
\usepackage{etoolbox}                       %
                 before=\begin{minipage}[t]{\linewidth}, % <---
                 after=\end{minipage}                    % <---
                 }  }
  • 对于规则,使用包中定义的规则booktabs并删除所有垂直线


\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
            export]{adjustbox} % it load graphicx too
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Currently, JPEG and JPEG2000 [28] are the international standards for image compression, and h. 265/HEVC [29] is the latest video compression standards, which can also implement the intra-frame coding as image compression. JPEG is the earliest proposed image compression standard based on discrete cosine transform (DCT) [30]. After the image is decomposed by DCT, the high-frequency coefficients are dramatically quantized and compressed to realize data compression. However, each coefficient after DCT is related to all the pixels of the whole image; thus, it requires a large amount of computation. Therefore, block segmentation is carried out before implementing the subsequent compression, which leads to some block artifacts [31] under low bit rate. Compared with JPEG, JPEG2000 is based on DWT. Because the length of the base function of the DWT is variable, the coefficients after DWT only reflect some local features of the input image, showing good local characteristics.
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} p{1cm} l p{1.5cm} p{3cm} p{2cm} X @{}}
    & \thead{ABC}
    & \thead{ABCD}
    & \thead{Function}
    & \thead{ABCD}
    & \thead{Critical Findings/Remarks}                     \\
    & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\thead{Third entry First entry}}
    & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\thead{Fourth entry First entry}} \\
%%%% table body
\textbf{vvvv}  2016 
    & B & C & D &   \begin{itemize}
                \item a
                \item a
                    &   \begin{itemize}
                    \item a
                    \item a
                    \item a
                        \end{itemize}   \\
%    \hline
\textbf{vvvv}  2016
    & B & C & D &   \begin{itemize}
                \item a
                \item a
                    &   \begin{itemize}
                    \item a
                    \item a
                    \item a
                        \end{itemize}   \\
%    \hline
\textbf{vvvv}  2016
    & B & C & D &   \begin{itemize}
                \item a
                \item a
                    &   \begin{itemize}
                    \item a
                    \item a
                    \item a
                        \end{itemize}   \\
\textbf{vvvv}  2016
    & B & C & D &   \begin{itemize}
                \item a
                \item a
                    &   \begin{itemize}
                    \item a
                    \item a
                    \item a
                        \end{itemize}   \\
\textbf{vvvv}  2016
    & B & C & D &   \begin{itemize}
                \item a
                \item a
                    &   \begin{itemize}
                    \item a
                    \item a
                    \item a
                        \end{itemize}   \\
\textbf{vvvv}  2016
    & B & C & D &   \begin{itemize}
                \item a
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                    &   \begin{itemize}
                    \item a
                    \item a
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                        \end{itemize}   \\
\textbf{vvvv}  2016
    & B & C & D &   \begin{itemize}
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                    &   \begin{itemize}
                    \item a
                    \item a
                    \item a
                        \end{itemize}   \\
\textbf{vvvv}  2016
    & B & C & D &   \begin{itemize}
                \item a
                \item a
                    &   \begin{itemize}
                    \item a
                    \item a
                    \item a
                        \end{itemize}   \\
\textbf{vvvv}  2016
    & B & C & D &   \begin{itemize}
                \item a
                \item a
                    &   \begin{itemize}
                    \item a
                    \item a
                    \item a
                        \end{itemize}   \\
\multicolumn{6}{r}{\textit{Continued on the next page}} \\
\caption[]{-- \textit{Continued from previous page}}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} p{1cm} l p{1.5cm} p{3cm} p{2cm} X @{}}
    & \thead{ABC}
    & \thead{ABCD}
    & \thead{Function}
    & \thead{ABCD}
    & \thead{Critical Findings/Remarks}                     \\
    & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\thead{Third entry First entry}}
    & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\thead{Fourth entry First entry}} \\
%%%% table body
\textbf{vvvv}  2016
    & B & C & D &   \begin{itemize}
                \item a
                \item a
                    &   \begin{itemize}
                    \item a
                    \item a
                    \item a
                        \end{itemize}   \\

% this paragraph are moved after table that the first part of table has enough space page where it is inserted
Currently, JPEG and JPEG2000 [28] are the international standards for image compression, and h. 265/HEVC [29] is the latest video compression standards, which can also implement the intra-frame coding as image compression. JPEG is the earliest proposed image compression standard based on discrete cosine transform (DCT) [30]. After the image is decomposed by DCT, the high-frequency coefficients are dramatically quantized and compressed to realize data compression. However, each coefficient after DCT is related to all the pixels of the whole image; thus, it requires a large amount of computation. Therefore, block segmentation is carried out before implementing the subsequent compression, which leads to some block artifacts [31] under low bit rate. Compared with JPEG, JPEG2000 is based on DWT. Because the length of the base function of the DWT is variable, the coefficients after DWT only reflect some local features of the input image, showing good local characteristics.

Currently, JPEG and JPEG2000 [28] are the international standards for image compression, and h. 265/HEVC [29] is the latest video compression standards, which can also implement the intra-frame coding as image compression. JPEG is the earliest proposed image compression standard based on discrete cosine transform (DCT) [30]. After the image is decomposed by DCT, the high-frequency coefficients are dramatically quantized and compressed to realize data compression. However, each coefficient after DCT is related to all the pixels of the whole image; thus, it requires a large amount of computation. Therefore, block segmentation is carried out before implementing the subsequent compression, which leads to some block artifacts [31] under low bit rate. Compared with JPEG, JPEG2000 is based on DWT. Because the length of the base function of the DWT is variable, the coefficients after DWT only reflect some local features of the input image, showing good local characteristics.

Currently, JPEG and JPEG2000 [28] are the international standards for image compression, and h. 265/HEVC [29] is the latest video compression standards, which can also implement the intra-frame coding as image compression. JPEG is the earliest proposed image compression standard based on discrete cosine transform (DCT) [30]. After the image is decomposed by DCT, the high-frequency coefficients are dramatically quantized and compressed to realize data compression. However, each coefficient after DCT is related to all the pixels of the whole image; thus, it requires a large amount of computation. Therefore, block segmentation is carried out before implementing the subsequent compression, which leads to some block artifacts [31] under low bit rate. Compared with JPEG, JPEG2000 is based on DWT. Because the length of the base function of the DWT is variable, the coefficients after DWT only reflect some local features of the input image, showing good local characteristics.



