1) 目前,这些标签相对于节点中心固定,但我想考虑每个节点标签的宽度。如果您看到我的示例,则对于带有较短(1 个字母)标签的节点,输出是可以的,但对于较长的标签,输出会变得更丑。例如忘记,我希望它们位于单词的边缘,而不是节点中心。我想修改 index 和 outdex 的定义,但我不知道如何引用节点标签的宽度。
当然,我可以手动更改这棵树的放置位置,但我需要将它们作为 Python 脚本的输出生成,所以我试图想出一个固定的解决方案。我想到的一个替代方案是生成这些注释而不是^\Index\Label_\Outdex
单独的节点,但这样我就无法在 outindex 周围放置框。
2) 其他事情应该非常简单,但不知何故我还是搞不懂。我想更改一些节点周围的框,使它们小一点,不与主节点标签重叠。我尝试更改宽度和内部分隔符(例如\tikzset{boxed/.style = {draw, minimum size=0em, inner sep=.05em}}
% load tikz and forest with more visible arrows
% define annotations <- THESE ARE THE THINGS I AM TRYING TO FIX
\tikzset{annotation/.style = {font=\footnotesize}}
\tikzset{index/.style = {annotation, anchor= south east}}
\tikzset{outdex/.style = {annotation, anchor= north west}}
\tikzset{boxed/.style = {draw}}
\tikzset{empty/.style = {}}
\tikzset{non-final/.style = {opacity=70}}
% Tree %
[$v$P, name=t1222121
[DP, name=subj
[the, name=t122212111]
[lawyer, name=t122212112]
[$v$', name=t12221212
[$v2$, name=t122212121]
[VP, name=t122212122
[forgets, name=t1222121221]
[DP, name=t1222121222
[his, name=t12221212221]
[briefcase, name=t12221212222]
% Annotations %
\node[index] at (t1222121) {18};
\node[outdex] at (t1222121) {19};
\node[index] at (subj) {19};
\node[outdex] at (subj) {20};
\node[index] at (t122212111) {20};
\node[outdex] at (t122212111) {21};
\node[index] at (t122212112) {20};
\node[outdex] at (t122212112) {22};
\node[index] at (t12221212) {19};
\node[outdex, boxed] at (t12221212) {24};
\node[index] at (t122212121) {24};
\node[outdex] at (t122212121) {25};
\node[index] at (t122212122) {24};
\node[outdex] at (t122212122) {26};
\node[index] at (t1222121221) {26};
\node[outdex] at (t1222121221) {27};
\node[index] at (t1222121222) {26};
\node[outdex] at (t1222121222) {28};
\node[index] at (t12221212221) {28};
\node[outdex] at (t12221212221) {29};
\node[index] at (t12221212222) {28};
\node[outdex] at (t12221212222) {30};
如果你改变节点的定位锚点,稍微调整一下inner sep
和outer sep
% load tikz and forest with more visible arrows
% define annotations <- THESE ARE THE THINGS I AM TRYING TO FIX
\tikzset{annotation/.style = {font=\footnotesize,inner sep=0.5pt,outer sep=-2pt}}
\tikzset{index/.style = {annotation, anchor= south}}
\tikzset{outdex/.style = {annotation, anchor= north}}
\tikzset{boxed/.style = {draw}}
\tikzset{empty/.style = {}}
\tikzset{non-final/.style = {opacity=70}}
% Tree %
for tree={where level=0{l sep+=2.5em}{l sep+=0.5em}},
[$v$P, name=t1222121
[DP, name=subj
[the, name=t122212111]
[lawyer, name=t122212112]
[$v$', name=t12221212
[$v2$, name=t122212121]
[VP, name=t122212122
[forgets, name=t1222121221]
[DP, name=t1222121222
[his, name=t12221212221]
[briefcase, name=t12221212222]
% Annotations %
\node[index] at (t1222121.north west) {18};
\node[outdex] at (t1222121.south east) {19};
\node[index] at (subj.north west) {19};
\node[outdex] at (subj.south east) {20};
\node[index] at (t122212111.north west) {20};
\node[outdex] at (t122212111.south east) {21};
\node[index] at (t122212112.north west) {20};
\node[outdex] at (t122212112.south east) {22};
\node[index] at (t12221212.north west) {19};
\node[outdex, boxed] at (t12221212.south east) {24};
\node[index] at (t122212121.north west) {24};
\node[outdex] at (t122212121.south east) {25};
\node[index] at (t122212122.north west) {24};
\node[outdex] at (t122212122.south east) {26};
\node[index] at (t1222121221.north west) {26};
\node[outdex] at (t1222121221.south east) {27};
\node[index] at (t1222121222.north west) {26};
\node[outdex] at (t1222121222.south east) {28};
\node[index] at (t12221212221.north west) {28};
\node[outdex] at (t12221212221.south east) {29};
\node[index] at (t12221212222.north west) {28};
\node[outdex] at (t12221212222.south east) {30};