减少 LaTeX 论文中两个连续表格之间的间距

减少 LaTeX 论文中两个连续表格之间的间距


        \caption{Quantifying the requirement-to-class rtm\textsubscript{c} input traces}
            \hline   \textbf{System}
            & \textbf{T\textsubscript{c}(\#)} & \textbf{N\textsubscript{c}(\#)} &
            \textbf{Total} & \textbf{T\textsubscript{c}(\%)} &
            \textbf{N\textsubscript{c}(\%)} & \textbf{U\textsubscript{c}(\%)}  \\ \hline
            \textbf{Chess} & 131 & 253 & 448 & \textbf{832} & 15.75 & 30.41 & 53.85 \\ \hline
            \textbf{Gantt} & 93 & 2483 & 9412 & \textbf{11988} & 0.78 & 20.71 & 78.51 \\
            \textbf{iTrust} & 181 & 2743 & 21488 & \textbf{24412} & 0.74 & 11.24 & 88.02 \\
            \textbf{JHotD.} & 98 & 1490 & 12335 & \textbf{13923} & 0.70 & 10.70 & 88.59 \\
        \caption{Quantifying the requirement-to-method rtm\textsubscript{m} Input Gold Standard}
            \hline   \textbf{System}
            & \textbf{T\textsubscript{m}(\#)} & \textbf{N\textsubscript{m}(\#)} &
            \textbf{Total} & \textbf{T\textsubscript{m}(\%)} &
            \textbf{N\textsubscript{m}(\%)} & \textbf{U\textsubscript{m}(\%)}  \\ \hline
            \textbf{Chess} & 563 & 2389 & 3064 & \textbf{6016} & 9.36 & 39.71 & 50.93 \\ \hline
            \textbf{Gantt} & 343 & 23166 & 66725 & \textbf{90234} & 0.38 & 25.67 & 73.95 \\
            \textbf{iTrust} & 307 & 7173 & 159562 & \textbf{167042} & 0.18 & 4.30 & 95.52 \\
            \textbf{JHotD.} & 439 & 12219 & 124262 & \textbf{136920} & 0.32 & 8.92 & 90.76 \\




只需使用一个table环境,其中包含 2 个tabular环境和 2\caption和 2 个\label语句。根据您的个人喜好,使用\bigskip\bigskip\bigskip在表格之间插入一些垂直空白。

    \caption{Quantifying the requirement-to-class rtm\textsubscript{c} input traces}
    % body of first tabular env.

    \bigskip % or \bigskip\bigskip

    \caption{Quantifying the requirement-to-method rtm\textsubscript{m} Input Gold Standard}
    % body of second tabular env.




\documentclass{IEEEtran} % or some other suitable document class
\setcounter{table}{3} % just for this example


\caption{Quantifying the requirement-to-class rtm\textsubscript{c} input traces}
\begin{tabular*}{\columnwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l *{7}{r} @{}}
System & $T_c$ & $N_c$ & $U_c$ & Total & $T_c$ & $N_c$ & $U_c$ \\ 
& (\#) & (\#) & (\#) & & (\%) & (\%) & (\%)  \\
Chess & 131 & 253 & 448 & 832 & 15.75 & 30.41 & 53.85 \\ 
Gantt & 93 & 2483 & 9412 & 11988 & 0.78 & 20.71 & 78.51 \\ 
iTrust & 181 & 2743 & 21488 & 24412 & 0.74 & 11.24 & 88.02\\ 
JHotD. & 98 & 1490 & 12335 & 13923 & 0.70 & 10.70 & 88.59 \\ 


\caption{Quantifying the requirement-to-method rtm\textsubscript{m} Input Gold Standard}
\begin{tabular*}{\columnwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l *{7}{r} @{}}
System & $T_m$ & $N_m$ & $U_m$ & Total & $T_m$ & $N_m$ & $U_m$ \\ 
& (\#) & (\#) & (\#) & & (\%) & (\%) & (\%)  \\
Chess & 563 & 2389 & 3064 & 6016 & 9.36 & 39.71 & 50.93 \\ 
Gantt & 343 & 23166 & 66725 & 90234 & 0.38 & 25.67 & 73.95\\ 
iTrust& 307 & 7173 & 159562 & 167042 & 0.18 & 4.30 & 95.52\\ 
JHotD.& 439 & 12219 & 124262 & 136920 & 0.32 & 8.92 &90.76\\ 

\lipsum % produce some filler text
