Beamer:在 beamercolorbox 内部,枚举不尊重 sep 参数

Beamer:在 beamercolorbox 内部,枚举不尊重 sep 参数

我注意到,在 beamercolorbox 中,枚举环境不尊重 sep 参数(即完全忽略该参数)。这是一个最小的例子:




Some text in a beamercolorbox with parameter sep=30pt. The text is separated 30 pt from the border of the box, as expected. Now comes an enumeration:
\item First list item. First list item. First list item. First list item. First list item.  
\item Second list item. Second list item. Second list item. Second list item. Second list item. 
As can be seen, the enumeration is \emph{not} separated 30 pt from the border of the box.








  • 我的第一次尝试直接修补列表环境。
  • 这次尝试beamercolorbox通过更新列表环境使用的线宽来修补。请注意,将传递给选项beamercolorbox的值添加到和,但线宽不会更新。sep\leftskip\rightskip
% put these lines in preamble

% originally defined in beamerbasecolor.sty
      \advance\linewidth-\beamer@colbox@sep       % added
      \advance\@totalleftmargin\beamer@colbox@sep % added
      \advance\linewidth-\beamer@colbox@sep       % added

beamerOP 使用的 v3.36变体

% put these lines in preamble

% originally defined in beamerbasecolor.sty, beamer v3.36
% see
    \advance\leftskip by\beamer@colbox@sep%
    \advance\rightskip by\beamer@colbox@sep
      \advance\linewidth-\beamer@colbox@sep       % added
      \advance\@totalleftmargin\beamer@colbox@sep % added
      \advance\linewidth-\beamer@colbox@sep       % added



    % patch into the second argument of \list
    % here \beamer@colbox@sep stores the value passed to option sep


    Some text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text 
      \item First list item. First list item. First list item. First list item. First list item.  
      \item Second list item. Second list item. Second list item. Second list item. Second list item. 
    As can be seen, the enumeration is \emph{not} separated 30 pt from the border of the box.





  • 由于\itemized的定义方式,我们需要\xpatchcmdxpatch包中进行修补。因此我将其全部替换\patchcmd\xpatchcmd

% patch enumerate
    % patch into the second argument of \list
    % here \beamer@colbox@sep stores the value passed to option sep

% patch itemize

% patch description


    Some text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
      \item First list item. First list item. First list item. First list item. First list item.  
      \item Second list item. Second list item. Second list item. Second list item. Second list item. 
    As can be seen, the enumeration is now separated 30pt from the border of the box.

    Some text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
      \item First list item. First list item. First list item. First list item. First list item.  
      \item Second list item. Second list item. Second list item. Second list item. Second list item. 
    As can be seen, the itemize is now separated 30pt from the border of the box.

    Some text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
    \begin{description}[longest text]
      \item[text] First list item. First list item. First list item.
      \item[longest text] Second list item. Second list item. Second list item.
      \item[more text] Another list item
    As can be seen, the description is now separated 30pt from the border of the box.


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