如何更新 LaTeX 包?

如何更新 LaTeX 包?

我有 Trisquel 版的 Tex Live 2017,是从光盘安装的。

我需要更新 tkz-euclide 包,为此我进入了 tlmgr 窗口:



Executing action update tkz-euclide
tlmgr: package repository /usr/local/texlive/2017 (not verified: unknown)
tlmgr: saving backups to /usr/local/texlive/2017/tlpkg/backups
tlmgr: no updates available
tlmgr: Your installation is set up to look on the disk for updates.
To install from the Internet for this one time only, run:
  tlmgr -repository http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet ACTION ARG...
where ACTION is install, update, etc.; see tlmgr -help if needed.

To change the default for all future updates, run:
  tlmgr option repository http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet

当我在 shell 中执行该命令时,收到以下消息:

tlmgr: no action given; try --help if you need it.

