longtable、landscape 和 booktabs 组合会出现错误 - 请帮忙!

longtable、landscape 和 booktabs 组合会出现错误 - 请帮忙!

我不太清楚我的问题是什么,但我会尽力解释。我一直在尝试整理一个大型的景观表来总结一些数据。它们都来自类似的来源,所以如果可以的话,我想把它们都放在一个表中。但是,它超过了两页。所以我尝试切换到 longtable 环境,这导致整个事情崩溃了。它给了我大约 50 个“未定义的控制序列”错误。



\usepackage{capt-of}% or use the larger `caption` package


    \clearpage% Flush earlier floats (otherwise order might not be correct)
    \thispagestyle{empty}% empty page style (?)
    \begin{landscape}% Landscape page
        \centering % Center table
        %\captionof{table}{Varieties of Schooling in the Towns, 1834-40}% Add 'table' caption
        \begin{longtable}{@{} rcrrrrrrcrrcrr @{}}
            \caption{Summary of School Provision from Statistical Societies, 1834-40.\label{long}}\\

            & \phantom{abc} & \multicolumn{6}{c}{Day Scholars} & \phantom{abc} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Sunday Scholars} & \phantom{abc} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Totals} \\
            & \phantom{abc} & Dame & Common & Superior & Infant & Public & \% Under 5 &  & Total & \% Bi-enrolled & \phantom{abc} & Scholars & 1831 Pop.  \\ \midrule


            \textit{Manchester (1834)} \\
            M && 1,939 & 4,107 & 1,350 & 345 & 2,481 & \multirow{2}{*}{---} && 16,303 & \multirow{2}{*}{30\%} && 21,634 & 88,661\\
            F && 2,783 & 2,795 & 1,579 & 304 & 973 &&& 16,893                   &&&20,259&98,361\\
            \textit{Pendleton (1835)} \\
            M && 69 & 93 & 15 & 20 & 280 & \multirow{2}{*}{15\%} && 814 & \multirow{2}{*}{53\%} && 860 & 4023\\
            F && 159 & 131 & 72 & 45 & 273 &&& 872                  &&&1,090&4412\\
            \textit{Liverpool (1835)} \\
            M && 2,168 & 3,421 & 2,111 & 1,118 & 6,582 & \multirow{2}{*}{14\%} && 8,188 & \multirow{2}{*}{76\%} && 15,465& 76,626 \\
            F && 3,072 & 2,675 & 1,969 & 1,087 & 4,713 &&& 7,250                    &&&15,256 &88,549\\
            \textit{Bury (1835)} \\
            M && 258 & 535 & 51 & 137 & 272 & \multirow{2}{*}{20\%} && 1,899 & \multirow{2}{*}{27\%} && 2,639 &7,439 \\
            F && 582 & 273 & 123 & 106 & 137 &&& 2,325                  &&&2,918&7,647\\
            \textit{Salford (1835)} \\
            M && 563 & 1215 & 382 & 170 & 715 & \multirow{2}{*}{14\%} && 4826 & \multirow{2}{*}{35\%} && 6,182 & 24,212 \\
            F && 980 & 599 & 500 & 203 & 688 &&& 4928                   &&&6,173 & 26,598\\
            \textit{York (1836)} \\
            M && 270 & 300 & 264 & 205 & 1,155 & \multirow{2}{*}{13\%} && 1,722 & \multirow{2}{*}{75\%} && 2,625 & 11,989 \\
            F && 475 & 249 & 452 & 211 & 1,126 &&& 1,641                    &&&2,923&14,271\\
            \textit{Westminster (1837)} \\
            M && 125 & 402 & 475 & 362 & 633 & \multirow{2}{*}{22\%} && 573 & \multirow{2}{*}{57\%} && 2,243&20,781 \\
            F && 215 & 382 & 557 & 298 & 568 &&& 982                    &&& 2,442& 22,215\\
            \textit{Rutland (1838)} \\
            M && 277 & 272 & 85 & 0 & 941 & \multirow{2}{*}{16\%} && 1,650 & \multirow{2}{*}{60\%} && 2,235& 9,721 \\
            F && 401 & 268 & 51 & 0 & 669 &&& 1,546                     &&& 2,007& 9,664\\
            \textit{Kingston-upon-Hull (1839)} \\
            M/F && \multicolumn{5}{c}{--------------------- 8,988 ---------------------} & 11\% && 6,800 & 95\% && 9,328 & 32,958 \\
            \textit{Bristol (1840)} \\
            M && 1,357 & 1,679 & 510 & 1,004 & 2,741 & \multirow{2}{*}{22\%} && 5,780 & \multirow{2}{*}{37\%} && 10,932 & 46,535 \\
            F && 1,658 & 1,800 & 230 & 701 & 2,180 &&& 5,904                    &&& 10,289 & 57,351\\
            \textit{Birmingham (1840)} \\
            M && 1,829 & 2,007 & 989 & 471 & 2,100 & \multirow{2}{*}{20\%} && 9,284 & \multirow{2}{*}{25\%} && 14,359 & 71,756 \\
            F && 2,071 & 2,273 & 1,177 & 332 & 1,231 &&& 7,473                  &&& 12,690 & 75,230\\
    \clearpage% Flush page

它本来应该是这样的,只不过它比我想要的更挤,而且没有留下引用的空间:LaTeX pdf 的渲染



您的表格结构相当复杂,很大程度上是因为它有三列 [3!] 完全是空的,因此除了造成代码混乱之外,没有其他作用。我会删除全空的列以简化问题。

我还将为 10 个数据列使用一种列类型,该列类型对(显式或隐式)小数标记执行对齐。该S列类型可以完成这项工作;它还可以处理插入(“逗号”)作为千位分隔符的任务,

以下屏幕截图显示了采用上述建议后表格的前 15 行左右。


  % paper size: a4paper
  % width and height of text block: 6.0" and 9.0"

\usepackage{siunitx} % for 'S' column type


    %\thispagestyle{empty} % I wouldn't do this

    %\ra{1.2} % better to use selective spacing via '\addlinespace' (see below)
    \begin{longtable}{@{} r *{5}{T{4.0}} c T{5.0} c T{5.0}T{5.0} @{}}
    \caption{Summary of School Provision from Statistical 
         Societies, 1834--40.}\label{long}\\
    & \multicolumn{6}{c}{Day Scholars}
    & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Sunday Scholars}   
    & \multicolumn{2}{c@{}}{Totals} \\
    & \mc{Dame} & \mc{Common} & \mc{Superior} & \mc{Infant} 
    & \mc{Public} & \mc{\% Under 5} & \mc{Total} 
    & \mc{\% Bi-enrolled} & \mc{Scholars} & \multicolumn{1}{c@{}}{1831 Pop.} \\ 

    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{Table \thetable, cont'd from previous page}\\
    & \multicolumn{6}{c}{Day Scholars}
    & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Sunday Scholars}   
    & \multicolumn{2}{c@{}}{Totals} \\
    & \mc{Dame} & \mc{Common} & \mc{Superior} & \mc{Infant} 
    & \mc{Public} & \mc{\% Under 5} & \mc{Total} 
    & \mc{\% Bi-enrolled} & \mc{Scholars} & \multicolumn{1}{c@{}}{1831 Pop.} \\ 

    \multicolumn{11}{r@{}}{\footnotesize (continued on following page)}


    %% body of longtable
    \textit{Manchester (1834)} \\
    M & 1939 & 4107 & 1350 & 345 & 2481 & \multirow{2}{*}{---} 
    & 16303 & \multirow{2}{*}{30\%} 
    & 21634 & 88661\\
    F & 2783 & 2795 & 1579 & 304 & 973 & & 16893
    & & 20259 & 98361\\
    \textit{Pendleton (1835)} \\
    M & 69 & 93 & 15 & 20 & 280 & \multirow{2}{*}{15\%} & 814 & \multirow{2}{*}{53\%} & 860 & 4023\\
    F & 159 & 131 & 72 & 45 & 273 && 872          &&1090&4412\\
    \textit{Liverpool (1835)} \\
    M & 2168 & 3421 & 2111 & 1118 & 6582 & \multirow{2}{*}{14\%} & 8188 & \multirow{2}{*}{76\%} & 15465& 76626 \\
    F & 3072 & 2675 & 1969 & 1087 & 4713 && 7250 &&15256 &88549\\
    \textit{Bury (1835)} \\
    M & 258 & 535 & 51 & 137 & 272 & \multirow{2}{*}{20\%} & 1899 & \multirow{2}{*}{27\%} & 2639 &7439 \\
    F & 582 & 273 & 123 & 106 & 137 && 2325 &&2918&7647\\
    \textit{Salford (1835)} \\
    M & 563 & 1215 & 382 & 170 & 715 & \multirow{2}{*}{14\%} & 4826 & \multirow{2}{*}{35\%} & 6182 & 24212 \\
    F & 980 & 599 & 500 & 203 & 688 && 4928&&6173 & 26598\\
    \textit{York (1836)} \\
    M & 270 & 300 & 264 & 205 & 1155 & \multirow{2}{*}{13\%} & 1722 & \multirow{2}{*}{75\%} & 2625 & 11989 \\
    F & 475 & 249 & 452 & 211 & 1126 && 1641 &&2923&14271\\
    \textit{Westminster (1837)} \\
    M & 125 & 402 & 475 & 362 & 633 & \multirow{2}{*}{22\%} & 573 & \multirow{2}{*}{57\%} & 2243&20781 \\
    F & 215 & 382 & 557 & 298 & 568 && 982 && 2442& 22215\\
    \textit{Rutland (1838)} \\
    M & 277 & 272 & 85 & 0 & 941 & \multirow{2}{*}{16\%} & 1650 & \multirow{2}{*}{60\%} & 2235& 9721 \\
    F & 401 & 268 & 51 & 0 & 669 && 1546  && 2007& 9664\\
    \multicolumn{4}{@{}l}{\textit{Kingston-upon-Hull (1839)}} \\
    M\&F & \multicolumn{5}{c}{------------------------ 8{,}988 ------------------------} & 11\% & 6800 & 95\% & 9328 & 32958 \\
    \textit{Bristol (1840)} \\
    M & 1357 & 1679 & 510 & 1004 & 2741 & \multirow{2}{*}{22\%} & 5780 & \multirow{2}{*}{37\%} & 10932 & 46535 \\
    F & 1658 & 1800 & 230 & 701 & 2180 && 5904 && 10289 & 57351\\
    \textit{Birmingham (1840)} \\
    M & 1829 & 2007 & 989 & 471 & 2100 & \multirow{2}{*}{20\%} & 9284 & \multirow{2}{*}{25\%} & 14359 & 71756 \\
    F & 2071 & 2273 & 1177 & 332 & 1231 && 7473 && 12690 & 75230\\
