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ISSN = {01621459},
URL = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2291464},
abstract = {I consider a standard specification of the Bayesian linear model and derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the variance of the case-deletion importance sampling weights to be finite. The conditions have an intuitive interpretation in terms of familiar frequentist measures of leverage and influence and are easy to verify. I present two real data examples in which the necessary conditions fail to hold for some observations and the corresponding importance sampling estimates are highly unreliable.},
author = {Mario Peruggia},
journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
number = {437},
pages = {199--207},
publisher = {[American Statistical Association, Taylor & Francis, Ltd.]},
title = {On the Variability of Case-Deletion Importance Sampling Weights in the Bayesian Linear Model},
volume = {92},
year = {1997}
向您的测试文档添加合适的指令并再次通过 LaTeX、BibTeX 和 LaTeX 运行它(从 TeXshop 版本 4.44 开始,在运行 MacOS 10.15.5 “Catalina” 和 MacTeX2020 的 Mac 上),我就会得到以下输出:
ISSN = {01621459},
URL = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2291464},
author = {Mario Peruggia},
journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
number = {437},
pages = {199--207},
publisher = {[American Statistical Association, Taylor \& Francis, Ltd.]},
title = {On the Variability of Case-Deletion Importance Sampling Weights in the Bayesian Linear Model},
volume = {92},
year = {1997}
Ciao. \cite{10.2307/2291464}