

我正在使用 elsarticle 类,并且我希望获得以下内容:




我找到了将摘要放在第二页的方法,方法是\pprintMaketitle删除第一页摘要上方和下方的水平线,并在第二页上添加带有水平线的摘要。虽然这可以将摘要发送到第二页,但我还需要第二页上的标题。在下面的 MWE 中,我尝试重用仅在第二次添加摘要的环境。但是,即使我第二次调用frontmatter,作者信息似乎也会被转移到第二页。\author[]{}frontmatter

有没有办法用 elsarticle 实现我想要的效果?


\documentclass[11pt,authoryear, times]{elsarticle}





\title{\textbf{Title goes here}}

\author[a1]{John Doe\corref{cor1}}
\cortext[cor1]{John Doe notes}
\ead{[email protected]}
\address[a1]{John Doe's affiliation}





Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper. Summary of what John Doe did in this paper.  

keyword 1 \sep keyword 1\\

