我在这里使用了 begain{center} 和 end{center},但是为什么表格不在中间呢?以下是我的 Latex 代码。
% Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'Sheet1'
Variable & (1) & & (2) & & (3) & & (4) & & (5) & \\
\_cons & -0.2503 & *** & -0.2499 & *** & -0.2473 & *** & -0.2459 & *** & -0.2499 & *** \\
& (7.71) & & (8.00) & & (7.69) & & (8.01) & & (7.79) & \\
X2Y & 0.0106 & *** & & & & & & & & \\
& (3.13) & & & & & & & & & \\
sign.2Y & & & -0.0062 & *** & & & & & & \\
& & & (2.88) & & & & & & & \\
Positive2 & & & & & 0.0098 & *** & & & 0.0052 & \\
& & & & & (2.66) & & & & (1.27) & \\
Negative2 & & & & & & & 0.0393 & *** & 0.0337 & *** \\
& & & & & & & (3.36) & & (3.14) & \\
PGR & 0.0045 & & 0.0037 & & 0.0047 & & 0.0026 & & 0.0033 & \\
& (0.82) & & (0.67) & & (0.89) & & (0.47) & & (0.60) & \\
LTA & 0.0161 & *** & 0.0163 & *** & 0.0159 & *** & 0.0160 & *** & 0.0162 & *** \\
& (7.98) & & (8.19) & & (7.98) & & (8.24) & & (8.06) & \\
& & & & & & & & & & \\
R\^2 & 0.6984 & & 0.7021 & & 0.6955 & & 0.7003 & & 0.7014 & \\
Firm Effect & Yes & & Yes & & Yes & & Yes & & Yes & \\
Cluster year & Yes & & Yes & & Yes & & Yes & & Yes & \\
No. of observation & 282 & & 282 & & 282 & & 282 & & 282 & \\
& & & & & & & & & & \\
Variable & (1) & & (2) & & (3) & & (4) & & (5) & \\
\_cons & -0.2526 & *** & -0.2499 & *** & -0.2502 & *** & -0.2445 & *** & -0.2512 & *** \\
& (7.67) & & (8.00) & & (7.64) & & (7.97) & & (7.71) & \\
X3Y & 0.01 & *** & & & & & & & & \\
& (3.28) & & & & & & & & & \\
sign.3Y & & & -0.0062 & *** & & & & & & \\
& & & (2.88) & & & & & & & \\
Positive3 & & & & & 0.0096 & *** & & & 0.0061 & \\
& & & & & (2.87) & & & & (1.49) & \\
Negative3 & & & & & & & 0.0388 & *** & 0.0314 & *** \\
& & & & & & & (3.32) & & (2.75) & \\
PGR & 0.0045 & & 0.0037 & & 0.0047 & & 0.0028 & & 0.0036 & \\
& (0.83) & & (0.67) & & (0.89) & & (0.51) & & (0.66) & \\
LTA & 0.0162 & *** & 0.0163 & *** & 0.016 & *** & 0.0159 & *** & 0.0162 & *** \\
& (7.94) & & (8.19) & & (7.93) & & (8.19) & & (7.99) & \\
& & & & & & & & & & \\
R\^2 & 0.6985 & & 0.7021 & & 0.6962 & & 0.6988 & & 0.7007 & \\
Firm Effect & Yes & & Yes & & Yes & & Yes & & Yes & \\
Cluster year & Yes & & Yes & & Yes & & Yes & & Yes & \\
No. of observation & 282 & & 282 & & 282 & & 282 & & 282 & \\
- 在这样的表中通常使用
第 2 至第 6 列的列类型。 - 由于表格很宽,将表格中列之间的间隔计算留给宏是合理的
- 不清楚单独列中的 *** 是什么意思。在这样的表格中,通常会添加数字来表示其置信区间。
\usepackage{booktabs, threeparttable}
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
input-open-uncertainty = ,
input-close-uncertainty = ,
\caption{my table ...}
\begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l *{5}{S} }
Variable & {(1)} & {(2)} & {(3)} & {(4)} & {(5)} \\
\_cons & -0.2503\tnote{***} & -0.2499\tnote{***} & -0.2473\tnote{***}
& -0.2459\tnote{***} & -0.2499\tnote{***} \\
& (7.71) & (8.00) & (7.69)
& (8.01) & (7.79) \\
X2Y & 0.0106\tnote{***} & & & & \\
& (3.13) & & & & \\
sign.2Y & & -0.0062\tnote{***} & & & \\
& & (2.88) & & & \\
Positive2 & & & 0.0098\tnote{***}
& & 0.0052 \\
& & & (2.66)
& & (1.27) \\
Negative2 & & &
& 0.0393\tnote{***} & 0.0337\tnote{***} \\
& & &
& (3.36) & (3.14) \\
PGR & 0.0045 & 0.0037 & 0.0047
& 0.0026 & 0.0033 \\
& (0.82) & (0.67) & (0.89)
& (0.47) & (0.60) \\
LTA & 0.0161\tnote{***} & 0.0163\tnote{***} & 0.0159\tnote{***}
& 0.0160\tnote{***} & 0.0162\tnote{***} \\
& (7.98) & (8.19) & (7.98)
& (8.24) & (8.06) \\
R\^2 & 0.6984 & 0.7021 & 0.6955
& 0.7003 & 0.7014 \\
Firm Effect & {Yes} & {Yes} & {Yes}
& {Yes} & {Yes} \\
Cluster year& {Yes} & {Yes} & {Yes}
& {Yes} & {Yes} \\
No. of observation
& {282} & {282} & {282}
& {282} & {282} \\
Variable & {(1)} & {(2)} & {(3)} & {(4)} & {(5)} \\
\_cons & -0.2526\tnote{***} & -0.2499\tnote{***} & -0.2502\tnote{***}
& -0.2445\tnote{***} & -0.2512\tnote{***} \\
& (7.67) & (8.00) & (7.64)
& (7.97) & (7.71) \\
X3Y & 0.01\tnote{***} & & & & \\
& (3.28) & & & & \\
sign.3Y & & -0.0062\tnote{***} &
& & \\
& & (2.88) & & & \\
Positive3 & & & 0.0096\tnote{***}
& & 0.0061 \\
& & & (2.87)
& & (1.49) \\
Negative3 & & &
& 0.0388\tnote{***} & 0.0314\tnote{***} \\
& & &
& (3.32) & (2.75) \\
PGR & 0.0045 & 0.0037 & 0.0047
& 0.0028 & 0.0036 \\
& (0.83) & (0.67) & (0.89)
& (0.51) & (0.66) \\
LTA & 0.0162\tnote{***} & 0.0163\tnote{***} & 0.016\tnote{***}
& 0.0159\tnote{***} & 0.0162\tnote{***} \\
& (7.94) & (8.19) & (7.93)
& (8.19) & (7.99) \\
R\^2 & 0.6985 & 0.7021 & 0.6962
& 0.6988 & 0.7007 \\
Firm Effect & {Yes} & {Yes} & {Yes}
& {Yes} & {Yes} \\
Cluster year& {Yes} & {Yes} & {Yes}
& {Yes} & {Yes} \\
No. of observation
& {282} & {282} & {282}
& {282} & {282} \\
\begin{tablenotes}[flushleft, para]\footnotesize
\item[*] text
\item[**] text
\item[***] text