怎样才能遵循 APA 中的第三级标题?如图所示

怎样才能遵循 APA 中的第三级标题?如图所示

在此处输入图片描述早上好。有人能帮忙吗?我的代码中 APA 标题有问题

\documentclass[a4paper,man,floatsintext]{apa7} %

This section describes the study’s design.
The procedure was fairly straightforward, yet required
attention to detail.
Table \ref{tab:ComplexTable} contains some sample data. Our
statistical prowess in analyzing these data is unmatched.
This is a lengthy and erudite discussion. It demonstrates amazing
skill in interpreting the results  for the masses.
\subsection{Erudite Discussion}
