如何在 Latex 中将简历中的内容左对齐

如何在 Latex 中将简历中的内容左对齐
\entry*[Final Year Project]%
    \textbf{Description: }
    \par{A web based application for hiring and applying for non-technical help.\\HTML, CSS, Bootstrap4 , javaScript,JQuery for front end development.\linebreak}
    \par Node.js as backend language.
\entry*[Software Requirement Specification : Online University Clearance System]%
    \textbf{Description} .\par
     A requirement specification document that has project requirements, \\UML diagrams and prototypes.\\
\textbf{Software used:} Microsoft Word
\entry*[Database: Zoo Information Management System]%
    \textbf{Description} .\par
     A database was designed for the management of information of\\ animals, birds, zoo managers, their doctors and food suppliers.\\
\textbf{Software used:} Oracle Database
\entry*[ Web development : Online Shopping website]%
    \textbf{Description} .\par
      A website for online shopping by using HTML, CSS, JQuery and\\ asp.net suppliers.\\
\textbf{Software used:} Visual Studio
\entry*[ Java: Zoo Information Management System]%
    \textbf{Description} .\par
     An interface was designed for zoo information management system\\ which also has database connected.\\
\textbf{Software used:} Eclipse
\entry*[C++ : Bank Management System]%
    \textbf{Description} .\par
     A management system that can create account, modify existing account, withdraw or add money.\\
\textbf{Software used:} Dev

我想将其左对齐。目前它是右对齐。 在此处输入图片描述
