让文本主体浮动在 marginpar 周围

让文本主体浮动在 marginpar 周围

如何创建 marginpar 以便它缩进文本主体并且文本主体浮动在 marginpar 周围?

我知道如何创建 marginpar:

\marginpar{Here are some more information about this section.}

这创建了 A,但我想要 B。



wrapfig 环境采用可选参数,表示要向边距中伸出多少。用法如示例所示。使用相当新的 LaTeX,您可以使用 来\dimexpr计算总和,或者您可以使用calc包并省略\dimexpr


\begin{wrapfigure}{r}[\dimexpr \marginparwidth+\marginparsep]{5cm}
  Here is some information about this section. And are some more
  facts about this section.

At the beginning of the document or after "\newpage" the top lines
of text will align naturally.
\lipsum[1]\marginpar{Here is how a marginpar is placed entirely in the marginpar region.}


\begin{wrapfigure}{r}[\dimexpr \marginparwidth+\marginparsep]{5cm}
 In general locations, the wrapfigure is separated by "\intextsep",
 so if you don't want the extra space, get rid of it with a negative
 "\vspace" or by setting "\intextsep" to zero.


