



\usepackage{tabularx}        % splits cells with text longer than the column width
\usepackage{makecell}        % to allow for a header to span over two lines

\newcolumntype{f}{>{\hsize=.2\hsize}X}    % each of the columns has a defined static width
\newcommand{\heading}[1]{\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{#1}}   % centering the headers

\caption{Sample table}

    \heading{\textbf{\makecell{Short\\Column}}} & \heading{\textbf{Medium Column}}  & \heading{\textbf{Long Column}} \\ \hline
    Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
    Value       & Text      & This text is too long to fit in one line and is automatically split into three   \\ \hline
    Value       & Text      & - 0: Important \newline
                              - 1: instance \newline
                              - 2: where \newline
                              - 3: the lines \newline
                              - 4: are manually \newline
                              - 5: split \newline
                              - 6: into \newline
                              - 7: items        \\ \hline
    Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
    Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
    Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline




有没有办法让这样的表格跨越多页?我找到的解决方案(例如201420162017)解决与我类似的问题——使用如下软件包长桌表列— 不适用于我已有的表格的某些细节。我曾尝试调整它们以使其如此,但无法使其工作。



正如@Bernard 在他的评论中所建议的那样,你应该

  • 不使用浮动table,这样可以防止表格在页面上断裂
  • 桌面用xltabular包装




\usepackage{xltabular}        % splits cells with text longer than the column width
\newcolumntype{f}{>{\hsize=.2\hsize\hsize=\linewidth}X}    % each of the columns has a defined static width
\usepackage{makecell}        % to allow for a header to span over two lines

\caption{Sample table}
\label{tab:longtable}   \\
\thead{Short Column}   & \thead{Medium Column}   & \thead{Long Column}     \\
\caption[]{Sample table (cont.)}\\
\thead{Short Column}   & \thead{Medium Column}   & \thead{Long Column}     \\
\multicolumn{3}{r}{\footnotesize\itshape{Continued on the next page}}           \\
%   table body
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & This text is too long to fit in one line and is automatically split into three   \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & - 0: Important \newline
                          - 1: instance \newline
                          - 2: where \newline
                          - 3: the lines \newline
                          - 4: are manually \newline
                          - 5: split \newline
                          - 6: into \newline
                          - 7: items        \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline
Value       & Text      & Text              \\ \hline


