使用 natbib 从参考文献列表中删除引用的参考文献

使用 natbib 从参考文献列表中删除引用的参考文献


  author      = "John, D.",
  title       = "Gnus of the World",
  publisher   = "DEK Publishing",
  year        = 2019,

  author      = "Doe, J.",
  title       = "Gnats of the World",
  publisher   = "DEK Publishing",
  year        = 2020,
I make the following citations
\citet{gnats} and \citet{gnus}

But I only want the reference \verb+gnus+ to appear in the reference section.
I am looking for something that would be the inverse of the \verb+\nocite+ command, i.e., suppress a cited reference from the 
list of references. 

Something like \verb+ \supressfromlist{gnats}+


正如评论中所讨论的,使用标准 BibTeX 时,这非常棘手,因为只有将相关条目添加到参考书目中,引文数据才可用且可用。BibTeX 没有内置方法将某些条目与“正常”引文区别对待。因此,您必须绕过 BibTeX 并通过其他方式获取引文数据,但这意味着使用 LaTeX 解析文件.bib(并非完全不可能,请参阅软件包usebib,但您还需要名称解析,但usebib由于某种原因,它没有实现)。

我同意 Ulrike 的观点,最好的办法就是完全手动输入虚假引文。




\usepackage[style=authoryear, backend=biber]{biblatex}


% \addtocategory can take a comma-separated list of keys, so
% \addtocategory{dropbib}{geer,worman}
% would add both 'geer' and 'worman' to the drop category


Lorem \autocite{sigfridsson,worman,geer}

引文“(Sigfridsson and Ryde 1998; Worman 2002; Geer 1985)”书目不包含“Geer 1985”
