算法子编号但不基于使用 algorithmicx 的部分

算法子编号但不基于使用 algorithmicx 的部分

我正在写一篇论文,试图更新算法以提高其性能。我希望原始算法的编号为“算法 2”,改进后的算法应为“算法 2.1”、“算法 2.2”等。使用 algorithmicx 可以实现这一点吗?这些算法并不都位于同一节中。


\section{Tail move reversal algorithm} 
    \caption{Tail move reversal}
    \State $x = 0$

\section{Tail move rearrangement algorithm}  %this is the original algorithm 
    \caption{Tail move rearrangement}
    \State $y = 1$
    \State $x = 1$
    \State apply Algorithm \ref{alg:reversal} to $x$

\section{First improvement}  %I'd like this one to be numbered 2.1
    \caption{First improvement Algorithm \ref{alg:rearrangement}}
    \State $y = 2$
    \State $x = 3$
    \State apply Algorithm \ref{alg:reversal} to $x$

\section{Second improvement} %I'd like this one to be numbered 2.2
    \caption{Second improvement Algorithm \ref{alg:rearrangement}}
    \State $y = 2$
    \State $x = 3$
    \State apply Algorithm \ref{alg:reversal} to $x$


这里提供了一个新命令\setAlgoImprovement{<label of algo being improved>}。需要再次运行。请参阅使用示例

\usepackage{refcount} % for \getrefnumber

% #1 = the label of original algorithm
% must be used before \caption
    % label #1 is not defined, first run
    \ifcsname c@algo\@tempa:imp\endcsname
      % define new counter "algo<n>:imp" for improvement of algorithm <n>

\section{Tail move reversal algorithm} 
    \caption{Tail move reversal}
    \State $x = 0$

\section{Tail move rearrangement algorithm}  %this is the original algorithm 
    \caption{Tail move rearrangement}
    \State $y = 1$
    \State $x = 1$
    \State apply Algorithm \ref{alg:reversal} to $x$

\section{First improvement}  %I'd like this one to be numbered 2.1
    \caption{First improvement Algorithm \ref{alg:rearrangement}}
    \State $y = 2$
    \State $x = 3$
    \State apply Algorithm \ref{alg:reversal} to $x$

\section{Second improvement} %I'd like this one to be numbered 2.2
    \caption{Second improvement Algorithm \ref{alg:rearrangement}}
    \State $y = 2$
    \State $x = 3$
    \State apply Algorithm \ref{alg:reversal} to $x$


