\usepackage[inner=0.5in, outer=0.25in]{geometry}
\setchessboard{showmover=true, moverstyle=triangle, boardfontsize=20pt}
\bgroup\medskip\par\large\bfseries #1
\centering\par\makebox[1em][l]{\printdiagramsforinstruction}\chessboard[#2]\par\egroup\bgroup\centering\small #3\par\medskip\egroup\vfill\null\columnbreak}
\introductionboard[Timofeev vs Dimitrijevic 2004]{setfen=1r1qn1k1/1r1b1pb1/3pp1p1/3N2P1/p2NP3/5P2/1PP4Q/1KBR3R w}{Here, White managed to mate Black after \textbf{26. Qh7+ Kf8 27. Qh8+! Bxh8 28. Rxh8+ Kg7 29. Rdh1} and Black resigned due to the threat Rh1-h7\#.}
\introductionboard[Hlousek vs Novak, 1970, Solingen, match (6)]{setfen=3qb1k1/1n1r2pp/3p1p2/1pnPpN2/2p1P1P1/2P1B2P/QPB2P2/4R1K1 w}{Here, White managed to enter to the opponent's position after \textbf{28. Ra1 Rc7 29. Qa8} (changing the defender) \textbf{29...Qxa8 30. Rxa8 Kf8 31. Nxg7!} The tactical shot. \textbf{31...Rxg7} (if 31...Kg7 then 32.Re8\WBetter) \textbf{32. Bh6\WBetter} \ Black resigned.}
\introductionboard[Timofeev vs Dimitrijevic 2004]{setfen=1r1qn1k1/1r1b1pb1/3pp1p1/3N2P1/p2NP3/5P2/1PP4Q/1KBR3R w}{Here, White managed to mate Black after \textbf{26. Qh7+ Kf8 27. Qh8+! Bxh8 28. Rxh8+ Kg7 29. Rdh1} and Black resigned due to the threat Rh1-h7\#.}
\introductionboard[Hlousek vs Novak, 1970, Solingen, match (6)]{setfen=3qb1k1/1n1r2pp/3p1p2/1pnPpN2/2p1P1P1/2P1B2P/QPB2P2/4R1K1 w}{Here, White managed to enter to the opponent's position after \textbf{28. Ra1 Rc7 29. Qa8} (changing the defender) \textbf{29...Qxa8 30. Rxa8 Kf8 31. Nxg7!} The tactical shot. \textbf{31...Rxg7} (if 31...Kg7 then 32.Re8\WBetter) \textbf{32. Bh6\WBetter} \ Black resigned.}
\introductionboard[Timofeev vs Dimitrijevic 2004]{setfen=1r1qn1k1/1r1b1pb1/3pp1p1/3N2P1/p2NP3/5P2/1PP4Q/1KBR3R w}{Here, White managed to mate Black after \textbf{26. Qh7+ Kf8 27. Qh8+! Bxh8 28. Rxh8+ Kg7 29. Rdh1} and Black resigned due to the threat Rh1-h7\#.}
\introductionboard[Hlousek vs Novak, 1970, Solingen, match (6)]{setfen=3qb1k1/1n1r2pp/3p1p2/1pnPpN2/2p1P1P1/2P1B2P/QPB2P2/4R1K1 w}{Here, White managed to enter to the opponent's position after \textbf{28. Ra1 Rc7 29. Qa8} (changing the defender) \textbf{29...Qxa8 30. Rxa8 Kf8 31. Nxg7!} The tactical shot. \textbf{31...Rxg7} (if 31...Kg7 then 32.Re8\WBetter) \textbf{32. Bh6\WBetter} \ Black resigned.}
可能的答案是使用 \begin{minipage} 作为 \introductionboard 命令:
\setchessboard{showmover=true, moverstyle=triangle, boardfontsize=20pt}
\bgroup\medskip\par\large\bfseries #1
\centering\par\makebox[0.5em][l]{\printdiagramsforinstruction}\chessboard[#2]\par\egroup\bgroup\centering\small #3\par\medskip\egroup