




\definecolor{asparagus}{rgb}{0.53, 0.66, 0.42}
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]
\title{\textbf {Theoretical Study of Electrical Conductivity in Graphene-Like Materials}}
\author{Latifah Salem Alrobiei \texorpdfstring{ \\ [1cm]{\small Supervised by \\ Dr.Narjes A. Ben Brabim \hspace{35pt} Dr. Abdullah A. Shaltout} \\ {\small Assistant Prof. of Solid state \qquad Associate Prof. of Atomic and} \\ {physics \hfill \hspace{35pt} \qquad Molecular Spectra}}{}}

\institute[Taif University] % (optional, but mostly needed)
  Department of Physics \\
  Taif University 




            \caption{Graphene crystal structure}
                \item In $2004$ Geim and Novoselov work experimentally to isolate a single atomic layer of carbon (graphene)for the first time by using 'Scotch tape' to award with the Nobel Prize in Physics in $2010$.\pause
                \item Graphene exhibit very interesting properties, such as \pause
                        \item Linear energy dispersion.\pause
                        \item Carriers with zero mass.\pause
                        \item High mobility rather than the best metal.      
\end {document}




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