LaTex 悬挂缩进问题

LaTex 悬挂缩进问题

我是 LaTex 新手,但目前正尝试用 LaTex 重写我的简历,因为它更容易格式化和版本控制。截至目前,除了一个小问题外,一切进展顺利。我似乎无法在此部分创建悬挂缩进,我已将其包含在下面:


我希望文本从冒号处缩进几个空格,然后下一行从同一位置开始。(\hangindent 对我来说不起作用)谢谢您的帮助!




\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields




% Sections formatting
}{}{0em}{}[\color{black}\titlerule \vspace{-5pt}]

% Custom commands

%spacing between two bullet points
    #2 \vspace{-4pt}

      {\textbf{\small Software: }{\small Something • Resume Thing Here • Writing Some Words • All Help is Appreciated • Thanks in Advance • I Hope This Works • Yes I Am Writing Random Words Here •  Microsoft Office Suite}}






\usepackage[]{hyperref} % generally don't specify the driver for hyperref and load it last
\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields



% Sections formatting
\titlespacing*{\section}{0pt}{*1}{*1} % these values = 1ex + some stretch

% Custom lists
\newlist{resumeItemList}{itemize}{1} % not used in this example
\setlist*[resumeItemList,1]{nosep,font=\small} % not used in this example

     \item[Software:]{Something • Resume Thing Here • Writing Some Words • All Help is Appreciated • Thanks in Advance • I Hope This Works • Yes I Am Writing Random Words Here •  Microsoft Office Suite}
     \item[Other stuff:]{Something • Resume Thing Here • Writing Some Words • All Help is Appreciated • Thanks in Advance • I Hope This Works • Yes I Am Writing Random Words Here •  Microsoft Office Suite}
     \item[Software:]{Something • Resume Thing Here • Writing Some Words • All Help is Appreciated • Thanks in Advance • I Hope This Works • Yes I Am Writing Random Words Here •  Microsoft Office Suite}
     \item[Other stuff:]{Something • Resume Thing Here • Writing Some Words • All Help is Appreciated • Thanks in Advance • I Hope This Works • Yes I Am Writing Random Words Here •  Microsoft Office Suite}



你可以尝试使用enumitem间距参数来改变列表的水平间距。你可以找到以下文档:enumitem 这里。这些参数很难完全理解。请参阅有人可以解释一下 enumitem 水平间距参数吗?无法理解 enumitem 的间距参数讨论一下它们的工作原理。但作为回答您在评论中提出的问题的示例,我们可以使用以下规范使列表具有悬挂缩进。我还添加了键before=\small以使标签和项目文本都成为\small


