


  • 有些定义太长,结果会占用两行。从图中可以看出,这些长定义(例如 Mjp)的第二行从数学符号下面开始。这看起来不太好,因此,我想把定义的第二行放在第一行下面。
  • 列表中的最后一个参数(即参数 BFC、BTC 等)是二进制参数,因此我想按如下方式调用它们:BFC\in{0,1}。但是,如果我这样写,Latex 会出现错误。有什么方法可以修复它吗?





The following product flow related parameters are used:\\
\mathgl{D_j_p_y}{Demand of customer $j$ for specific product code $p$ in year $y$.}
\mathgl{Q_i}{Available capacity on facility $i$ [M cans].}
\mathgl{V_i}{Minimum volume required on facility $i$ [M cans].}
\mathgl{Fc_i}{Fixed cost of each facility $i$ [\euro].}
\mathgl{M_j_p}{Minimum volume required per product code $p$ from facility $i$ to customer $j$ [M cans].}
\mathgl{G_o_p}{Minimum volume required per product code $p$ from facility $i$ to OpCo $o$ [M cans].}
\mathgl{Fc_i}{Fixed cost of each facility $i$ [\euro].}
\mathgl{Ec__i_j_p_y}{Ex-works costs per product code p from facility i to customer j in year y [\euro/M cans]. }
\mathgl{Tc_i_j_p}{Unit transportation costs for specific product code p from facility i to customer j [\euro/M cans].}
\mathgl{Lc}{Transportation fixed costs [\euro].}
\mathgl{Vc}{Transportation variable costs [\euro].}
\mathgl{Wc_i_j_p}{Unit warehousing costs for specific product code $p$ from facility $i$ to customer $j$ [\euro/M cans].}
\mathgl{K_i_j}{Distance between facility $i$ and customer $j$ [km].}
\mathgl{Tq_i_p}{Truck capacity of supplier facility $i$ for product code $p$ [M cans].}
\mathgl{Z_i_j_p}{\ce{CO2} emissions for specific product code $p$ from facility $i$ to customer $j$ [kg \ce{CO2}/M cans].}
\mathgl{Zc}{\ce{CO2} costs [\euro/kg \ce{CO2}]. }
\mathgl{BFC}{Binary to indicate whether to include facility fixed costs or not.}
\mathgl{BTC}{Binary to indicate whether to include transportation costs or not.}
\mathgl{BEC}{Binary to indicate whether to include ex-works costs or not.}
\mathgl{BZC}{Binary to indicate whether to include CO2 emissions costs or not.}
\mathgl{BWC}{Binary to indicate whether to include warehouse costs or not.}



    \begin{description}[style=multiline, labelwidth=1cm]

我认为这解决了你的问题,经过 3 个问题之后你就得到了你最终想要的结果。


我可以通过使用表格或长表(如果列表占用超过一页,则使用长表)轻松解决问题。如果表格超出了文本的边距,您可以使用 9cm 并调整表格的宽度(参见代码)。

The following product flow related parameters are used:\\

    $D_j_p_y$ & Demand of customer $j$ for specific product code $p$ in year $y$ [M cans]. \\
    $Q_i$ & Available capacity on facility $i$ [M cans].\\
    $V_i$ & Minimum volume required on facility $i$ [M cans].\\

