


\multirow{2}{*}{Type} & \multirow{2}{*}{Model} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{$\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:30}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{$\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:50}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{$\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:70}$} \\
 &  & SSIM & PSNR & SSIM & PSNR & SSIM & PSNR \\
\multirow{3}{*}{Deterministic} \ & 2D ConvLSTM \cite{convlstm} & 0.712 & 23.58 & 0.639 & 22.85 & 0.551 & 20.13 \\
& PredRNN++ \cite{wang-predrnn} & 0.865 & 28.47 & 0.741 & 25.21 & 0.702 & 23.51 \\ 
& E3D-LSTM \cite{wang-e3d} & \textbf{0.879} & \textbf{29.31} & 0.810 & 27.24 & 0.798 & 26.82 \\ 
\multirow{2}{*}{Stochastic} & Variational 2D ConvLSTM \cite{vrnn} & 0.787 & 25.76 & 0.733 & 24.83 & 0.672 & 23.13 \\
& Variational 3D ConvLSTM (Ours) & 0.866 & 28.31 & \textbf{0.852} & \textbf{27.89} & \textbf{0.846} & \textbf{27.66} \\ 
\caption{Results on the KTH action dataset when using 10 frames to predict 20 ($\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:30}$), 40 ($\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:50}$), and 60 ($\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:70}$) timesteps into the future. The metrics are computed frame-wise. Higher SSIM and PSNR scores indicate better results.}



\multirow{2}{*}{Type} & \multirow{2}{*}{Model} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{$\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:30}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{$\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:50}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{$\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:70}$} \\
 &  & SSIM & PSNR & SSIM & PSNR & SSIM & PSNR \\
\multirow{3}{*}{Deterministic} \ & 2D ConvLSTM \cite{convlstm} & 0.712 & 23.58 & 0.639 & 22.85 & 0.551 & 20.13 \\
& PredRNN++ \cite{wang-predrnn} & 0.865 & 28.47 & 0.741 & 25.21 & 0.702 & 23.51 \\ 
& E3D-LSTM \cite{wang-e3d} & \textbf{0.879} & \textbf{29.31} & 0.810 & 27.24 & 0.798 & 26.82 \\ 
\multirow{2}{*}{Stochastic} & Variational 2D ConvLSTM \cite{vrnn} & 0.787 & 25.76 & 0.733 & 24.83 & 0.672 & 23.13 \\
& Variational 3D ConvLSTM (Ours) & 0.866 & 28.31 & \textbf{0.852} & \textbf{27.89} & \textbf{0.846} & \textbf{27.66} \\ 
\caption{Results on the KTH action dataset when using 10 frames to predict 20 ($\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:30}$), 40 ($\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:50}$), and 60 ($\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:70}$) timesteps into the future. The metrics are computed frame-wise. Higher SSIM and PSNR scores indicate better results.}




  • 你的表格有点太宽了,所以在下面的 MWE 中我减少了表格中使用的字体大小和\tabcolsep
  • 表格和图像都封装在表格中
  • 对于图形的垂直居中,使用包valign=c中定义的 c 选项adjustbox(它还加载graphicx包,
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!


    \begin{tabular}{@{} lr @{}}
\begin{tabular}{@{} |l|l|cc|cc|cc|@{}}
\multirow{2}{*}{Type} & \multirow{2}{*}{Model} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{$\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:30}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{$\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:50}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{$\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:70}$} \\
    &  & SSIM & PSNR & SSIM & PSNR & SSIM & PSNR \\
\multirow{3}{*}{Deterministic} \ & 2D ConvLSTM \cite{convlstm} & 0.712 & 23.58 & 0.639 & 22.85 & 0.551 & 20.13 \\
    & PredRNN++ \cite{wang-predrnn} & 0.865 & 28.47 & 0.741 & 25.21 & 0.702 & 23.51 \\
& E3D-LSTM \cite{wang-e3d} & \textbf{0.879} & \textbf{29.31} & 0.810 & 27.24 & 0.798 & 26.82 \\
\multirow{2}{*}{Stochastic} & Variational 2D ConvLSTM \cite{vrnn} & 0.787 & 25.76 & 0.733 & 24.83 & 0.672 & 23.13 \\
    & Variational 3D ConvLSTM (Ours) & 0.866 & 28.31 & \textbf{0.852} & \textbf{27.89} & \textbf{0.846} & \textbf{27.66}     \\

\caption{Results on the KTH action dataset when using 10 frames to predict 20 ($\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:30}$), 40 ($\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:50}$), and 60 ($\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:70}$) time steps into the future. The metrics are computed frame-wise. Higher SSIM and PSNR scores indicate better results.}

附录: 如果您希望表格和图像在底部对齐,那么只需添加选项[b]˙to insert4d table and at image remove optionvalign=c`:


    \begin{tabular}{@{} lr @{}}
\begin{tabular}[b]{@{} |l|l|cc|cc|cc|@{}}
\multirow{2}{*}{Type} & \multirow{2}{*}{Model} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{$\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:30}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{$\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:50}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{$\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:70}$} \\
    &  & SSIM & PSNR & SSIM & PSNR & SSIM & PSNR \\
\multirow{3}{*}{Deterministic} \ & 2D ConvLSTM \cite{convlstm} & 0.712 & 23.58 & 0.639 & 22.85 & 0.551 & 20.13 \\
    & PredRNN++ \cite{wang-predrnn} & 0.865 & 28.47 & 0.741 & 25.21 & 0.702 & 23.51 \\
& E3D-LSTM \cite{wang-e3d} & \textbf{0.879} & \textbf{29.31} & 0.810 & 27.24 & 0.798 & 26.82 \\
\multirow{2}{*}{Stochastic} & Variational 2D ConvLSTM \cite{vrnn} & 0.787 & 25.76 & 0.733 & 24.83 & 0.672 & 23.13 \\
    & Variational 3D ConvLSTM (Ours) & 0.866 & 28.31 & \textbf{0.852} & \textbf{27.89} & \textbf{0.846} & \textbf{27.66}     \\

\caption{Results on the KTH action dataset when using 10 frames to predict 20 ($\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:30}$), 40 ($\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:50}$), and 60 ($\text{x}_{1:10} \rightarrow \hat{\text{x}}_{11:70}$) time steps into the future. The metrics are computed frame-wise. Higher SSIM and PSNR scores indicate better results.}

