Biblatex-chicago 首次完整引用,然后简写(作者日期)

Biblatex-chicago 首次完整引用,然后简写(作者日期)

我必须authordate在我的项目中使用,除非是法律条目,例如国会听证会。在这种情况下,我应该第一次完整引用它,然后使用简写。不幸的是,这对我来说不起作用,如果我使用\autocite,我只会得到简写。我意识到我可以\fullcite在第一次使用,但这需要很多注意力,因此很容易出错。我认为这可能与 authordate 设置有关,因为如果我改用 notes,它确实会按预期工作。这些通常是包选项:


\usepackage[authordate,backend=biber,hyperref=true, cmsdate=both,sortcites, uniquename=init]{biblatex-chicago}



例如,以下是两个 bib 条目:

 title = {Reinforcing the US--Taiwan relationship},
 series = {115th Congress (2nd)},
 subtitle = {House Hearing 115-147 before the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific of the Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives},
 abstract = {},
 pagetotal = {75},
 shorthand = {House Hearing 115-147},
 entrysubtype = {hearing},
 date = {2018-04-17}

 author = {Diamond, Larry and Myers, Ramon H.},
 year = {2000},
 title = {Introduction: Elections and democracy in greater China},
 url = {},
 pages = {365},
 pagination = {page},
 issn = {0305-7410},
 journaltitle = {The China Quarterly},
 abstract = {}}



Lalalala\footcite{Congress.20180417}, which and then later \textcite{Diamond2000} confirms, and then back to blablabla{Congress.20180417}.




答案的核心是引入一个测试,以判断这是否是法律作品对原始citebibmacro(可在 中找到chicago-dates-common.cbx)的第一次引用。

\usepackage[authordate, backend=biber, cmsdate=both, sortcites, uniquename=init]{biblatex-chicago}



          togl {cms@authortitle}%
          test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{classical}}%
         }% Similar to notes+bib
                \ifentrytype{mvreference}}% Simplified for CMS
                 \setunit{\cms@testspace}% Is this right?
                      {\usebibmacro{cmsbracketname}% For names in []
                         {\cms@testspace}{\newcunit}}% Wrong?
                \ifentrytype{mvreference}}% Simplified for CMS
                   {\iffieldequals{fullhash}{\cbx@lastyear}% Is this right?
  \setunit{\multicitedelim}}% ???

  title        = {Reinforcing the US--Taiwan relationship},
  series       = {115th Congress (2nd)},
  subtitle     = {House Hearing 115-147
                  before the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific
                  of the Committee on Foreign Affairs
                  House of Representatives},
  pagetotal    = {75},
  shorthand    = {House Hearing 115-147},
  entrysubtype = {hearing},
  date         = {2018-04-17},
  author       = {Diamond, Larry and Myers, Ramon H.},
  year         = {2000},
  title        = {Introduction: Elections and democracy in greater China},
  url          = {},
  pages        = {365},
  pagination   = {page},
  issn         = {0305-7410},
  journaltitle = {The China Quarterly},

which and then later \textcite{Diamond2000} confirms,
and then back to blablabla\footcite{Congress.20180417}.


1. 加强美台关系:第115届国会众议院外交委员会亚太小组委员会第115-147号众议院听证会(第2次)(2018年4月17日)[以下简称“众议院听证会115-147”]。//2. 2018年众议院听证会115-147号。
