使用 tikz 生成一些图形

使用 tikz 生成一些图形




% Radius of regular polygons

    \draw [black!20] circle (\R) ;
    \draw[black!20] circle (200pt)

    \draw[xshift=0\R] (0:\R) \foreach \x in {72,144,...,359} {
            -- (\x:\R)
        } -- cycle (90:\R) node[above] {} ;




\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, intersections, decorations.text}

% Radius of regular polygons

    \path [draw,name path=c1,blue!20,fill=gray!20] circle (\R) ;
    \path [draw,name path=c2,blue!20,fill=gray!30] circle (\R-1cm);
    \path [draw,name path=c3,blue!20,fill=gray!40] circle (\R-2cm);
    \path [name path=l1](0,0)--++(-10:5);
    \path [name path=l2](0,0)--++(-30:5);
    \path [name intersections={of= c3 and l1, by=A}];
    \path [name intersections={of= c2 and l1, by=B}];
    \draw [blue] (A)--(B);
    \path [name intersections={of= c3 and l2, by=C}];
    \path [name intersections={of= c2 and l2, by=D}];
    \draw [blue](C)--(D);
    \path [name path=l3](0,0)--++(190:5);
    \path [name path=l4](0,0)--++(210:5);
    \path [name intersections={of= c3 and l3, by=E}];
    \path [name intersections={of= c2 and l3, by=F}];
    \draw [blue] (E)--(F);
    \path [name intersections={of= c3 and l4, by=G}];
    \path [name intersections={of= c2 and l4, by=H}];
    \draw [blue](G)--(H);
    \path [name path=l5](0.5,-5)--(0.5,5);
    \path [name path=l6](-0.5,-5)--(-0.5,5);
     \path [name intersections={of= c3 and l5, by={I,J}}];
    \path [name intersections={of= c2 and l5, by={K,L}}];
    \draw [blue] (J)--(L);
    \path [name intersections={of= c3 and l6, by={II,JJ}}];
    \path [name intersections={of= c2 and l6, by={KK,LL}}];
    \draw [blue](JJ)--(LL);
    \path [name path=l7](0,0)--++(40:5);
    \path [name path=l8](0,0)--++(60:5);
    \path [name intersections={of= c3 and l7, by=M}];
    \path [name intersections={of= c1 and l7, by=N}];
    \draw [blue] (M)--(N);
    \path [name intersections={of= c3 and l8, by=O}];
    \path [name intersections={of= c1 and l8, by=P}];
    \draw [blue] (O)--(P);  
    \path [name path=l9](0,0)--++(130:5);
    \path [name path=l10](0,0)--++(150:5);
    \path [name intersections={of= c3 and l9, by=R}];
    \path [name intersections={of= c1 and l9, by=S}];
    \draw [blue] (R)--(S);
    \path [name intersections={of= c3 and l10, by=T}];
    \path [name intersections={of= c1 and l10, by=U}];
    \draw [blue] (T)--(U);  
    \node[draw,minimum size=4cm,inner sep=0pt,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=5,rotate=180] (a) {};
    \node at ([yshift=2.5mm]a.center){Start};
     \node at ([yshift=-2.5mm]a.center){1};
    \path [postaction={decorate,decoration={raise=0ex,text along path, reverse path,text align=center, text={TR}}}] (40:4.5cm) arc (40:60:4.5cm);
     \path [postaction={decorate,decoration={raise=-1ex,text along path, reverse path,text align=center, text={6}}}] (40:4.3cm) arc (40:60:4.3cm);
      \path [postaction={decorate,decoration={raise=-1ex,text along path, reverse path,text align=center, text={5}}}] (40:3.6cm) arc (40:60:3.6cm);
      \node at (-15:3.5){R};
      \node at (-25:3.55){3};
      \node at (-90:3.5){Cue};
      \node at (-90:3.85){2};


