IEEE Latex 参考书目(删除每个参考文献末尾的字母)

IEEE Latex 参考书目(删除每个参考文献末尾的字母)

我正在尝试使用 Mendeley 的 Latex 为我的论文创建参考书目,但在文档末尾有一个蓝色字母“V”,作为链接。我想删除每个参考文献后面的字母“V”。我该怎么做?


到目前为止,我创建的代码是一个多部分编译,最终文件扩展名为 .tex:

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abstract = {This supporting information contains a system description and flowcharts, a full inventory of the battery components, complete numerical values of the battery pack, a sensitivity analysis of the number of cycles, and a structural path analysis related to the study presented in the main article.},
author = {Trauner, Dirk},
file = {:Users/maria/Desktop/ambiente de trabalho 28-05-2019/Engenharia F{\'{i}}sica/Quinto ano/Moodle 2019$\backslash$:2020/estagio/artigos lidos/Fluid Guided CVD Growth for Large-scale Monolayer Two-dimensional Materials - 2020/am0c04125{\_}si{\_}001.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0027-8424},
journal = {Jacs-Si},
keywords = {10550 north torrey pines,and floyd e,ca 92037,cremeens,dawson,department of chemistry,j{\"{o}}rg zimmermann,la jolla,materials and methods,matthew e,philip e,porting information,road,romesberg,the scripps research institute,wayne yu},
number = {1},
pages = {1--5},
title = {{Supporting Information Supporting Information}},
volume = {2},
year = {2018}
abstract = {Controllable atmospheric pressure CVD has been optimized to grow transition metal dichalcogenide MoSe2 with tunable morphology at 750 °C on a silicon substrate with a native oxide layer of 250 nm. Utilizing tetrapotassium perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylate (PTAS) as a seed promoter and varying the vertical distance between the substrate and the precursor MoO3, different morphologies of MoSe2 were achieved, including 2D triangles, hexagons, 3D pyramids and vertically aligned MoSe2 sheets. We find that the shape of MoSe2 is highly dependent upon the distance h between the substrate and the precursor. The change in the morphology is attributed to the confinement of vapor (MoO3 and Se) precursors and their concentrations due to the change in h. These results are helpful in improving our understanding about the factors which influence the morphology (shape evolution) and also the continuous growth of MoSe2 films.},
author = {Sial, M. Naeem and Usman, Muhammad and Zheng, Binjie and Yu, Yanan and Mavri{\v{c}}, Andra{\v{z}} and Qing, Fangzhu and Valant, Matjaz and Wang, Zhiming M.},
doi = {10.1039/c8ce00917a},
file = {:Users/maria/Desktop/ambiente de trabalho 28-05-2019/Engenharia F{\'{i}}sica/Quinto ano/Moodle 2019$\backslash$:2020/estagio/artigos lidos/Controlled synthesis of highly crystalline CVD-derived monolayer MoSe2 and shape evolution mechanism - 2018/CVD growth of molybdenum diselenide surface structures with tailored morphology suplemento - 2018.pdf.pdf:pdf},
issn = {14668033},
journal = {CrystEngComm},
number = {33},
pages = {4867--4874},
title = {{CVD growth of molybdenum diselenide surface structures with tailored morphology}},
volume = {20},
year = {2018}







