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    \subfloat[\centering Cells Treated with Same Drug Input During PI and PII]{{includegraphics[width=6cm]{AtoA.png}}}%
    \subfloat[\centering Average Punctae per Cell]{{\includegraphics[width=9cm, height = 8cm]{AnalysisPIPII_01.png} }}%
    \caption{\textbf{(a)} side-by-side images taken for PI (left) and PII (right) for VC, RAP, and BAF. VC-R and VC-B represent vehicle control images taken with a Fluorescent Olympus IX83-Inverted Microscope with specific light intensity settings for Rapamycin and Bafilomycin respectively. \textbf{(b)} Average punctae per cell analysis using SparQ pluggin for FIJI(ImageJ). Error bars represent standard deviation ($\pm$SD). }%
