我想知道是否有办法在进入表单之前添加标题和一些简介(否则效果会很好!)。普通文本会随机插入到中间 - 对此我非常感谢任何帮助。
\usepackage{array} % Allows matrix-type array for the table
\usepackage{hyperref} % Allows a fillable pdf to be output
\newcolumntype{P}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{#1}} % Ascribes 'p' the column type of horizontally centred
\newcolumntype{M}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{#1}} % Ascribes 'm' the column type of vertically and horizontally centred
\Large \textbf{A title}
Some text I'd really love to be ABOVE where the form starts. Basically a bit of a blurb about what the form is\\
\todo{Oh text... Why you no worky? Go to your home} % Using to do notes
\textbf{Catalogue No.} & \textbf{Product Name} & \textbf{Quantity} & \textbf{Pack Size} & \textbf{Order No.} \\
\TextField[name = 1, width = 2cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 2, width = 5cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 3, width = 1.75cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 4, width = 1.5cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 5, width = 2cm]{ } \\
\TextField[name = 6, width = 2cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 7, width = 5cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 8, width = 1.75cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 9, width = 1.5cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 5, width = 2cm]{ } \\
\hline\TextField[name = 10, width = 2cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 11, width = 5cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 12, width = 1.75cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 13, width = 1.5cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 5, width = 2cm]{ } \\
\hline\TextField[name = 14, width = 2cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 15, width = 5cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 16, width = 1.75cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 17, width = 1.5cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 5, width = 2cm]{ } \\
\hline\TextField[name = 18, width = 2cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 19, width = 5cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 20, width = 1.75cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 21, width = 1.5cm]{ } & \TextField[name = 5, width = 2cm]{ } \\
\TextField{Something to put in here:}