es 吗?
以下是 MWE:
\item{In outer space,\\
the change in pressure is dominated by unicorns at low temperature;\\
by gnomes at moderate temperature; and\\
by dwarves at high temperature.}
the change in pressure is dominated by lemmings at low temperature;\\
by elves at moderate temperature; and\\
by trolls at high temperature.}
\newcommand{\myplaceholder}{\phantom{the change in pressure is dominated }}
\item{In outer space,\\
the change in pressure is dominated by unicorns at low temperature;\\
\myplaceholder by gnomes at moderate temperature; and\\
\myplaceholder by dwarves at high temperature.}
the change in pressure is dominated by lemmings at low temperature;\\
\myplaceholder by elves at moderate temperature; and\\
\myplaceholder by trolls at high temperature.}
\setlength{\mylength}{\widthof{the change in pressure is dominated}}
\item{In outer space,\\
the change in pressure is dominated by unicorns at low temperature;
\hspace{\mylength} by gnomes at moderate temperature; and
\hspace{\mylength} by dwarves at high temperature.}
the change in pressure is dominated by lemmings at low temperature;
\hspace{\mylength} by elves at moderate temperature; and
\hspace{\mylength} by trolls at high temperature.}
\item In outer space,\\
the change in pressure is dominated
\begin{tabular}[t]{@{} l}
by unicorns at low temperature;\\
by gnomes at moderate temperature; and\\
by dwarves at high temperature.
\item In outer space,\\
the change in pressure is dominated
\begin{tabular}[t]{@{} l}
by unicorns at low temperature;\\
by gnomes at moderate temperature; and\\
by dwarves at high temperature.
\item In outer space,\\
the change in pressure is dominated \Longunderstack[l]{%
by unicorns at low temperature;\\
by gnomes at moderate temperature; and\\
by dwarves at high temperature.}
\item Underwater,\\
the change in pressure is dominated \Longunderstack[l]{%
by lemmings at low temperature;\\
by elves at moderate temperature; and\\
by trolls at high temperature.}
\sbox0{the change in pressure is dominated }% measure width
\item In outer space,\\
\usebox0\parbox[t]{\dimexpr \linewidth-\wd0}{% remaining space
by unicorns at low temperature;\\
by gnomes at moderate temperature; and\\
by dwarves at high temperature.}
\item Underwater,\\
\usebox0\parbox[t]{\dimexpr \linewidth-\wd0}{%
by lemmings at low temperature;\\
by elves at moderate temperature; and\\
by trolls at high temperature.}