我发现无法扩大由 AMSBOOK -documentclass 创建的文档。
本问题的底部是一个极简的 TeX 文件。您可能会发现文本很熟悉。
\documentclass[a4paper]{amsbook} %\documentclass[a4paper]{book}
%\documentclass[a4paper]{amsbook} \documentclass[a4paper]{book}
LaTeX 运行顺利
我已尝试使用 \usepackage{geometry} -package 和 \usepackage{blowup} -package 以及 \mag -command 与 AMSBOOK,结果相同。
这两个包和 \mag -命令都可以与 BOOK -documentclass 以及我尝试过的其他 documentclass 配合良好。
需要什么才能使基于 AMSBOOK 的文档可扩展?
\geometry{a4paper, mag=1095, height=22.3truecm, width=12.7cm,showframe=true,verbose=true}
%\geometry{a4paper, mag=1095}
\chapter{Meet the American Mathematical Society}
A professional society since 1888, we advance research and connect the diverse global mathematical community through publications,
meetings and conferences, MathSciNet, professional services, advocacy, and awareness programs.
Some 30,000 individuals and 570 institutions worldwide make up the Society. AMS membership supports the mathematical sciences by providing
access to research, professional networking, conferences and events, advocacy, and a connection to a
community passionate about mathematics and its relationship to other disciplines and everyday life:
! Incompatible magnification (1095);
the previous value will be retained (1000).
\geometry{a4paper, , height=22.3truecm, width=12.7cm,showframe=true,verbose=true}
%\geometry{a4paper, mag=1095}
\chapter{Meet the American Mathematical Society}
A professional society since 1888, we advance research and connect the diverse global mathematical community through publications,
meetings and conferences, MathSciNet, professional services, advocacy, and awareness programs.
Some 30,000 individuals and 570 institutions worldwide make up the Society. AMS membership supports the mathematical sciences by providing
access to research, professional networking, conferences and events, advocacy, and a connection to a
community passionate about mathematics and its relationship to other disciplines and everyday life: