


  % Full definition of the command



   [ [3,2]*[-3, 0]*[ 1,-2] ]
   [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2]*[-1, 3] ]




这些列表的长度就是\x有多少个调用。在这个例子中,长度是 3,所以有 3 个调用,\x但如果长度更长或更短,则数量会有所不同。列表的数量是每次调用 有多少个参数\x。在这个例子中,有两个,但最多可以有 8 个。

如果可能的话,我希望能够将星星从 传递给\mxm*\x*但如果这太难,那么我有一个替代解决方案,因为它不应该经常出现。如下所示:

\mxm[[1,3,1]*[-1, 0,3]]
    [[2,2,1]*[ 0,-2,2]]
    [[3,1,2]*[ 1,-2,1]]


\x*[-1, 0,3]
   [ 0,-2,2]
   [ 1,-2,1]

这是 MWE举个例子\x(只是占位符,可能不叫\x)。它还包含了我取得的进展,尽管我无法想象它有多大帮助。



如果我理解正确的话,\mxm就是处理一个可选参数列表,其中每个可选参数本身都包含一个*以 - 分隔的可选参数列表。


因此,我可以自由地实施一些事情,以便在由于列表长度不同或参数指定为空而导致缺少 - 分隔元素的[NULL]地方提供这些元素。**


%% Little helpers:
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% Extract first inner undelimited argument:
%%   \romannumeral\UD@ExtractFirstArgLoop{<argument>\UD@SelDOm}%
%%   yields <argument>'s 1st undelimited argument.
%%   <argument> must not be blank, i.e., must neither be empty nor consist
%%   only of explicit character tokens of catcode 10 and charcode 32.
%%   \UD@SelDOm must not be defined in terms of \outer !

%% \mxm starts a loop for collecting an arbitrary amount of optional arguments.
%% \innermxm checks if another optional argument is present.
%% If so it will be collected and \innermxm is called again.
%% Otherwise the loop for forming the calls to \x is started.
\NewDocumentCommand\innermxm{m >{\SplitList{*}}o}{%
  % #1 - list of brace-nested optional arguments collected so far.
  % #2 - either the no-value-marker or the next optional argument:
    % Start the loop for forming the calls to \x/for re-arranging things:
    %   \romannumeral is not really needed here, but while writing
    %   this I wanted the missing-number-error in case of messing up
    %   the tail-recursive \mxmloop's  flipping-around/exchanging
    %   of arguments. ;-)
    % Add the current optional argument to the list #1 and check if
    % another optional argument is present...

  %#1 - token-list produced so far forming current new call to \x
  %#2 - new list of lists
  %#3 - indicator if all elements of current list of lists were empty. 
  %#4 - current list of lists
  %#5 - list of calls to \x
      \z@#5% <- this \z@ terminates the (actually not needed)
           %   \romannumeral-expansion started by \innermxm. 
           %   It denotes a non-positive number and therefore
           %   gets removed silently.

% Let's define \x to collect an arbitrary amount of optional arguments and to display them:



\noindent Test 1:

   [ [3,2]*[-3, 0]*[ 1,-2] ]
   [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2]*[-1, 3] ]
   [ [3,5]*[ 6,-7]*[-8, 9] ]


\noindent Test 2:

   [ [3,2]*[-3, 0] ]
   [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2]*[-1, 3] ]
   [ [3,5]*[ 6,-7]*[-8, 9] ]


\noindent Test 3:

   [ [3,2]*[-3, 0]*[ 1,-2]*[2,8] ]
   [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2]* * ]
   [ [3,5]*[ 6,-7]*[-8, 9]* ]


\noindent Test 4:

   [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2]]
   [ [3,2]*[-3, 0]*[ 1,-2]*[2,8]*[17,4] ]
   [ [3,5]*[ 6,-7]*[-8, 9]* ]


\noindent Test 5:

   [ [3,2]*[-3, 0]*[ 1,-2]*[2,8] ]
   [ ]
   [ [3,5]*[ 6,-7]*[-8, 9]* ]


\noindent Test 6:

   [ [3,2]*[-3, 0] ]
   [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2] ]
   [ [3,5]*[ 6,-7] ]
   [ [2,7]*[ 7,-0] ]
   [ [8,4]*[ 6,-0] ]


\noindent Test 7:

   [ [3,2]*[-3, 0]*[1,1]*[ 0,-2]*[3,5]*[ 6,-7] ]


\noindent Test 8:

   [ [3,2] ]


\noindent Test 9:

   [  ]


\noindent Test 10:


\noindent bla





%% Little helpers:
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% Extract first inner undelimited argument:
%%   \romannumeral\UD@ExtractFirstArgLoop{<argument>\UD@SelDOm}%
%%   yields <argument>'s 1st undlimited argument.
%%   <argument> must not be blank, i.e., must neither be empty nor consist
%%   only of explicit character tokens of catcode 10 and charcode 32.
%%   \UD@SelDOm must not be defined in terms of \outer !

%% \mxm starts a loop for collecting an arbitrary amount of optional arguments.
%% \innermxm checks if another optional argument is present.
%% If so it will be collected and \innermxm is called again.
%% Otherwise the loop for forming the calls to \x is started.
\NewDocumentCommand\innermxm{mm >{\SplitList{*}}o}{%
  % #1 - command for creating matrices
  % #2 - list of brace-nested optional arguments collected so far.
  % #3 - either the no-value-marker or the next optional argument:
    % Start the loop for forming the calls to \x/for re-arranging things:
    %   \romannumeral is not really needed here, but while writing
    %   this I wanted the missing-number-error in case of messing up
    %   the tail-recursive \mxmloop's  flipping-around/exchanging
    %   of arguments. ;-)
    % Add the current optional argument to the list #2 and check if
    % another optional argument is present...

  %#1 - command for creating matrices
  %#2 - token-list produced so far forming current command for creating matrices
  %#3 - new list of lists
  %#4 - indicator if all elements of current list of lists were empty. 
  %#5 - current list of lists
  %#6 - list of calls for creating matrices
      \z@#6% <- this \z@ terminates the (actually not needed)
           %   \romannumeral-expansion started by \innermxm. 
           %   It denotes a non-positive number and therefore
           %   gets removed silently.

% Let's define \x to collect an arbitrary amount of optional arguments and to create a matrix of them:
\NewDocumentCommand\innerx{mmm >{\SplitList{,}}o}{%
  % #1 - matrix-content created so far
  % #2 - things to prepend to matrix-row to create (empty with 1st row, \\ otherwise)
  % #3 - name of matrix-environment
  % #4 - optional argument from which next matrix-row is to be created
  %#1 - argument list
  %#2 - interspersed list
  %#3 - token to prepend (empty with 1st element, & otherwise)




\noindent Test 1:

     [ [3,2]*[-3, 0]*[ 1,-2] ]
     [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2]*[-1, 3] ]
     [ [3,5]*[ 6,-7]*[-8, 9] ]$$


\noindent Test 2:

     [ [3,2]*[-3, 0]         ]
     [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2]*[-1, 3] ]
     [ [3,5]*[ 6,-7]*[-8, 9] ]$$


\noindent Test 2a:

     [ [3,2]*       *[-3, 0] ]
     [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2]*[-1, 3] ]
     [ [3,5]*[ 6,-7]*[-8, 9] ]$$


\noindent Test 3:

     [ [3,2] * [-3, 0] * [ 1,-2] * [2,8] ]
     [ [1,1] * [ 0,-2] *         *       ]
     [ [3,5] * [ 6,-7] * [-8, 9] *       ]$$


\noindent Test 4:

     [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2]]
     [ [3,2]*[-3, 0]*[ 1,-2]*[2,8]*[17,4] ]
     [ [3,5]*[ 6,-7]*[-8, 9]* ]$$


\noindent Test 5:

     [ [3,2]*[-3, 0]*[ 1,-2]*[2,8] ]
     [ ]
     [ [3,5]*[ 6,-7]*[-8, 9]* ]$$


\noindent Test 6:

     [ [3,2]*[-3, 0] ]
     [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2] ]
     [ [3,5]*[ 6,-7] ]
     [ [2,7]*[ 7,-0] ]
     [ [8,4]*[ 6,-0] ]
     [ [3,2]*[-3, 0] ]
     [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2] ]
     [ [3,5]*[ 6,-7] ]
     [ [2,7]*[ 7,-0] ]
     [ [8,4]*[ 6,-0] ]
     [ [3,2]*[-3, 0] ]
     [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2] ]
     [ [3,5]*[ 6,-7] ]
     [ [2,7]*[ 7,-0] ]
     [ [8,4]*[ 6,-0] ]$$


\noindent Test 6b:

     [ [3,2] * [-3, 0]   *         ]
     [ [1,1] *           * [ 0,-2] ]
     [ [3,5] *           * [ 6,-7] ]
     [ [2,7] *           * [ 7,-0] ]
     [ [8,4] *           * [ 6,-0] ]
     [       *           * [ 6,-0] ]$$


\noindent Test 7:

     [ [3,2]*[-3, 0]*[1,1]*[ 0,-2]*[3,5]*[ 6,-7] ]$$


\noindent Test 8:

     [ [3,2] ]$$


\noindent Test 9:

     [  ]$$


\noindent Test 10:


\noindent bla


在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述



   [ [3,2]*[-3, 0]*[ 1,-2] ]
   [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2]*[-1, 3] ]




\def\mxm [ [#1]*[#2]*[#3] ] [ [#4]*[#5]*[#6] ]{%


   [ [A1]*[A2]*[A3]*[A4] ]
   [ [B1]*[B2]*[B3]*[B4] ]
   [ [C1]*[C2]*[C3]*[C4] ]




\newcount\numrows \newcount\tmpnum
\def\mxm {\numrows=0 \mxmA}
\def\mxmA [ #1 ] {\advance\numrows by1 \sdef{r:\the\numrows}{#1}%
\def\mxmB {\ifx\next[\expandafter\mxmA \else \expandafter \mxmC\fi}
\def\mxmC {\expandafter\ifx \csname r:1\endcsname \empty \else
   \tmpnum=0 \def\xparams{}%
      \advance\tmpnum by1
      \expandafter \expandafter \expandafter \mxmD
           \csname r:\the\tmpnum\endcsname \end
      \ifnum\tmpnum<\numrows \repeat
   \expandafter \x \xparams \relax
   \expandafter \mxmC \fi
\def\mxmD #1[#2]#3\end{\sdef{r:\the\tmpnum}{#3}\addto\xparams{[#2]}}


% Just for testing:
\def\x #1\relax{\message{running \string\x #1}}

     [ [A1]*[A2]*[A3]*[A4] ]
     [ [B1]*[B2]*[B3]*[B4] ]
     [ [C1]*[C2]*[C3]*[C4] ]


此代码(之后)的消息结果\pdftex testfile为:

running \x[A1][B1][C1] running \x[A2][B2][C2]
running \x[A3][B3][C3] running \x[A4][B4][C4]





\NewDocumentCommand\makematrix{ s o o o o o o o o }
  \begin{ \IfBooleanTF { #1 } { p } { b } matrix }
  \bryce_make_matrix:nnnnnnnn { #2 } { #3 } { #4 } { #5 } { #6 } { #7 } { #8 } { #9 }
  \end{ \IfBooleanTF { #1 } { p } { b } matrix }
\NewDocumentCommand{\mxm} { s o o o o o o o o }
  \group_begin: % localize the setting of the sequences
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \l__bryce_mxm_i_seq { * } { #2 }
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \l__bryce_mxm_ii_seq { * } { #3 }
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \l__bryce_mxm_iii_seq { * } { #4 }
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \l__bryce_mxm_iv_seq { * } { #5 }
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \l__bryce_mxm_v_seq { * } { #6 }
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \l__bryce_mxm_vi_seq { * } { #7 }
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \l__bryce_mxm_vii_seq { * } { #8 }
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \l__bryce_mxm_viii_seq { * } { #9 }
  \cs_set_protected:Nx \__bryce_mxm:
    \makematrix \IfBooleanT { #1 } { * }

\cs_new_protected:Nn \bryce_make_matrix:nnnnnnnn
  \tl_if_novalue:nF { #1 } { \__bryce_make_row:n { #1 } }
  \tl_if_novalue:nF { #2 } { \__bryce_make_row:n { #2 } }
  \tl_if_novalue:nF { #3 } { \__bryce_make_row:n { #3 } }
  \tl_if_novalue:nF { #4 } { \__bryce_make_row:n { #4 } }
  \tl_if_novalue:nF { #5 } { \__bryce_make_row:n { #5 } }
  \tl_if_novalue:nF { #6 } { \__bryce_make_row:n { #6 } }
  \tl_if_novalue:nF { #7 } { \__bryce_make_row:n { #7 } }
  \tl_if_novalue:nF { #8 } { \__bryce_make_row:n { #8 } }

\cs_new_protected:Nn \__bryce_make_row:n
  \clist_set:Nn \l__bryce_row_clist { #1 }
  \clist_use:Nn \l__bryce_row_clist { & }

\seq_new:N \l__bryce_mxm_i_seq
\seq_new:N \l__bryce_mxm_ii_seq
\seq_new:N \l__bryce_mxm_iii_seq
\seq_new:N \l__bryce_mxm_iv_seq
\seq_new:N \l__bryce_mxm_v_seq
\seq_new:N \l__bryce_mxm_vi_seq
\seq_new:N \l__bryce_mxm_vii_seq
\seq_new:N \l__bryce_mxm_viii_seq
\int_new:N \l__bryce_mxm_int

\cs_new_protected:Nn \__bryce_mxm_do:
  \int_step_inline:nn { \seq_count:N \l__bryce_mxm_i_seq }
    \int_set:Nn \l__bryce_mxm_int { ##1 }
    \exp_last_unbraced:Ne \__bryce_mxm: \__bryce_mxm_args:
\cs_new:Nn \__bryce_mxm_args:
  \int_step_function:nN { 8 } \__bryce_mxm_args_aux:n
\cs_new:Nn \__bryce_mxm_args_aux:n
  \seq_item:cn { l__bryce_mxm_\int_to_roman:n { #1 }_seq } { \l__bryce_mxm_int }



\makematrix[-3, 0][ 0,-2]
\makematrix[ 1,-2][-1, 3]

   [ [3,2]*[-3, 0]*[ 1,-2] ]
   [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2]*[-1, 3] ]

\makematrix*[-3, 0][ 0,-2]
\makematrix*[ 1,-2][-1, 3]

   [ [3,2]*[-3, 0]*[ 1,-2] ]
   [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2]*[-1, 3] ]








\tl_new:N \l_doc_tmpa_tl
\tl_new:N \l_doc_tmpb_tl
\tl_new:N \l_doc_tmpc_tl

\int_new:N \l_doc_tmpa_int
\int_new:N \l_doc_tmpb_int
\int_new:N \l_doc_tmpc_int
\clist_new:N \l_doc_tmpa_clist

\seq_new:N \l_doc_tmpa_seq
\seq_new:N \l_doc_tmpb_seq
\seq_new:N \l_doc_tmpc_seq
\seq_new:N \l_doc_tmpd_seq
\seq_new:N \l_doc_tmpe_seq

\cs_set:Npn \doc_extract_square_bracket:nN #1#2 {
  \tl_set:Nn \l_doc_tmpa_tl {#1}
  \seq_clear:N #2
  \int_set:Nn \l_doc_tmpa_int {0}
  \tl_clear:N \l_doc_tmpc_tl
  \bool_do_until:nn {\tl_if_empty_p:N \l_doc_tmpa_tl} {
    \tl_set:Nx \l_doc_tmpb_tl {\tl_head:N \l_doc_tmpa_tl}
    \tl_set:Nx \l_doc_tmpa_tl {\tl_tail:N \l_doc_tmpa_tl}
    \exp_args:NV \str_case:nnF \l_doc_tmpb_tl {
      {[} {
        \int_compare:nNnT {\l_doc_tmpa_int} > {0} {
          \tl_put_right:NV \l_doc_tmpc_tl \l_doc_tmpb_tl
        \int_incr:N \l_doc_tmpa_int
      {]} {
        \int_decr:N \l_doc_tmpa_int
        \int_compare:nNnTF {\l_doc_tmpa_int} > {0} {
          \tl_put_right:NV \l_doc_tmpc_tl \l_doc_tmpb_tl
          \seq_put_right:NV #2 \l_doc_tmpc_tl
          \tl_clear:N \l_doc_tmpc_tl
    } {
      \int_compare:nNnT {\l_doc_tmpa_int} > {0} {
        \tl_put_right:NV \l_doc_tmpc_tl \l_doc_tmpb_tl

  \seq_clear:N \l_doc_tmpc_seq
  \doc_extract_square_bracket:nN {#1} \l_doc_tmpb_seq
  \seq_map_variable:NNn \l_doc_tmpb_seq \l_doc_tmpa_tl {
    \clist_set:NV \l_doc_tmpa_clist \l_doc_tmpa_tl
    \seq_put_right:Nx \l_doc_tmpc_seq {\clist_use:Nn \l_doc_tmpa_clist {\c_alignment_token}}
    \seq_use:Nn \l_doc_tmpc_seq {\\}

\cs_set:Npn \doc_temp_seq_name:n #1 {
  l__doc_mat_\int_to_alph:n {#1}_seq

  \doc_extract_square_bracket:nN {#1} \l_doc_tmpd_seq
  \seq_get_left:NN \l_doc_tmpd_seq \l_doc_tmpa_tl
  \exp_args:NV \doc_extract_square_bracket:nN \l_doc_tmpa_tl \l_doc_tmpe_seq
  \int_set:Nn \l_doc_tmpb_int {\seq_count:N \l_doc_tmpe_seq}
  \seq_show:N \l_doc_tmpd_seq
  \int_step_inline:nn {\l_doc_tmpb_int} {
    \seq_clear:c {\doc_temp_seq_name:n {##1}}
  \seq_map_variable:NNn \l_doc_tmpd_seq \l_doc_tmpa_tl {
    \exp_args:NV \doc_extract_square_bracket:nN \l_doc_tmpa_tl \l_doc_tmpe_seq
    \int_set:Nn \l_doc_tmpc_int {1}
    \seq_map_variable:NNn \l_doc_tmpe_seq \l_doc_tmpb_tl {
      \tl_clear:N \l_doc_tmpc_tl
      \tl_put_right:Nn \l_doc_tmpc_tl {[}
      \tl_put_right:NV \l_doc_tmpc_tl \l_doc_tmpb_tl
      \tl_put_right:Nn \l_doc_tmpc_tl {]}
      \seq_put_right:cV {\doc_temp_seq_name:n {\l_doc_tmpc_int}} \l_doc_tmpc_tl
      \int_incr:N \l_doc_tmpc_int
  \int_step_inline:nn {\l_doc_tmpb_int} {
    \tl_set:Nx \l_doc_tmpa_tl {\exp_not:N\x{\seq_use:cn {\doc_temp_seq_name:n {##1}} {}}}
    \tl_use:N \l_doc_tmpa_tl


   [ [3,2]*[-3, 0]*[ 1,-2] ]
   [ [1,1]*[ 0,-2]*[-1, 3] ]
   [ [3,2]+[-3, 0]+[ 1,-2] ]
   [ [1,1]+[ 0,-2]+[-1, 3] ]
   [ [3,2][-3, \alpha][ 1,-2][5,6] ]
   [ [1,1][ 0,-2][-1, 3][5,6] ]
   [ [1,1][ 0,-2][-1, 3][5,6] ]
   [ [1,1][ 0,-2][-1, 3][5,6] ]
   [ [1,1][ 0,-2][-1, 3][5,6] ]
   [ [1,1][ 0,-2][\frac{3}{2}, 3][5,6] ]
