我想使用 KOMA 变量,myref
在我的文档中出现(因为我打算把 放在myref
似乎没有效果。我怎样才能让 refline 完全消失?
%\KOMAoptions{refline=false} %%This does NOT WORK
\begin{letter}{Mrs Mabel Canary\\24 The Street\\Some Village\\
Some Town\\Noshire\\AB1 2YZ}
\opening{Dear Mrs~Canary}
This is an imaginary letter.
This is the second paragraph of the letter.
\closing{Yours sincerely}
\ps PS: this is a postscript.
\encl{Photocopy of something interesting\\
Photocopy of something rather dull}
\cc{Prof Important Person\\
Dr Bor Ing}
从 refline 中删除除日期之外的所有字段:
\removereffields% <- added
\begin{letter}{Mrs Mabel Canary\\24 The Street\\Some Village\\
Some Town\\Noshire\\AB1 2YZ}
\opening{Dear Mrs~Canary}
This is an imaginary letter.
This is the second paragraph of the letter.
\closing{Yours sincerely}
\ps PS: this is a postscript.
\encl{Photocopy of something interesting\\
Photocopy of something rather dull}
\cc{Prof Important Person\\
Dr Bor Ing}