一个带有 的实现expl3
如果第二个参数是整数(通过正则表达式识别,零个或一个连字符/减号和一个或多个数字),则第二个打印项将计算索引,否则将是<start point>+1
- 如果起点和终点重合,则只打印一个项目;
- 如果起点和终点都是数字,且相差一到两位,则只打印相关项目;
- 否则,将打印起始项、下一个项、点和结束项。
%\usepackage{xparse} % not needed with LaTeX 2020-10-01 or later
{% #1 = optional *
% #2 = template
% #3 = starting point
% #4 = end point
\pinkcollins_genseq:nnn { #2 } { #3 } { #4 }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \pinkcollins_genseq:nnn
% turn the template into a (temporary) function
\cs_set:Nn \__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #1 }
% do the main work
\tl_if_eq:nnTF { #2 } { #3 }
{% if #2=#3, not much to do
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #2 }
{% now the hard work
\__pinkcollins_genseq_do:nn { #2 } { #3 }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \__pinkcollins_genseq_do:nn
{% #1 = start point, #2 = end point
% first check whether #1 is an integer
% \-? = one optional minus sign
% [[:digit:]]+ = one or more digits
% \Z = up to the end of the input
\regex_match:nnTF { \-? [[:digit:]]+ \Z } { #1 }
\__pinkcollins_genseq_number:nn { #1 } { #2 }
\__pinkcollins_genseq_symbolic:nn { #1 } { #2 }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \__pinkcollins_genseq_number:nn
{% #1 = start point, #2 = end point
\tl_if_eq:enTF { \int_eval:n { #1 + 1 } } { #2 }
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #1 },\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #2 }
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #1 },
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { \int_eval:n { #1+1 } },
\tl_if_eq:enF { \int_eval:n { #1 + 2 } } { #2 } { \dots, }
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #2 }
\prg_generate_conditional_variant:Nnn \tl_if_eq:nn { e } { T, F, TF }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \__pinkcollins_genseq_symbolic:nn
{% #1 = start point, #2 = end point
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #1 },
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #1+1 },
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #2 }
%\usepackage{xparse} % not needed with LaTeX 2020-10-01 or later
{% #1 = optional * for reverse sequence
% #2 = template
% #3 = starting point
% #4 = end point
\cs_set:Nn \__pinkcollins_genseq_sign: { - }
\cs_set:Nn \__pinkcollins_genseq_sign: { + }
\pinkcollins_genseq:nnn { #2 } { #3 } { #4 }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \pinkcollins_genseq:nnn
% turn the template into a (temporary) function
\cs_set:Nn \__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #1 }
% do the main work
\tl_if_eq:nnTF { #2 } { #3 }
{% if #2=#3, not much to do
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #2 }
{% now the hard work
\__pinkcollins_genseq_do:nn { #2 } { #3 }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \__pinkcollins_genseq_do:nn
{% #1 = start point, #2 = end point
% first check whether #1 is an integer
% \-? = one optional minus sign
% [[:digit:]]+ = one or more digits
% \Z = up to the end of the input
\regex_match:nnTF { \-? [[:digit:]]+ \Z } { #1 }
\__pinkcollins_genseq_number:nn { #1 } { #2 }
\__pinkcollins_genseq_symbolic:nn { #1 } { #2 }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \__pinkcollins_genseq_number:nn
{% #1 = start point, #2 = end point
\tl_if_eq:enTF { \int_eval:n { #1 \__pinkcollins_genseq_sign: 1 } } { #2 }
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #1 },\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #2 }
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #1 },
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { \int_eval:n { #1\__pinkcollins_genseq_sign: 1 } },
\tl_if_eq:enF { \int_eval:n { #1 \__pinkcollins_genseq_sign: 2 } } { #2 } { \dots, }
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #2 }
\prg_generate_conditional_variant:Nnn \tl_if_eq:nn { e } { T, F, TF }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \__pinkcollins_genseq_symbolic:nn
{% #1 = start point, #2 = end point
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #1 },
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #1\__pinkcollins_genseq_sign:1 },
\__pinkcollins_genseq_temp:n { #2 }
为了玩 expl3 更有趣,我想用 expl3 来玩。
但我最终使用 expl3 和我自己的代码混合来实现它:
- 我使用 expl3-regex-code 来检查⟨最小索引⟩—(!) 不扩展⟨最小索引⟩ (!)—形成最多一个符号和一些十进制数字的序列,如果是这样的话,用于递增并传递给替换例程的(递增的)值⟨最小索引⟩。
- 我使用自己的代码来替换⟨指数⟩之内⟨一般术语⟩。
⟨最小索引⟩不会扩展以检查它是否表示/产生(仅)有效的 TeX-⟨数字⟩-数量。我不同意这种检查/测试的想法,原因如下:没有测试方法来检查是否完全扩展⟨最小索引⟩仅产生有效的 TeX-⟨数字⟩-我所知道的数量没有某种缺陷,并且/或者对可能的用户输入没有任何限制。当尝试实现此类测试的算法时,您将面临停机问题:在扩展它们时,形成的标记⟨最小索引⟩可以形成任意基于扩展的算法。让算法检查这种算法最终是否产生有效的 TeX-⟨数字⟩-quantity 意味着让一个算法检查另一个任意算法是否完全终止/终止时没有错误消息。这就是停机问题。阿兰图灵于 1936 年证明不可能实现一种算法,可以“决定”任何任意算法是否会终止。
一开始我打算替换⟨指数⟩也可以通过 expl3 例程:
第七部分 - l3tl 包 - 令牌列表, 部分3 修改代币列表变量的界面3.pdf(发布日期 2020-10-27)指出:
\tl_replace_all:Nnn ⟨tl var⟩ {⟨old tokens⟩} {⟨new tokens⟩}
替换所有事件的⟨旧代币⟩在里面⟨tl 变量⟩和⟨新代币⟩。⟨旧代币⟩不能包含
(更准确地说,类别代码为 1(开始组)或 2(结束组)的显式字符标记,以及类别代码为 6 的标记)。由于此函数从左到右操作,因此模式⟨旧代币⟩替换后可能会保留(请参阅\tl_remove_all:Nn
(您被告知类别代码 1 是“begin-group”,类别代码 2 是“end-group”。我很奇怪为什么没有告诉您类别代码 6 是“parameter”。;-))
我尝试用 来做这件事\tl_replace_all:Nnn
\tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl {uu{uu}uu{uu}}
\tl_replace_all:Nnn \l_tmpa_tl {u} {d}
\tl_show:N \l_tmpa_tl
似乎只有未嵌套在类别代码为 1(开始组)和 2(结束组)的一对匹配的显式字符标记之间的出现才会被替换。
因此我决定从头开始编写自己的替换程序,不使用 expl3。
是将类别代码为 1 的所有显式字符标记替换为 ,将类别代码为 2 的所有显式字符标记替换为。{1
\documentclass[landscape, a4paper]{article}
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% #1 = general term
% #2 = index
% #3 = min index
% #4 = max index
\regex_match:nnTF { ^[\+\-]?\d+$ }{ #3 }{
\int_step_inline:nnnn {#3}{1}{#3+1}{\ReplaceAllIndexOcurrences{#1}{#2}{##1},}
%%//////////////////// Code of my own replacement-routine: ////////////////////
%% Paraphernalia:
%% \UD@firstoftwo, \UD@secondoftwo,
%% \UD@PassFirstToSecond, \UD@Exchange, \UD@removespace
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull, \UD@CheckWhetherBrace,
%% \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens, \UD@ExtractFirstArg
\newcommand\UD@removespace{}\UD@firstoftwo{\def\UD@removespace}{} {}%
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%% {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%% which is to be checked is empty>}%
%% {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%% which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
%% Check whether argument's first token is a catcode-1-character
%% \UD@CheckWhetherBrace{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%% {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%% which is to be checked has leading
%% catcode-1-token>}%
%% {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%% which is to be checked has no leading
%% catcode-1-token>}%
%% Check whether argument's leading tokens form a specific
%% token-sequence that does neither contain explicit character tokens of
%% category code 1 or 2 nor contain tokens of category code 6:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{<argument which is to be checked>}%
%% {<a <token sequence> without explicit
%% character tokens of category code
%% 1 or 2 and without tokens of
%% category code 6>}%
%% {<internal token-check-macro>}%
%% {<tokens to be delivered in case
%% <argument which is to be checked> has
%% <token sequence> as leading tokens>}%
%% {<tokens to be delivered in case
%% <argument which is to be checked>
%% does not have <token sequence> as
%% leading tokens>}%
%% \UD@internaltokencheckdefiner{<internal token-check-macro>}%
%% {<token sequence>}%
%% Defines <internal token-check-macro> to snap everything
%% until reaching <token sequence>-sequence and spit that out
%% nested in braces.
\UD@internaltokencheckdefiner{\UD@InternalExplicitSpaceCheckMacro}{ }%
%% Extract first inner undelimited argument:
%% \romannumeral\UD@ExtractFirstArgLoop{ABCDE\UD@SelDOm} yields {A}
%% \romannumeral\UD@ExtractFirstArgLoop{{AB}CDE\UD@SelDOm} yields {AB}
%% \ReplaceAllIndexOcurrences{<term with <index>>}
%% {<index>}%
%% {<replacement for<index>>}%
%% Replaces all <index> in <term with <index>> by <replacement for<index>>
%% !!! Does also replace all pairs of matching explicit character tokens of
%% catcode 1/2 by matching braces!!!
%% !!! <index> must not contain explicit character tokens of catcode 1 or 2 !!!
%% !!! <index> must not contain tokens of catcode 6 !!!
%% !!! Defines temporary macro \UD@temp, therefore not expandable !!!
% #1 - <term with <index>>
% #2 - <index>
% Do:
% \UD@internaltokencheckdefiner{\UD@temp}{<index>}%
% \romannumeral\UD@ReplaceAllIndexOcurrencesLoop
% {<term with <index>>}%
% {<sequence created so far, initially empty>}%
% {<index>}%
% {<replacement for<index>>}%
% #1 - <term with <index>>
% #2 - <sequence created so far, initially empty>
% #3 - <index>
% #4 - <replacement for<index>>
\UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{#1}{ }{\UD@InternalExplicitSpaceCheckMacro}{%
\expandafter{\UD@removespace#1}{#2 }%
%%///////////////// End of code of my own replacement-routine. ////////////////
\expandafter \expandafter
\expandafter \z@
\expandafter \UD@firstoftwo
Let's use \verb|i| as \textit{$\langle$index$\rangle$}---\verb|$\GenSeq{f(i)}{i}{1}{n}$| yields:
Let's use \verb|i| as \textit{$\langle$index$\rangle$}, but \textit{$\langle$min~index$\rangle$} not a digit sequence---\verb|$\GenSeq{f(i)}{i}{k}{n}$| yields:
Let's use \verb|s| as \textit{$\langle$index$\rangle$}---\verb|$\GenSeq{\theta^{(s)}}{s}{s}{T}$| yields:
Let's use \verb|\Weird\Woozles| as \textit{$\langle$index$\rangle$}---\begin{verbatim}
\end{verbatim} yields:
Let's use the explicit space token as \textit{$\langle$index$\rangle$}---\verb|$\GenSeq{f( )}{ }{k}{n}$| yields:
$\GenSeq{f( )}{ }{k}{n}$
Let's use the explicit space token as \textit{$\langle$index$\rangle$}---\verb|$\GenSeq{f( )}{ }{-5}{n}$| yields:
$\GenSeq{f( )}{ }{-5}{n}$