命名 \newcommand 参数以提高代码清晰度

命名 \newcommand 参数以提高代码清晰度

我有许多命令需要最多 8 个参数,其中有许多地方使用各种参数。如果能够在命令中命名参数以使代码更易于理解,那就太好了。这是一个使用 C 预处理器的 MWE,显示了我想要实现的目标。如何在没有 cpp 的情况下做到这一点?




#define MYVALUE #1

  \addplot [mark=*] coordinates{(MYVALUE,0.3)};
  \draw node at (axis cs:MYVALUE,0.4) [below] {MYVALUE};


    \addplot coordinates{(0,0) (1,1)};






下面显示了我尝试过的一些方法。目前,我使用 pgfkeys 和 pgfplotsextra,如 (tikz 中 addplot 和 draw 的扩展有什么不同吗?),但这正变得越来越成问题,因为,例如,多次调用 \mydraw 等命令会失败。我正在寻找一个比 pgfkeys 更简单的解决方案。对我来说,这很困难的部分原因是 draw 中发生的奇怪的两遍事件。其中一些可以编译,但由于两遍处理,其中一个点的标签被删除。

% This I can't get to compile to test.

% \def doesn't have the command/renewcommand problem.  It
% just fails the two pass thing.

% \newcommand doesn't work because I have to know when I
% am redefining something to use \renewcommand.  If I define
%\newcommand \MYVALUE outside of \mydraw, it fails the two
% pass thing.

%  \addplot [mark=*] coordinates{(\MYVALUE,0.3)};
%  \draw node at (axis cs:\MYVALUE,0.4) [below] {\MYVALUE};



在提供的答案中,egreg 的答案是按照问题的原始定义给出的最佳答案。我已将其标记为答案。



只要占位符没有以不同的方式使用并且仅由 ASCII 字符组成,您就可以这样做

%\usepackage{xparse} % not needed with LaTeX 2020-10-01 or later

  % #1 = command to define
  % #2 = list of arguments
  % #3 = replacement text
  \donham_varnewcommand:Nnn #1 { #2 } { #3 }

\seq_new:N \l__donham_varnewcommand_args_seq
\tl_new:N \l__donham_varnewcommand_replacement_tl
\tl_new:N \l__donham_varnewcommand_name_tl
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \cs_set:Nn { cV }

\cs_new_protected:Nn \donham_varnewcommand:Nnn
  % make a sequence from the argument name list
  \seq_set_from_clist:Nn \l__donham_varnewcommand_args_seq { #2 }
  % build an internal function name from the command we want to define
  % it needs to end in : followed by as many n as the number of args
  \tl_set:Nx \l__donham_varnewcommand_name_tl
    \cs_to_str:N #1 : \prg_replicate:nn { \seq_count:N \l__donham_varnewcommand_args_seq } { n }
  % save the replacement text in a tl variable
  \tl_set:Nn \l__donham_varnewcommand_replacement_tl { #3 }
  % now cycle through the sequence of arguments
  \seq_map_indexed_function:NN \l__donham_varnewcommand_args_seq \__donham_varnewcommand_replace:nn
  % the replacements have been done; define the internal function
  \cs_set:cV  { \l__donham_varnewcommand_name_tl } \l__donham_varnewcommand_replacement_tl
  % now set #1 to be the same as the just built function
  \cs_new_eq:Nc #1 { \l__donham_varnewcommand_name_tl }

\cs_new_protected:Nn \__donham_varnewcommand_replace:nn
  % replace the k-th item in the sequence with #<k>
  \regex_replace_all:nnN { #2 } { \cP\# #1 } \l__donham_varnewcommand_replacement_tl


  \addplot [mark=*] coordinates{(MYVALUE,0.3)};
  \draw node at (axis cs:MYVALUE,0.4) [below] {MYVALUE};




> \mydraw=\long macro:
#1->\addplot [mark=*]coordinates{(#1,0.3)};\draw nodeat(axiscs:#1,0.4)[below]{#1};.
l.47 \show\mydraw

> \foo=\long macro:
l.49 \show\foo


您使用pgfplots基于 pgf 的,因此您可以使用 pgf 键。

\pgfkeys{/my args/.cd,my value/.initial=0}%

\pgfkeys{/my args/.cd,#1}%
\edef\temp{% <- this is necessary because of the way pgfplots surveys and executes stuff
  \noexpand\addplot [mark=*] coordinates{(\pgfkeysvalueof{/my args/my value},0.3)};
  \noexpand\draw node at (axis cs:\pgfkeysvalueof{/my args/my value},0.4) [below] {\pgfkeysvalueof{/my args/my value}};


    \addplot coordinates{(0,0) (1,1)};

    \mydraw{my value=0.4}
    \mydraw{my value=0.6}




当然,你可以定义一个你不需要的版本my value=,但是这样更容易造成混淆。

\pgfkeys{/my args/.cd,my value/.initial=0}%

\pgfkeys{/my args/.cd,my value=#1}%
\edef\temp{% <- this is necessary because of the way pgfplots surveys and executes stuff
  \noexpand\addplot [mark=*] coordinates{(\pgfkeysvalueof{/my args/my value},0.3)};
  \noexpand\draw node at (axis cs:\pgfkeysvalueof{/my args/my value},0.4) [below] {\pgfkeysvalueof{/my args/my value}};


    \addplot coordinates{(0,0) (1,1)};






第一个参数是用逗号分隔的 -pair 列表。⟨tokens to replace⟩=⟨replacement⟩

第二个参数是⟨brace balanced list of tokens⟩

⟨brace balanced list of tokens⟩每个实例中,⟨tokens to replace⟩将被替换⟨replacement⟩为每个对。⟨tokens to replace⟩=⟨replacement⟩

!!! 谨慎使用 !!!

  1. \ReplacementScope作为副作用,还通过匹配花括号 /  !!!替换 catcode 1(开始组)/2(结束组)的所有匹配显式字符标记对{1(begin group)}2(end group)
  2. ⟨tokens to replace⟩不能包含 catcode 1(开始组)或 2(结束组)的明确字符标记!!!
  3. ⟨tokens to replace⟩不能包含 catcode 6(参数)的标记!!!
  4. 定义临时宏,因此无法完全扩展!!!
  5. 您需要注意替换的正确顺序!!!

您可以使用它\ReplacementScope来替换文本字符串,例如 by#1或 by#2##1任何其他的。

广告项目 1:

在正常的 catcode-régime 下,catcode 1 的唯一字符是左花括号,catcode 2 的唯一字符是右花括号。因此,在正常的 catcode-régime 下,通过匹配花括号替换 catcode 1/2 的字符标记不会产生差异。即使在异常的 catcode-régime 下对事物进行了标记,替换通常也无关紧要。但存在极端情况。

例如,如果您已为角色分配了 catcode 1 X,则可以使用Xlike {and,例如,do
\def\tempaXdefinition of tempa}%:。



如果在 内完成\ReplacementScope,那么这将转向



假设由于某种不为人知的原因,您希望应用#{-notation 来定义一个宏\tempa,该宏的参数由类别代码 1(开始组)的显式 X 字符标记分隔,并将保留在原处。

\def\tempa#1#Xdefinition of tempa}%






而不是由的参数来分隔,而将由 来分隔,这会影响分隔符匹配。X1(begin group)\tempa{1(begin group)

广告项目 5:



\ReplacementScope{VARIABLEA=#1, INNERVARIABLEA=##1}{%


    #1 and INNER#1


\ReplacementScope{INNERVARIABLEA=##1, VARIABLEA=#1}{%


    #1 and ##1

我认为,只要您不进行令人费解的纯 TeX 欺骗,您就会非常安全。\def\macro#1#⟨non-brace-character of catcode 1⟩



其次,我看到有人试图将与 TeX 中提供的编程范式以外的内容转移到 TeX。根据我的经验,这样的工作很容易遇到困难,只有非常熟悉 TeX 的编程范式才能解决。但如果你非常熟悉 TeX 的编程范式,那么你就不需要从其他编程领域进行这样的转移。

第三,替换任务可能由编辑器/用于编写.tex 文件的软件来执行。



%%//////////////////////// Code of \ReplacementScope: /////////////////////////
%%//////////////////// End of code of \ReplacementScope: //////////////////////

%%//////////////////// Code of my own replacement-routine: ////////////////////
%% Paraphernalia:
%%    \UD@firstoftwo, \UD@secondoftwo,
%%    \UD@PassFirstToSecond, \UD@Exchange, \UD@removespace
%%    \UD@CheckWhetherNull, \UD@CheckWhetherBrace,
%%    \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens, \UD@ExtractFirstArg
\newcommand\UD@removespace{}\UD@firstoftwo{\def\UD@removespace}{} {}%
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
%% Check whether argument's first token is a catcode-1-character
%% \UD@CheckWhetherBrace{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                      {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                        which is to be checked has leading
%%                        catcode-1-token>}%
%%                      {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                        which is to be checked has no leading
%%                        catcode-1-token>}%
%% Check whether argument's leading tokens form a specific 
%% token-sequence that does neither contain explicit character tokens of 
%% category code 1 or 2 nor contain tokens of category code 6:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{<argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                              {<a <token sequence> without explicit 
%%                                character tokens of category code
%%                                1 or 2 and without tokens of
%%                                category code 6>}%
%%                              {<internal token-check-macro>}%
%%                              {<tokens to be delivered in case
%%                                <argument which is to be checked> has
%%                                <token sequence> as leading tokens>}%
%%                              {<tokens to be delivered in case 
%%                                <argument which is to be checked>
%%                                does not have <token sequence> as
%%                                leading tokens>}%
%% \UD@internaltokencheckdefiner{<internal token-check-macro>}%
%%                              {<token sequence>}%
%% Defines <internal token-check-macro> to snap everything 
%% until reaching <token sequence>-sequence and spit that out
%% nested in braces.
\UD@internaltokencheckdefiner{\UD@InternalExplicitSpaceCheckMacro}{ }%
%% Extract first inner undelimited argument:
%%   \romannumeral\UD@ExtractFirstArgLoop{ABCDE\UD@SelDOm} yields  {A}
%%   \romannumeral\UD@ExtractFirstArgLoop{{AB}CDE\UD@SelDOm} yields  {AB}
%% \UD@Replace{<token-sequence to replace>}%
%%            {<replacement>}%
%%            {<tokens afterwards>}
%%            {<token list>}
%% Replaces all instances of <token-sequence to replace> in <token list>
%% by <replacement>. The result will be nested in curly braces and
%% preceeded by <tokens afterwards>.
%% !!! Does also replace all pairs of matching explicit character tokens of
%%     catcode 1/2 by matching braces!!!
%% !!! <token-sequence to replace> must not contain explicit character tokens
%%     of catcode 1 or 2 !!!
%% !!! <token-sequence to replace> must not contain tokens of catcode 6 !!!
%% !!! Defines temporary macro \UD@temp, therefore not expandable !!!
  % #1 - <token-sequence to replace>
  % #2 - <replacement>
  % #3 - <tokens afterwards>
  % #4 - <token list>
  % Do:
  %  \UD@internaltokencheckdefiner{\UD@temp}{<token-sequence to replace>}%
  %  \romannumeral\UD@ReplaceLoop{<token list>}%
  %                              {<sequence created so far, initially empty>}%
  %                              {<token-sequence to replace>}%
  %                              {<replacement>}%
  %                              {<tokens afterwards>}%
  % #1 - <token list>
  % #2 - <sequence created so far, initially empty>
  % #3 - <token-sequence to replace>
  % #4 - <replacement>
  % #5 - <tokens afterwards>
      \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{#1}{ }{\UD@InternalExplicitSpaceCheckMacro}{%
         \expandafter{\UD@removespace#1}{#2 }%
%%///////////////// End of code of my own replacement-routine. ////////////////

\ReplacementScope{VAR_A=#1, VAR_B=#2, VAR_C=#3}{%
    Argument 1 is VAR_A.\\
    Argument 2 is VAR_B.\\
    Argument 3 is VAR_C.

    Three arguments are gobbled.
    This sentence contains the string VAR_A.\\
    This sentence contains the string VAR_B.\\
    This sentence contains the string VAR_C.\\

\ReplacementScope{INNERVAR_A=##1, INNERVAR_B=##2, INNERVAR_C=##3, VAR_A=#1, VAR_B=#2, VAR_C=#3}{%
      Argument 1 is INNERVAR_A.\\
      Argument 2 is INNERVAR_B.\\
      Argument 3 is INNERVAR_C.


    \addplot [mark=*] coordinates{(MYVALUE,0.3)};
    \draw node at (axis cs:MYVALUE,0.4) [below] {MYVALUE};




\ReplacementScope{VAR_A=#1, VAR_B=#2, VAR_C=#3}{%
    Argument 1 is VAR_A.\\
    Argument 2 is VAR_B.\\
    Argument 3 is VAR_C.


    Three arguments are gobbled.
    This sentence contains the string VAR_A.\\
    This sentence contains the string VAR_B.\\
    This sentence contains the string VAR_C.\\


\ReplacementScope{INNERVAR_A=##1, INNERVAR_B=##2, INNERVAR_C=##3, VAR_A=#1, VAR_B=#2, VAR_C=#3}{%
      Argument 1 is INNERVAR_A.\\
      Argument 2 is INNERVAR_B.\\
      Argument 3 is INNERVAR_C.


    \addplot [mark=*] coordinates{(MYVALUE,0.3)};
    \draw node at (axis cs:MYVALUE,0.4) [below] {MYVALUE};





    \addplot coordinates{(0,0) (1,1)};







我刚刚想到,可以用另一种方法摆脱第 1 至 4 项中提到的限制:

\ReplacementScope在 verbatim-catcode-régime 下读取其参数,例如v/+vxparse 的 -type,将其放入⟨brace balanced list of tokens⟩expl3-token-list-variable 中,并通过递归调用 expl3 的-function 迭代以逗号分隔的-pairs列表,然后将结果传递给重新标记和重新消化 - 此代码比我的其他方法中的代码短得多,并且您不需要:⟨tokens to replace⟩=⟨replacement⟩\keyval_parse:NNn\tl_replace_all:Nnn ⟨tl var⟩ {⟨old tokens⟩} {⟨new tokens⟩}\tex_scantokens:D\makeatletter..\makeatother


由于替换指令是以逗号分隔的列表⟨tokens to replace⟩=⟨replacement⟩

  • \ReplacementScope不能用于替换包含至少一个逗号的短语。
  • \ReplacementScope不能用于替换带有前导和/或尾随空格的短语。

作为\ReplacementScope在 verbatim-catcode-régime 下读取和标记的进程参数,适用与命令相同的限制\verb


%%//////////////////////// Code of \ReplacementScope: /////////////////////////
  % Catcode of horizontal tab is not switched to 12(other) by xparse's
  % routine for reading v/+v-type-arguments, so let's do that now:
             {Line\ #2\ specifies\ to\ replace\ the\ phrase:\\#1\\But\ a\ replacement\ text\ is\ not\ specified.} 
             {If\ you\ want\ to\ replace\ things,\ then\ you\ need\ to\ specify\ both\ the\ phrase\ to\ replace\ and\ the\ replacement\ text.}
\cs_new:Nn \ReplacementScope_NovalueError:n {
  \cs_set:Nn \msg_error_text:n {##1~Error:}
  \msg_error:nnxx {ReplacementScope}{NoValueError}{#1}{\msg_line_number:}
\cs_new:Nn \ReplacementScope_Replace:nn {
  \tl_replace_all:Nnn \l_tmpa_tl {#1}{#2}
\char_set_catcode_other:N \^^M
    \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl {#2}
    \keyval_parse:NNn \ReplacementScope_NovalueError:n \ReplacementScope_Replace:nn { #1 }
    \exp_args:Nnc \use:n { \exp_args:Nno \tl_put_right:Nn { \l_tmpa_tl } } {@percentchar}
    \exp_args:Nno \tl_put_left:Nn {\l_tmpa_tl} {\token_to_str:N \endgroup ^^M}
    % \tl_show:N \l_tmpa_tl
    \exp_args:NV \tex_scantokens:D {\l_tmpa_tl}
%%//////////////////// End of code of \ReplacementScope: //////////////////////

\ReplacementScope{VAR_A=#1, VAR_B=#2, VAR_C=#3}{%
    Argument 1 is VAR_A.\\
    Argument 2 is VAR_B.\\
    Argument 3 is VAR_C.

\ReplacementScope|}VAR_A}=#1, }VAR_B}=#2, }VAR_C}=#3||%
    Argument 1 is }VAR_A}.\\
    Argument 2 is }VAR_B}.\\
    Argument 3 is }VAR_C}.

    Three arguments are gobbled.
    This sentence contains the string VAR_A.\\
    This sentence contains the string VAR_B.\\
    This sentence contains the string VAR_C.\\

\ReplacementScope{INNERVAR_A=##1, INNERVAR_B=##2, INNERVAR_C=##3, VAR_A=#1, VAR_B=#2, VAR_C=#3}{%
      Argument 1 is INNERVAR_A.\\
      Argument 2 is INNERVAR_B.\\
      Argument 3 is INNERVAR_C.


    \addplot [mark=*] coordinates{(MYVALUE,0.3)};
    \draw node at (axis cs:MYVALUE,0.4) [below] {MYVALUE};



\advance\oddsidemargin -.75in\relax
\advance\textwidth 1.5in\relax
\advance\linewidth 1.5in\relax
\advance\hsize 1.5in\relax
\null\kern-1.7in \enlargethispage{.3in}%

\ReplacementScope{VAR_A=#1, VAR_B=#2, VAR_C=#3}{%
    Argument 1 is VAR_A.\\
    Argument 2 is VAR_B.\\
    Argument 3 is VAR_C.



\ReplacementScope|}VAR_A}=#1, }VAR_B}=#2, }VAR_C}=#3||%
    Argument 1 is }VAR_A}.\\
    Argument 2 is }VAR_B}.\\
    Argument 3 is }VAR_C}.



    Three arguments are gobbled.
    This sentence contains the string VAR_A.\\
    This sentence contains the string VAR_B.\\
    This sentence contains the string VAR_C.\\



\ReplacementScope{INNERVAR_A=##1, INNERVAR_B=##2, INNERVAR_C=##3, VAR_A=#1, VAR_B=#2, VAR_C=#3}{%
      Argument 1 is INNERVAR_A.\\
      Argument 2 is INNERVAR_B.\\
      Argument 3 is INNERVAR_C.



    \addplot [mark=*] coordinates{(MYVALUE,0.3)};
    \draw node at (axis cs:MYVALUE,0.4) [below] {MYVALUE};






    \addplot coordinates{(0,0) (1,1)};




在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述
