如何绘制与旁边的 parbox 高度完全相同的垂直线

如何绘制与旁边的 parbox 高度完全相同的垂直线



现在,使用我的代码,我不知道如何设置垂直线高度以精确获得的高度\parbox。这就是为什么为了演示,我将其设置为 1cm。有人知道如何通过对我的代码进行小幅修改来获得我想要的输出,或者有更好的方法来实现这一点吗?



\newcommand{\lorem}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectus.}

            \fill [bottom color=red, top color=blue] (0cm, 0cm) rectangle (-0.05cm, 1cm);

    \customsection{TEST}{\lorem \\ \lorem \\ \lorem}

我也尝试过访问 parbox 高度,但这对我来说不起作用: 访问 \parbox 的高度


我的输出: 在此处输入图片描述





\newcommand{\lorem}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectus.}

% Define owmal's box to store the \parbox

% Notice where `%' are added to suppress end-of-line spaces!
% First we save \parbox into \owmalsbox.
% We also use \strut both at the beginning and at the end,
% and this will ensure that the first line and the last line
% have the same height (in most cases).
% The total height of the \parbox is now available as
% \the\ht\owmalsbox+\the\dp\owmalsbox, so we can put our
% side-way text at (\the\ht\owmalsbox+\the\dp\owmalsbox)/2,
% and draw our rectangle accordingly. The minipage has the
% optional argument `c' to go with `\parbox[c]...' above.
% Notice again the use of \strut in the side-way text.
            \node [rotate=90, above] at
                (-0.05cm, {(\the\ht\owmalsbox+\the\dp\owmalsbox)/2})
            \fill [bottom color=red, top color=blue]
                (0cm, 0cm)
                (-0.05cm, \the\ht\owmalsbox+\the\dp\owmalsbox);
% The following additional space depends on how you setup
% the minipage (it is 0.05\textwidth wide for now).
% Adjust these if necessary.
% Finally we typeset \owmalsbox by releasing its content
% (and also destroy its content).

    \customsection{TEST}{\lorem \\ \lorem \\ \lorem}

