3- 接受可选的换行命令。例如,表示默认情况下\myswitch[1][\mathit]
所有下标都换行,并且只要开关打开,就不会格式化下标但会将下标字符分组。\mathit{<all the subscript characters>}
4- 当下标被一对花括号括起来时,能够在下标中包含空格,而不将其视为终止字符{}
Before switching it on\\
\verb|$A_BCD$| should yield the same output of \verb|$A_B CD$|\\
Enabling the switch inside an environment or group\\
\verb*|\begin{some environemnt} or \begingroup|\\
Switch it on here\\
\verb|$A_BCD E_FGH$| should yield the same output of \verb|$A_\mathit{BCD} E_\mathit{FGH}$|\\
Change the default \verb|\mathit| to wrap the subscript in, for example, \verb|\mathrm|\\
\verb|$A_BCD E_FGH$| should yield the same output of \verb|$A_\mathrm{BCD} E_\mathrm{FGH}$|\\
Spaces can be included if the subscript is wrapped in a pair of curly braces\\
\verb|$A_{B CD}$| will yield the same output of \verb|$A_\mathit{B CD}$|\\
Disabling the default optional argument will remove the effect of \verb|\mathit|\\
\verb|$A_BCD E_FGH$| should yield the same output of \verb|$A_{BCD} E_{FGH}$|\\
\verb*|\end{some environemnt} or \endgroup|\\
Even it is left switched on in another environment/group, it has no effect outside it\\
\verb|$A_BCD$| should yield the same output of \verb|$A_B CD$|\\