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\hspace{2ex} % H offset
\sffamily{\huge I. Fireyes} \\ \textit{Full of light; Reveal the way.}


{\footnotesize\textbf{Mercenarium Function:} When you sing I. Fireyes, you may choose and discard any number of cards from your hand (you do not have to discard any if you do not wish to). After this, draw cards from the deck until you are holding the maximum of (5) non-hymn cards.}


{\footnotesize If this hymn causes a player to draw the last card in the deck before they are holding (5) non-hymn cards, the game enters singularity (meaning that the deck, hymnal, and discard pile are shuffled together, see \textcolor{red}{“Singularity” p. xx}) and the player then continues to draw from the singularity deck until they are holding 5 cards. After singing this hymn, discard it.}


{\footnotesize If the game enters singularity for any other reason, the effect of I. Fireyes becomes “Draw (5) cards.”}


{\footnotesize\textbf{Dragonfruit Meanings:}
\textbf{Authority} / Charge, Attraction, Influence / Patience}


{\footnotesize Fireyes represents the gathering of energy before great movement; the act of preparation, of planning, or of cultivating the skills and resources needed to affect meaningful change in the world. It represents leadership and asks us to reflect on the true nature of power; as well as the responsibility of action that comes to those who have cultivated themselves (to have authority is to have both power and duty). It describes the tendency for power to accumulate: As resources and respect build, so too the creative capacities of its sovereignty. Its alteration suggests that the way to cultivate authority is through patience – though taking the time to wait, to learn, and to listen.}


{\footnotesize \textbf{Aces} are \textbf{LEADERS}: “The Adept” archetype; Individuals with material power and sources of inspiration or resentment in those around them. Their influence allows them to affect the world in good and bad ways even through small actions. Their powers are amplified by technology, represented in their illustrations as legendary artifacts.}


\hspace{8ex} % H offset
    {\huge \textbf{Lyrics}}


\textit{Foreign melodies, who is telling these}\\
\textit{animated, complicated fugues?}\\
\textit{Form a symphony, out of your sympathies,}\\
\textit{if you'd please tell us what we should do.}\\


\textit{Hidden in the deepest forest,}\\
\textit{there's a quiet, constant chorus,}\\
\textit{led by men, with eyes, of fire.}\\
\textit{Their chanting's only getting stronger;}\\
\textit{they'll all burn if they're much longer;}\\
\textit{cast into, the funeral pyre.}\\


\textit{Animosity is unbecoming,}\\
\textit{overwhelmed as you may feel.}\\
\textit{Color crossed with destiny,}\\
\textit{you'll be satisfied with what the light reveals.}\\


\textit{Hidden in the deepest forest,}\\
\textit{there's a quiet, constant chorus}\\
\textit{led by men with eyes of fire,}\\
\textit{as they ignite that funeral pyre.}\\
\textit{Their chanting's only getting stronger.}\\
\textit{They'll all burn if they're much longer,}\\
\textit{but they afford their apathy to}\\
\textit{the fire in their eyes.}\\





在用内容 ( \SetVerticalCoffin) 填充框后,您开始逐个连接,每次编译以查看它们是否正确对齐。因此,在第一步中,您只需要

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第一行将顶部图形的右上角与定义文本区域的 6x6 英寸绿色规则的右上角连接起来。




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\hspace{2ex} % H offset
\sffamily{\huge I. Fireyes} \\ \textit{Full of light; Reveal the way.} 


{\footnotesize\textbf{Mercenarium Function:} When you sing the Fireyes hymn, you may select and discard any number of cards from your hand (you do not have to discard any if you do not wish to). After this, draw cards from the deck until you are holding the maximum of (5) non-hymn cards.}


{\footnotesize If Fireyes causes a player to draw the last card in the deck before they are holding (5) non-hymn cards, the game enters singularity (meaning that the deck, hymnal, and discard pile are shuffled together, see “Singularity” p. xx) and then continues to draw from the singularity deck until they are holding 5 cards.}


{\footnotesize If the game enters singularity for any other reason, the effect of the Fireyes hymn becomes “Draw (5) cards.}


{\footnotesize\textbf{Dragonfruit Core Meaning / Secondary Themes / Alteration:}
\textbf{Authority} / Charge, Attraction, Influence / Patience
(color/geometry: Fire \textbf{yellow tetrahedron}) (card value: \textbf{Ace}) (astrological sign: \textbf{Aries})}

9. \kant[9]


{\footnotesize Fireyes represents the gathering of energy before great movement. It symbolizes the act of preparation, of planning, or of cultivating the skills and resources needed to affect meaningful change in the world. It represents leadership and asks us to reflect on the true nature of power.}


{\footnotesize Its core meaning (Authority) alludes to the responsibility of action that comes to those who have cultivated greatness within them; to have authority is to have both power and duty. Its secondary themes (Charge, Attraction, and Influence) elicit the image of an individual whose skills, resources, or charisma empowers them to trigger great change in the material world; authority draws people to it, giving the authority figure a great deal of influence on the actions of others. Its alteration (Patience) suggests that the way to cultivate authority is through patience – though taking the time to learn, to work hard, and to listen to others.}


{\footnotesize\textbf{Aces} are \textbf{LEADERS}: “The Adept”. Authority figures. Aces are sources of inspiration or jealousy in those around them. Their influence allows them to affect the world even through small actions. Their powers are amplified by technology, represented in their illustrations as legendary artifacts.}



