chappg 阻止打印词汇表

chappg 阻止打印词汇表

我正在写一份包含多个章节的报告。我使用 chappg 包按章节对页码进行编号\pagenumbering{bychapter}。在文档的开头,我想放一个词汇表。问题是,当我打开 chappg 按章节对页码进行编号时,词汇表并没有显示在文档中。我在词汇表文档中搜索了 chappg,反之亦然,但没有任何结果。

我正在使用 pdflatex、makeglossaries、pdflatex、pdflatex 进行编译。


\usepackage[auto]{chappg}       % For chapter separated page numbering
\usepackage[nonumberlist, acronym, toc, section]{glossaries}      

    name=Glossary Entry One,
    description={Description of glossary entry}



% \pagenumbering{arabic}            % Glossary doesn't show without this line
\pagenumbering{bychapter}       % Glossary doesn't show with this line


Chapter text for chapter 1. \gls{glsentry1}

More text.



main.glg 报告如下错误:

This is makeindex, version 2.15 [MiKTeX 2.9.7250 64-bit] (kpathsea + Thai support).
Scanning style file ./ (29 attributes redefined, 0 ignored).
Scanning input file main.glo...
!! Input index error (file = main.glo, line = 1):
   -- Illegal Arabic digit: position 2 in 1-1.
done (0 entries accepted, 1 rejected).
Nothing written in main.gls.
Transcript written in main.glg.
