持续错误“未定义控制序列。\cellcolor”与“colortbl”LaTeX 包

持续错误“未定义控制序列。\cellcolor”与“colortbl”LaTeX 包

我遇到了一个持续性错误,该错误出现在以下 MWE 中(使用 TablesGenerator.com 生成并使用 Texpad 测试)。错误“未定义控制序列。\cellcolor”不是似乎是由于 TablesGenerator.com,但使用“彩色表格' LaTeX 包。StackExchange 等网站上的几篇帖子指出,使用过时的版本的'彩色表格' 包。我有三重检查我正在使用最新版本的“colortbl”包[2020/01/04 v1.0e 颜色表列(DPC)]大卫·卡莱尔。然而,错误‘未定义控制序列。\cellcolor’仍然存在。如能帮助辨别导致错误的原因,我们将不胜感激。

>{\columncolor[HTML]{C5C5C5}}l ll}
\cellcolor[HTML]{FDD}                                  & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\cellcolor[HTML]{FDD}\textbf{Amount (Gt carbon; 1 Gt = 1015 g)}} &  &  \\ \cline{2-5} 
\multirow{-2}{*}{\cellcolor[HTML]{FDD}\textbf{Region}} & \textbf{Before anthropogenic change}      & \textbf{After anthropogenic change}     &  &  \\ \cline{1-1}
{{\bfseries Table \thetable\ continued from previous page}} \\
\cellcolor[HTML]{FDD}                                  & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\cellcolor[HTML]{FDD}\textbf{Amount (Gt carbon; 1 Gt = 1015 g)}} &  &  \\ \cline{2-5} 
\multirow{-2}{*}{\cellcolor[HTML]{FDD}\textbf{Region}} & \textbf{Before anthropogenic change}      & \textbf{After anthropogenic change}     &  &  \\ \cline{1-1}
land plants                                            & 610                                       & 550                                     &  &  \\
soil and humus                                         & 1,500                                     & \cellcolor[HTML]{FDD}no change          &  &  \\
atmosphere                                             & 600                                       & 750 (+3.4 per annum)                    &  &  \\
upper ocean                                             & 1,000                                     & 1,020 (+0.4 per annum)                  &  &  \\
marine life                                            & 3                                         & \cellcolor[HTML]{FDD}no change          &  &  \\
dissolved organic carbon                               & 700                                       & \cellcolor[HTML]{FDD}no change          &  &  \\
mid-depth and deep ocean                               & 38,000                                    & 38,100 (+1.6 per annum)                 &  &  \\ \hline
\caption{The separation between the fast-carbon and slow-carbon timescales has been significantly disturbed through the burning of fossil fuel.  The following tables give some current estimates for the carbon budget and the carbon flux budget.}



! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \@@scl 
\XC@cnv@HTML ...TML@ \@@tmp \edef \@@scl {\@cclv }

来自 xcolor 的 HTML 颜色模型转换




! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \@@scl 
l.4 \definecolor{zzz}{HTML}{FDD}

xcolor 手册说

HTML 接受字符 0–9、A–F、a–f 的任意组合,只要字符串长度正好为 6 个字符。

即不支持 3 位数字形式,FFDDDD则不会出现错误。
