Samba 服务器未出现在 Linux 和 Windows 上

Samba 服务器未出现在 Linux 和 Windows 上

我在本地服务器上安装了 samba,我们需要通过网络共享文件。它启动正常,但根本没有显示在网络上。我甚至无法通过 Linux 或 Windows 中的 IP 尝试访问它。

我没有在此服务器上设置防火墙,并且 NFS 运行正常,没有任何问题。

Ubuntu 16.04.5


    server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)
    panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
    passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .
    netbios name = myserver.local
    security = user
    obey pam restrictions = yes
    server role = standalone server
    socket options = TCP_NODELAY
    interfaces =
    pam password change = yes
    passdb backend = tdbsam
    map to guest = bad user
    unix password sync = yes
    os level = 20
    encrypt passwords = yes
    log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
    dns proxy = no
    max log size = 1000
    passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
    bind interfaces only = false
    syslog = 0
    workgroup = WORKGROUP
    usershare allow guests = yes

   comment = All Printers
   browseable = no
   path = /var/spool/samba
   printable = yes
   guest ok = no
   read only = yes
   create mask = 0700

   comment = Printer Drivers
   path = /var/lib/samba/printers
   browseable = yes
   read only = yes
   guest ok = no

    force group = me
    writeable = yes
    force user = me
    path = /home/me/shares


netstat -antp不显示smbd


Oct 24 11:41:49 user systemd[1]: Starting LSB: start Samba SMB/CIFS daemon (smbd)...
Oct 24 11:41:49 user smbd[28299]:  * Starting SMB/CIFS daemon smbd
Oct 24 11:41:49 user smbd[28299]: Warning: Fake start-stop-daemon called, doing nothing.
Oct 24 11:41:49 user smbd[28299]:    ...done.
Oct 24 11:41:49 user systemd[1]: Started LSB: start Samba SMB/CIFS daemon (smbd).


smbclient -L localhost

WARNING: The "syslog" option is deprecated
Connection to localhost failed (Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED)


ls /sbin/start-stop-daemon*

/sbin/start-stop-daemon  /sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL


sudo apt install -f

Error: Server version (5.7.23-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) does not match with the version of
the server (5.7.24) with which this program was built/distributed. You can
use --skip-version-check to skip this check.
mysql_upgrade failed with exit status 3
dpkg: error processing package mysql-server-5.7 (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
No apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.
                                                                                                          dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of mysql-server:
 mysql-server depends on mysql-server-5.7; however:
  Package mysql-server-5.7 is not configured yet.

dpkg: error processing package mysql-server (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

我最初安装 samba 时没有遇到任何问题,并且从那时起我安装了其他软件包也没有问题,只有 samba。


看来 Ubuntu 安装有误,出于某种原因,它将启动作业链接到了虚假的启动脚本。答案是将其移至真实脚本:

sudo mv /sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL /sbin/start-stop-daemon

