我使用 outreg 命令来获取以下 tex 代码,但我找不到如何使系数及其标准误差尽可能接近。
\setlength{\pdfpagewidth}{12in} \setlength{\pdfpageheight}{11in}
\usepackage[a4paper,includeheadfoot,margin=2.5 cm]{geometry}
\begin{tabular}{lcccccc} \hline \hline
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6) \\
& ic7d & ic14d & ic7d & ic14d & ic7d & ic14d \\ \hline
& \\
\textbf{c7} & 0.003 \sym{}\\
& (0.0025) \\
\textbf{c14} & & 0.003 \sym{}\\
& & (0.0025) \\
\textbf{avrg7} & & & -0.502* \sym{}\\
& & & (0.2030) \\
\textbf{avrg14} & & & & -0.506* \sym{}\\
& & & & (0.2070) \\
\textbf{dg7} & & & & & 1.257** \sym{}\\
& & & & & (0.2980) & \\
\textbf{dg14} & & & & & & 1.261** \sym{}\\
& & & & & & (0.3010) \\
\textbf{Number of Obs.} & 1,453 & 1,402 & 1,424 & 1,373 & 1,377 & 1,326 \\
\textbf{R-squared} & 0.001 & 0.001 & 0.093 & 0.093 & 0.169 & 0.170 \\
\hline \hline
\multicolumn{7}{\linewidth}{\small Robust standard errors in parentheses; + p$<$0.1, * p$<$0.05, ** p$<$0.01} \\
\multicolumn{7}{\linewidth}{\small Table 1} \\
\multicolumn{7}{\linewidth}{\small The regressions are of 7 days of lags.} \\
\ \end{adjustbox}
自动处理该问题的包可能会让您感兴趣。在下面的 MWE 中,我还对序言和表格代码本身做了一些更改,以进一步改进输出:
%\setlength{\pdfpagewidth}{12in} \setlength{\pdfpageheight}{11in} % seems to contradict the geometry package options you set, therefore removed
%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % default with up to date latex
\usepackage[a4paper,includeheadfoot,margin=2.5 cm]{geometry}
\usepackage{amsmath} % switched load order to prevent error messages
%\usepackage{adjustbox} % not needed any more, since adjustbox environment around table was removed. Using adjustbox on a table makes font sized inconsistent. If you insist on a table that is exactly as wide as the textwidth, take a look at the second example.
%%%% unrelated to the table issue: %%%%
\usepackage{setspace} % replacement for \linespread. Only afects text, does not change line spacing inside of tables
\usepackage{caption} % improve spacing around caption, offers ways to change the caption's style
\usepackage{booktabs} % for horizontal lines with improved spacing
\usepackage{lipsum} % just for dummy text. Do not use in real document.
\caption{The regressions are of 7 days of lags.}
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6) \\
& ic7d & ic14d & ic7d & ic14d & ic7d & ic14d \\
\textbf{c7} & 0.003 \\
& (0.0025) \\
\textbf{c14} & & 0.003 \\
& & (0.0025) \\
\textbf{avrg7} & & & -0.502* \\
& & & (0.2030) \\
\textbf{avrg14} & & & & -0.506* \\
& & & & (0.2070) \\
\textbf{dg7} & & & & & 1.257** \\
& & & & & (0.2980) & \\
\textbf{dg14} & & & & & & 1.261** \\
& & & & & & (0.3010) \\
\textbf{Number of Obs.} & 1,453 & 1,402 & 1,424 & 1,373 & 1,377 & 1,326 \\
\textbf{R-squared} & 0.001 & 0.001 & 0.093 & 0.093 & 0.169 & 0.170 \\
\multicolumn{7}{l}{\small Robust standard errors in parentheses; + p$<$0.1, * p$<$0.05, ** p$<$0.01}
\caption{The regressions are of 7 days of lags.}
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6) \\
& ic7d & ic14d & ic7d & ic14d & ic7d & ic14d \\
\textbf{c7} & 0.003 \\
& (0.0025) \\
\textbf{c14} & & 0.003 \\
& & (0.0025) \\
\textbf{avrg7} & & & -0.502* \\
& & & (0.2030) \\
\textbf{avrg14} & & & & -0.506* \\
& & & & (0.2070) \\
\textbf{dg7} & & & & & 1.257** \\
& & & & & (0.2980) & \\
\textbf{dg14} & & & & & & 1.261** \\
& & & & & & (0.3010) \\
\textbf{Number of Obs.} & 1,453 & 1,402 & 1,424 & 1,373 & 1,377 & 1,326 \\
\textbf{R-squared} & 0.001 & 0.001 & 0.093 & 0.093 & 0.169 & 0.170 \\
\multicolumn{7}{l}{\small Robust standard errors in parentheses; + p$<$0.1, * p$<$0.05, ** p$<$0.01}