我想写这封信乙在枚举中,它直接位于字母之下A(相同的 x - 位置)。我尝试使用 ~ 或 \vspace{0.1cm} 手动调整乙但这些命令在枚举环境中不起作用。
编辑: 我只想缩进此特定枚举环境中的文本。其他枚举环境中的文本不应缩进!
\usepackage[paper=a4paper, marginparwidth=24mm, marginparsep=1mm, margin=15mm, includemp]{geometry}
\pagestyle{empty} % Uncomment this to get rid of page numbers
\parbox{3.5in}{\, \hfill %
\arabic{page} of \protect\pageref*{LastPage} % +LP
% \arabic{page} % -LP
\hfill \,}}
% Finally, give us PDF bookmarks
{\hspace*{-\marginparsep minus \marginparwidth}%
{\large \bfseries #1}\\[-0.15\baselineskip]%
\raggedright \scshape #1}#2}
% An itemize-style list with lots of space between items
% An environment IDENTICAL to outerlist that has better pre-list spacing
% when used as the first thing in a \section
% An itemize-style list with little space between items
% \newenvironment{innerlist}[1][\enskip\textbullet]%
% An environment IDENTICAL to innerlist that has better pre-list spacing
% when used as the first thing in a \section
% To add some paragraph space between lines.
% This also tells LaTeX to preferably break a page on one of these gaps
% if there is a needed pagebreak nearby.
% Uses hyperref to link DOI
%\hyphenpenalty = 9999
% \makeheading{Curriculum Vitae\\ [0.3cm] TIEP HUU VU\quad~~~~~~\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad{\small Last update: December 17, 2015}}
\section{Contact Information}
\newlength{\rcollength}\setlength{\rcollength}{3 in}
& Personal Information
%% ==============================================================
\textbf{Physics, in Pseudo Science} \hfill October 2000 -- June 2020
\item \textit{thesis:} A das das dkgsmpfsd fresfdnsjfdnf fsdfjlksdnfl rewlkrwe dasjk eajkasdad dawdsad eawedasf \vspace*{0.1cm}B
\section{some other section}
\item \textit{thesis:} items that contains a line break should not be intended in this enumeration-environment !!!
\item \textit{thesis:} items that contains a line break should not be intended in this enumeration-environment !!!
\usepackage[paper=a4paper, marginparwidth=24mm, marginparsep=1mm, margin=15mm, includemp]{geometry}
\pagestyle{empty} % Uncomment this to get rid of page numbers
\parbox{3.5in}{\, \hfill %
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% \arabic{page} % -LP
\hfill \,}}
% Finally, give us PDF bookmarks
{\hspace*{-\marginparsep minus \marginparwidth}%
{\large \bfseries #1}\\[-0.15\baselineskip]%
\raggedright \scshape #1}#2}
% An itemize-style list with lots of space between items
% An environment IDENTICAL to outerlist that has better pre-list spacing
% when used as the first thing in a \section
% An itemize-style list with little space between items
% \newenvironment{innerlist}[1][\enskip\textbullet]%
% An environment IDENTICAL to innerlist that has better pre-list spacing
% when used as the first thing in a \section
% To add some paragraph space between lines.
% This also tells LaTeX to preferably break a page on one of these gaps
% if there is a needed pagebreak nearby.
% Uses hyperref to link DOI
%\hyphenpenalty = 9999
% \makeheading{Curriculum Vitae\\ [0.3cm] TIEP HUU VU\quad~~~~~~\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad{\small Last update: December 17, 2015}}
\section{Contact Information}
\newlength{\rcollength}\setlength{\rcollength}{3 in}
& Personal Information
%% ==============================================================
\textbf{Physics, in Pseudo Science} \hfill October 2000 -- June 2020
\item \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[t]{@{}l@{~}X@{}} \textit{thesis:} & B das das dkgsmpfsd fresfdnsjfdnf fsdfjlksdnfl rewlkrwe dasjk eajkasdad dawdsad eaweda B \end{tabularx}
\item \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}[t]{@{}l@{~}X@{}} \textit{some other item with long name:} & B das das dkgsmpfsd fresfdnsjfdnf fsdfjlksdnfl rewlkrwe dasjk eajkasdad dawdsad eaw B \end{tabularx}
\item \textit{shorter item:} shorter item without line break